Seattle good samaritan gets jaw broken aiding family who was being harassed by teens

And if everyone just ignored the smoking...What? The baby woulda choked and died on the spot? People used to smoke everywhere and some incidental exposure didn't result in an entire generation dying off. Next time mind your own business.
And if everyone just ignored the smoking...What? The baby woulda choked and died on the spot? People used to smoke everywhere and some incidental exposure didn't result in an entire generation dying off. Next time mind your own business.

Watch Fruitvale station. People were smoking pot on the BART like it was a normal thing to do.
Move to a different car, grit your teeth an bear it, hold your breath. Causing an incident challenging such things is the challengers' own fault. Until or unless we decide to actually pursue law and order punishing lawbreakers this is what's gonna happen. Don't see this kind of thing in many countries. Try this in Singapore and see what happens :)
Something tells me that Singapore has less single parent households that breed children with no respect for others and who get violent at the drop of a hat.
Is it legal to smoke in public places in Seattle? The article didn't say one way or the other. If it's legal then the family should have moved to a different car. If not, they were within their rights to ask the kids to put out the cigarettes.

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