Seattle federal judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban

Delayed is the word. It will lose on appeal because it has no legal standing.
The law is the law no matter how much it upsets you.

But it's good to see Democrats doing everything in their power to help create mini-Islamic states inside the US so that terrorists can train and plan and eventually kill a bunch of us.You just hope it's not as bad as 911, because then you'd have to be silent for once.

FYI,.....It's a good thing to see this, because it makes the decision to vote against them in the next several elections that much easier.
The USA can't have a temporary immigration ban from nations known to harbor terrorists, because the WHOLE F-ING WORLD'S PEOPLE HAVE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS...don't you know???
The USA can't have a temporary immigration ban from nations known to harbor terrorists, because the WHOLE F-ING WORLD'S PEOPLE HAVE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS...don't you know???

Hey Gip, maybe Oldlady doesn't remember the last President who was Hitlerian and wanted to stop illegal immigration of all sorts for the good of the country--------->

OMG no, that has GOT to hurt the left, say it isn't so! It must have been doctored up, altered, fake news! They are all running to their safe spaces before they melt like the snowflakes they are:Boom2:
The USA can't have a temporary immigration ban from nations known to harbor terrorists, because the WHOLE F-ING WORLD'S PEOPLE HAVE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS...don't you know???

Hey Gip, maybe Oldlady doesn't remember the last President who was Hitlerian and wanted to stop illegal immigration of all sorts for the good of the country--------->

OMG no, that has GOT to hurt the left, say it isn't so! It must have been doctored up, altered, fake news! They are all running to their safe spaces before they melt like the snowflakes they are:Boom2:

History and truth matter NOT to the Left.
gipperflake, that's you talking.

Trump could have issued the EO on the lines of Carter's action almost 40 years ago, but, no, the Trumpies grabbed the bomb and ran and jumped into America's airports.
The USA can't have a temporary immigration ban from nations known to harbor terrorists, because the WHOLE F-ING WORLD'S PEOPLE HAVE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS...don't you know???

Hey Gip, maybe Oldlady doesn't remember the last President who was Hitlerian and wanted to stop illegal immigration of all sorts for the good of the country--------->

OMG no, that has GOT to hurt the left, say it isn't so! It must have been doctored up, altered, fake news! They are all running to their safe spaces before they melt like the snowflakes they are:Boom2:

Use someone else as your inflatable Democrat doll. I never voted for Clinton and if Trump comes up with even better ways to protect us from terrorist attacks in this nation, good for him. I will stand and applaud it. What Trump did with this ban, however, did not make sense and will not make us safer. Focus on freeing up the FBI and Homeland to do the kind of investigating and detaining here that would actually help once one of these guys is in our sites. The last couple, the FBI had already given a going over, at least once, and let go on their merry way. Which ended in many deaths. That is where he should be looking.
What if one of these days, one of these refugees pulls a 911?

You called the country "a shit eating Democracy". Therefore, your comments are justifiably ignorable. Your the piece of shit rustic, you cock sucker. Why are you and your ilk even IN this country?
The USA can't have a temporary immigration ban from nations known to harbor terrorists, because the WHOLE F-ING WORLD'S PEOPLE HAVE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS...don't you know???

Hey Gip, maybe Oldlady doesn't remember the last President who was Hitlerian and wanted to stop illegal immigration of all sorts for the good of the country--------->

OMG no, that has GOT to hurt the left, say it isn't so! It must have been doctored up, altered, fake news! They are all running to their safe spaces before they melt like the snowflakes they are:Boom2:

History and truth matter NOT to the Left.

Ive got some news...truth doesnt matter to the right either.
I don't approve of the way Trump did this Executive Order, but I really find the hypocrisy coming from the Democratic Party quite astounding, but typical. A few years back when Texas was talking about not issuing birth certificate to children born to illegal immigrants the Democrats said the states don't have standing on the issue of immigration as it is strictly a federal matter. Now all of a sudden when the federal government is doing something with immigration they don't like it's now a state issue. Funny how that works, huh.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson had sued, saying the order is causing significant harm to residents and effectively mandates discrimination. Minnesota joined the suit this week.

U.S. judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban
It will end up in the Supreme Court. Every politician signs an oath to protect and serve the citizens of the US. The US does not have to allow anyone entry into this country.

It will never reach the supreme court. The tenpoary ban will be over long before it has a chance.[/QUOTE]

An emergency appeal has been filed and the appeals court can overturn the Judges order.
What if one of these days, one of these refugees pulls a 911?

You called the country "a shit eating Democracy". Therefore, your comments are justifiably ignorable. Your the piece of shit rustic, you cock sucker. Why are you and your ilk even IN this country?
This is really a republic, or at least supposed to be. And yes, a pure democracy is shit eating...
NOT EVEN CLOSE, they are not for IMMIGRANTS they are for CITIZENS of this country ONLY as referenced in the Preamble. TRY AGAIN!!!
Here this will help you: The Constitution for Kids (Kindergarten - 3rd Grade) - The U.S. Constitution Online -
You keep posting documents that do not apply anyone who is not a citizen of the US. When are you going to understand that?
They apply to federal law and executive orders
Only as far as it effects US citizens. It does nothing for anyone else.
If you are born on American soil, then it affects you. If you're a citizen and the government is endorsing 1 or more religions over yours, then it affects you.

What religion is being endorsed with the Trump travel ban?
AvgGuyIA, post: 16493905
This stupid ruling if upheld will open the gates.

"open the gates". Right wing whacko fearmongering based in nothing except fake news.

What it will do is force the Muslim haters in the Trump Admin to take a realistic and honest approach to the vetting process rather than the fear-mongering disruptive and senseless approach that they chose.

Be not afraid little Trumper. Your daddy claims to be really smart. He will figure out a way to protect you even from lightning.

You being hit by lightning is more probable than being killed by a terrorist who gets in from those countries the next four years.

Unless of course Trump has already so pissed off our Muslim friends world wide so much they cease assisting the global intelligence network that is the real means to thwart radical religious terrorists from launching their attacks.
The USA can't have a temporary immigration ban from nations known to harbor terrorists, because the WHOLE F-ING WORLD'S PEOPLE HAVE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS...don't you know???

Hey Gip, maybe Oldlady doesn't remember the last President who was Hitlerian and wanted to stop illegal immigration of all sorts for the good of the country--------->

OMG no, that has GOT to hurt the left, say it isn't so! It must have been doctored up, altered, fake news! They are all running to their safe spaces before they melt like the snowflakes they are:Boom2:

History and truth matter NOT to the Left.

Ive got some news...truth doesnt matter to the right either.

True, but not understanding history and believing in fairy tales, is much more common on the left.

Clearly...anyone who admits to being a leftist, also admits to not knowing history.
The USA can't have a temporary immigration ban from nations known to harbor terrorists, because the WHOLE F-ING WORLD'S PEOPLE HAVE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS...don't you know???

Hey Gip, maybe Oldlady doesn't remember the last President who was Hitlerian and wanted to stop illegal immigration of all sorts for the good of the country--------->

OMG no, that has GOT to hurt the left, say it isn't so! It must have been doctored up, altered, fake news! They are all running to their safe spaces before they melt like the snowflakes they are:Boom2:

Use someone else as your inflatable Democrat doll. I never voted for Clinton and if Trump comes up with even better ways to protect us from terrorist attacks in this nation, good for him. I will stand and applaud it. What Trump did with this ban, however, did not make sense and will not make us safer. Focus on freeing up the FBI and Homeland to do the kind of investigating and detaining here that would actually help once one of these guys is in our sites. The last couple, the FBI had already given a going over, at least once, and let go on their merry way. Which ended in many deaths. That is where he should be looking.

How could it not make us safer?

If you ban people likely to be terrorists from entering the country, would that not make us safer?
Here's what I'm wondering:

When past presidents issued very similar temporary bans, why were they allowed to stand? Was it because no state bothered suing?

Orders like Trumps were used multiple times by past presidents, including Obama, Clinton, both Bush's and Reagan. Carter issued an almost identical ban in 1980 when he invalidated “all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States.” The order said that the U.S “will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires.”

Yet, no one sued. Why?

I'm certainly no immigration lawyer, but the law seems pretty clear that this is within the power of the president. And if it isn't, why did so many past bans go unchallenged?

Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 states: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”
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Ray From Cleveland
I see, so you think this ruling has solid ground because it's based on assumptions? Think that will hold water in the higher courts?

Don't think it is so, we know it. Trump said so during the campaign and transition. Giuliani admitted as much quite proudly and publically.
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I don't want anyone allowed into this country who believes if you leave the Muslim faith, you should be killed. Keep them out.
gipper, post: 16494967
How could it not make us safer?

It has already enraged the Muslim world and most of our western allies. It sends a message that ISIS feeds on. We hate Muslims. It fulfills OBL's prophecy. A clash between Judeo Christian vs Islamic cultures

Bigotry does us no good.

Turning our backs in victims of terrorism and genicide does us no good.
Guess what hero, the Constitution doesn't apply to foreign nationals on foreign soil, it just ain't in there. Are you advocating changing that?
Once an immigrant passes through the 3 mile limit, they are within the sovereign territory of the US. Given the immigrants of interest with visas in hand were turned away at their respective Ports of Entry (POE), their rights as persons under the sovereign control of the US and the Constitution were well and truly established AND violated.

The actions of the US authorities at the various POE's last weekend, by turning away people with authorized entry visas were violative of the Establishment, Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of Amendments I & V. That makes the problems more than just an oversight, but rather egregious.

Further, in enforcing the EO before proper legal notice was given in the Federal Register as required under 44 USC § 1507, the Trump & Co cabal violated, at a minimum, the Due Process Clause again bypassing the legal notice required by the statute. The EO wasn't even filed until Tuesday Jan 31 at 11:15 LONG AFTER it started to be enforced on Jan 28! Just go to the federal register Calendar to peruse the dates!

The 3 mile limit has nothing to do with it, no one is technically on US soil until they are admitted through the POE. Also since this order does not have general applicability then it is not required to be filed in the manner prescribed in 44 USC § 1507, see 44 USC § 1505. 44 USC § 1505, also gives the president the authority to suspend the requirement in 44 USC § 1507.
You are clueless of the where the sovereignty of this nation begins. US soil has naughty to do with it on its seaward boundaries! US sovereignty begins inside our territorial waters on the seaward boundaries. They were set at 3 miles until Reagan adopted the 12 mile limit after the advent of UNCLOS! Live with the law! Many people, including the VA, quibble about which is lawful and when; a lesson learned from the past. After Reagan's Proclamation of accepting UNCLOS in 1988, it became a 12 mile limit for territorial waters where US sovereignty begins along the sea boundary.

44 USC § 1505 "COULD" apply if this requirement to lawfully bypass that necessity in that Section had been met and only for this this;
"(c)Suspension of Requirements for Filing of Documents; Alternate Systems for Promulgating, Filing, or Publishing Documents; Preservation of Originals. In the event of an attack or threatened attack upon the continental United States and a determination by the President that as a result of an attack or threatened attack—"

Was there an attack or threat of attack? Nope! Trump violated the statute and enforced EO 13769 three days before it was even filed with FR on Jan 31st at 11:15 AM failing to give the required legal notice, and your weaseling won't change the facts! You're wrong!

Me thinks you missed this part of 44 USC § 1505.
(1)Presidential proclamations and Executive orders, except those not having general applicability and legal effect or effective only against Federal agencies or persons in their capacity as officers, agents, or employees thereof;

The EO does not have general applicability, it is tailored and specific.
The EO does not have general applicability, it is tailored and specific.
You're desperate now I can see and grasping at straws. Isn't it bloody obvious to you that the passage you cited above from 44 USC § 1505 (a)(1) was not applicable in that case given the damn EO WAS BLOODY PUBLISHED?

Further, If you had done due diligence and read the totality of 44 USC § 1505 you would have discovered this bit in the last sentence of 44 USC § 1505 (a)(3);
For the purposes of this chapter every document or order which prescribes a penalty has general applicability and legal effect.
Since penalties WERE included in the EO along with "temporary" suspensions of portions of specific statutes impacting entry into the US and refugee status, the EO was REQUIRED to be published in a timely manner to give PROPER LEGAL NOTICE. Your boat don't float leaving you with another failed argument in your defense of the Trump & Co cabal.

Bottom line is Trump is responsible for not giving proper legal notice in the Federal Register BEFORE enforcing his EO. He has committed another impeachable offense which will be added to the list! Q.E.D.
It's temporary, while Federal Court, that has stayed the President's Executive Order nationwide, and the Dept. of Justice duke it out in court. In the meantime, Visa holders are being allowed into the country, many of whom are living here for work or school and have been unable to return this past week. It certainly gives me hope that the people with power and best words can find a way to make this security minded measure more sensible and less caustic to the majority of Americans and the world.

The door is open again, folks! How strange that not a soul seems to have mentioned it here. It wasn't being headlined by Fox this morning, guess that's why.

Federal judge blocks Trump's travel ban; DOJ to challenge decision

Of course, I'm sure CNN will be running it solid for 24 hours, at least, if you want more. LOL

Current visa holders should not have been barred in the first place. That's one of the big problem with this order.

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