Seattle NPR Station Says It Will No Longer Carry Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings Live Because Of Misinformation

This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

Fake news.

The filtering thereof, yes.
The BI article is fake news, you fucking pathetic feeble-minded easily brainwashed TDS afflicted moron.

You're an idiot.

What the fuck is a "BI article"? My link was directly from KUOW.
Wow! You are one stupid motherfucker. What article derp derp duh....??????

Fuckin' dumbass.

I accept your apology but you don't need to sign your posts.
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

Fake news.

The filtering thereof, yes.
The BI article is fake news, you fucking pathetic feeble-minded easily brainwashed TDS afflicted moron.

You're an idiot.

What the fuck is a "BI article"? My link was directly from KUOW.
Wow! You are one stupid motherfucker. What article derp derp duh....??????

You're a fuckin' dumbass.

I accept your apology but you don't need to sign your posts.
Your concession that you are a fuckin' dumbass is accepted.
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

Fake news.

The filtering thereof, yes.
The BI article is fake news, you fucking pathetic feeble-minded easily brainwashed TDS afflicted moron.

You're an idiot.

What the fuck is a "BI article"? My link was directly from KUOW.
Wow! You are one stupid motherfucker. What article derp derp duh....??????

You're a fuckin' dumbass.

I accept your apology but you don't need to sign your posts.
Your concession that you are a fuckin' dumbass is accepted.

Soon as we find one. Any year now.

This was my OP. Read it and weep. It's also the reason the first tag for this thread says "fake news", which is what KUOW dumped. Which I just confirmed for you several hours ago.

Perhaps that turbine is too tight.
KUOW 94.9FM in Seattle, one of the first epicenters of the US Coronavirus outbreak, has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.

Station statement March 25 (in part):

>> After airing the White House briefings live for two weeks, a pattern of false information and exaggeration increasingly had many at KUOW questioning whether these briefings were in the best service of our mission—to create and serve a more informed public. Of even greater concern was the potential impact of false information on the health and safety of our community.​
A sampling of exaggerations and false information that were not fact checked in real time:​
● “Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion,” President Trump said at a live White House briefing on March 19 despite warnings from the U.S. Intelligence community earlier this year.​
● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.​
● We’re going to be able to make the drug chloroquine “available almost immediately” said President Trump on March 19. The president claimed, incorrectly, that the FDA had fast-tracked approval of its use to treat COVID-19. There isn't current medical evidence of the efficacy of that drug in treating COVID-19.​
Knowing this a very fluid situation, we will revisit this decision daily. <<​
KUOW will continue to treat all opportunities for live preemption on a case-by-case basis weighing for importance, news value and immediacy of need-to-know. But be clear, KUOW and NPR will continue to cover White House briefings and share relevant information from federal government and public health sources in the format most useful to our listeners. <<​

Inasmuch as broadcast licensing requires responsible operation as a public trust, this is a shining example of exercising it. As readers know the last named piece of misinformation has already led to an unnecessary death and hospitalization of a couple who followed that advice. so denying destructive disinformation the chance to damage the public is exactly the right call.

See also this related thread where TV networks did the same thing -- Dana7360

So in it's place, what will they play? Golden Oldies from the Roaring 20's about how great life is?

Actually that choice would be ironic, in that the 1920s immediately followed another world pandemic, in which time the President also lied about it. I guess playing music of the era might carry a subtle swipe.
KUOW 94.9FM in Seattle, one of the first epicenters of the US Coronavirus outbreak, has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.

Station statement March 25 (in part):

>> After airing the White House briefings live for two weeks, a pattern of false information and exaggeration increasingly had many at KUOW questioning whether these briefings were in the best service of our mission—to create and serve a more informed public. Of even greater concern was the potential impact of false information on the health and safety of our community.​
A sampling of exaggerations and false information that were not fact checked in real time:​
● “Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion,” President Trump said at a live White House briefing on March 19 despite warnings from the U.S. Intelligence community earlier this year.​
● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.​
● We’re going to be able to make the drug chloroquine “available almost immediately” said President Trump on March 19. The president claimed, incorrectly, that the FDA had fast-tracked approval of its use to treat COVID-19. There isn't current medical evidence of the efficacy of that drug in treating COVID-19.​
Knowing this a very fluid situation, we will revisit this decision daily. <<​
KUOW will continue to treat all opportunities for live preemption on a case-by-case basis weighing for importance, news value and immediacy of need-to-know. But be clear, KUOW and NPR will continue to cover White House briefings and share relevant information from federal government and public health sources in the format most useful to our listeners. <<​

Inasmuch as broadcast licensing requires responsible operation as a public trust, this is a shining example of exercising it. As readers know the last named piece of misinformation has already led to an unnecessary death and hospitalization of a couple who followed that advice. so denying destructive disinformation the chance to damage the public is exactly the right call.

See also this related thread where TV networks did the same thing -- Dana7360
Fake news.
KUOW 94.9FM in Seattle, one of the first epicenters of the US Coronavirus outbreak, has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.

Station statement March 25 (in part):

>> After airing the White House briefings live for two weeks, a pattern of false information and exaggeration increasingly had many at KUOW questioning whether these briefings were in the best service of our mission—to create and serve a more informed public. Of even greater concern was the potential impact of false information on the health and safety of our community.​
A sampling of exaggerations and false information that were not fact checked in real time:​
● “Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion,” President Trump said at a live White House briefing on March 19 despite warnings from the U.S. Intelligence community earlier this year.​
● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.​
● We’re going to be able to make the drug chloroquine “available almost immediately” said President Trump on March 19. The president claimed, incorrectly, that the FDA had fast-tracked approval of its use to treat COVID-19. There isn't current medical evidence of the efficacy of that drug in treating COVID-19.​
Knowing this a very fluid situation, we will revisit this decision daily. <<​
KUOW will continue to treat all opportunities for live preemption on a case-by-case basis weighing for importance, news value and immediacy of need-to-know. But be clear, KUOW and NPR will continue to cover White House briefings and share relevant information from federal government and public health sources in the format most useful to our listeners. <<​

Inasmuch as broadcast licensing requires responsible operation as a public trust, this is a shining example of exercising it. As readers know the last named piece of misinformation has already led to an unnecessary death and hospitalization of a couple who followed that advice. so denying destructive disinformation the chance to damage the public is exactly the right call.

See also this related thread where TV networks did the same thing -- Dana7360
Fake news.

KUOW is a college radio station that has no correspondents of any kind. Instead they are part of the National Public Radio (NPR) network and carry news and programming from NPR.

Pogo lied, yet again.
An NPR station in Seattle said that it no longer will carry live coverage of President Donald Trump’s coronavirus briefings because of concerns that they feature unchecked misleading or false information.

KUOW is monitoring White House briefings for the latest news on the coronavirus — and we will continue to share all news relevant to Washington State with our listeners,” the station tweeted. “However, we will not be airing the briefings live due to a pattern of false or misleading information provided that cannot be fact checked in real time.”

Most recently, Trump has called for lifting of social distancing guidelines in the near future, perhaps by Easter, even though public health professionals are still grappling with the spread of the virus. He also has made false claims about the availability of tests, the timeline for finding a vaccine and the potential benefits of a treatment that includes the ingredient chloroquine. While there is some promising study of its potential use, it has not it has not been approved for treatment. NBC News reported on one Arizona man who died after ingesting chloroquine phosphate, and his wife said that they learned about its use after watching a briefing. The chloroquine they used was part of a product use to clean fish tanks, not for medical purposes.
Once again, whatever Trump says, the idiots on this board parrot, word for word.

Common sense, on the other hand, dictates if the spread of Covid19 increases with exposure to other people, avoid other people.

Seems simple enough, even for trumpers.

Maybe not. trumpers are not too bright.
Well, it makes me a little uneasy. Because NPR is definitely slanted left.
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

No, they cut away because they can’t stand showing the people how good he is at his job. Especially compared to Dementia Joe.
The press conferences are improving Trump's popularity. That's the only reason they want to cut away.
No one who listens to NPR likes the President.
KUOW 94.9FM in Seattle, one of the first epicenters of the US Coronavirus outbreak, has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.

Station statement March 25 (in part):

>> After airing the White House briefings live for two weeks, a pattern of false information and exaggeration increasingly had many at KUOW questioning whether these briefings were in the best service of our mission—to create and serve a more informed public. Of even greater concern was the potential impact of false information on the health and safety of our community.​
A sampling of exaggerations and false information that were not fact checked in real time:​
● “Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion,” President Trump said at a live White House briefing on March 19 despite warnings from the U.S. Intelligence community earlier this year.​
● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.​
● We’re going to be able to make the drug chloroquine “available almost immediately” said President Trump on March 19. The president claimed, incorrectly, that the FDA had fast-tracked approval of its use to treat COVID-19. There isn't current medical evidence of the efficacy of that drug in treating COVID-19.​
Knowing this a very fluid situation, we will revisit this decision daily. <<​
KUOW will continue to treat all opportunities for live preemption on a case-by-case basis weighing for importance, news value and immediacy of need-to-know. But be clear, KUOW and NPR will continue to cover White House briefings and share relevant information from federal government and public health sources in the format most useful to our listeners. <<​

Inasmuch as broadcast licensing requires responsible operation as a public trust, this is a shining example of exercising it. As readers know the last named piece of misinformation has already led to an unnecessary death and hospitalization of a couple who followed that advice. so denying destructive disinformation the chance to damage the public is exactly the right call.

See also this related thread where TV networks did the same thing -- Dana7360
Fake news.

Prove it fake.
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

No, they cut away because they can’t stand showing the people how good he is at his job. Especially compared to Dementia Joe.
The press conferences are improving Trump's popularity. That's the only reason they want to cut away.
No one who listens to NPR likes the President.

Indeed, no one sentient at all likes the President.

And then there's Fingerboy....
An NPR station in Seattle said that it no longer will carry live coverage of President Donald Trump’s coronavirus briefings because of concerns that they feature unchecked misleading or false information.

KUOW is monitoring White House briefings for the latest news on the coronavirus — and we will continue to share all news relevant to Washington State with our listeners,” the station tweeted. “However, we will not be airing the briefings live due to a pattern of false or misleading information provided that cannot be fact checked in real time.”

Most recently, Trump has called for lifting of social distancing guidelines in the near future, perhaps by Easter, even though public health professionals are still grappling with the spread of the virus. He also has made false claims about the availability of tests, the timeline for finding a vaccine and the potential benefits of a treatment that includes the ingredient chloroquine. While there is some promising study of its potential use, it has not it has not been approved for treatment. NBC News reported on one Arizona man who died after ingesting chloroquine phosphate, and his wife said that they learned about its use after watching a briefing. The chloroquine they used was part of a product use to clean fish tanks, not for medical purposes.
Once again, whatever Trump says, the idiots on this board parrot, word for word.

Common sense, on the other hand, dictates if the spread of Covid19 increases with exposure to other people, avoid other people.

Seems simple enough, even for trumpers.

Maybe not. trumpers are not too bright.
Well, it makes me a little uneasy. Because NPR is definitely slanted left.

A popular misconception the hack-right desperately tries to sell. Analyses have indicated if anything it's slanted right, just not as far right as the hair-on-fire Inannitys and Limblobs and Foxpologists.
This is what happens when the dems control the media....
The political party that preaches that it hates censorship is the first to impose it when it suit their needs

Ain't nuttin' "censored" here. They're just not carrying them **LIVE**. You understand "LIVE" do you not?

"Live" means you and the listening audience are both hearing it for the first time. That means any errors or even blatant lies in there can't be screened ahead of time, and that's the issue here. Rump's blatant delusional fabrications have already cost lives, and more directly to the station's status, it's ILLEGAL to broadcast a hoax*, which something like POTUS declaring by personal fiat that Chloroquine is "approved" for COVID-19, plainly IS. I have no doubt that if this decision (and other broadcast outlets') wasn't driven by their communication attorneys that every broadcast outlet has, they fully support it for exactly that reason.

Now, the station could claim it had no way to know the POTUS was going to broadcast a hoax, and the argument would have merit. But after the same pattern keeps repeating over, and over, and over, and over, that argument loses steam, because it's obvious the broadcast is dealing with a reliably loose cannon and is expected to take responsibility --- claiming it "didn't know this was going to happen" after it does several times, is just going to carry less and less credibility. So the station (and others) took the initiative to protect not only itself but its listening audience from Fake News. Which is why that tagline is on this thread. Its source (Rump) CANNOT BE TRUSTED, and it's known and established that it cannot be trusted.

If you think about it, considering the literally tens of thousands of outright fabrications that Rump has concocted solely since he was sworn to protect the Constitution, it would be reasonable for ALL media to shun ALL of his live statements on the same basis. He's what is literarily called an "unreliable narrator". The resultant news could be not only the content of whatever he said but the blatant fabrications therein, and the latter would often overshadow the former. But that's what you get for electing a pathological liar.

"Censorship" on the other hand would be quashing information altogether. Important distinction.

* I posted the CFR language prohibiting broadcasting a hoax in post 205.
Last edited:
This is what happens when the dems control the media....
The political party that preaches that it hates censorship is the first to impose it when it suit their needs

Ain't nuttin' "censored" here. They're just not carrying them **LIVE**. You understand "LIVE" do you not?

"Live" means you and the listening audience are both hearing it for the first time. That means any errors or even blatant lies in there can't be screened ahead of time, and that's the issue here. Rump's blatant delusional fabrications have already cost lives, and more directly to the station's status, it's ILLEGAL to broadcast a hoax*, which something like POTUS declaring by personal fiat that Chloroquine is "approved" for COVID-19, plainly IS. I have no doubt that if this decision (and other broadcast outlets') wasn't driven by their communication attorneys that every broadcast outlet has, they fully support it for exactly that reason.

Now, the station could claim it had no way to know the POTUS was going to broadcast a hoax, and the argument would have merit. But after the same pattern keeps repeating over, and over, and over, and over, that argument loses steam, because it's obvious the broadcast is dealing with a reliably loose cannon and is expected to take responsibility --- claiming it "didn't know this was going to happen" after it does several times, is just going to carry less and less credibility. So the station (and others) took the initiative to protect not only itself but its listening audience from Fake News. Which is why that tagline is on this thread. Its source (Rump) CANNOT BE TRUSTED, and it's known and established that it cannot be trusted.

If you think about it, considering the literally tens of thousands of outright fabrications that Rump has concocted solely since he was sworn to protect the Constitution, it would be reasonable for ALL media to shun ALL of his live statements on the same basis. He's what is literarily called an "unreliable narrator". The resultant news could be not only the content of whatever he said but the blatant fabrications therein, and the latter would often overshadow the former. But that's what you get for electing a pathological liar.

"Censorship" on the other hand would be quashing information altogether. Important distinction.

* I posted the CFR language prohibiting broadcasting a hoax in post 205.
Oh come on now
They record it and play back only the parts they approve of and you say that is not censorship...Fuck off I have had enough of you lying liberals and the fantasy world you live in.
This is what happens when the dems control the media....
The political party that preaches that it hates censorship is the first to impose it when it suit their needs

Ain't nuttin' "censored" here. They're just not carrying them **LIVE**. You understand "LIVE" do you not?

"Live" means you and the listening audience are both hearing it for the first time. That means any errors or even blatant lies in there can't be screened ahead of time, and that's the issue here. Rump's blatant delusional fabrications have already cost lives, and more directly to the station's status, it's ILLEGAL to broadcast a hoax*, which something like POTUS declaring by personal fiat that Chloroquine is "approved" for COVID-19, plainly IS. I have no doubt that if this decision (and other broadcast outlets') wasn't driven by their communication attorneys that every broadcast outlet has, they fully support it for exactly that reason.

Now, the station could claim it had no way to know the POTUS was going to broadcast a hoax, and the argument would have merit. But after the same pattern keeps repeating over, and over, and over, and over, that argument loses steam, because it's obvious the broadcast is dealing with a reliably loose cannon and is expected to take responsibility --- claiming it "didn't know this was going to happen" after it does several times, is just going to carry less and less credibility. So the station (and others) took the initiative to protect not only itself but its listening audience from Fake News. Which is why that tagline is on this thread. Its source (Rump) CANNOT BE TRUSTED, and it's known and established that it cannot be trusted.

If you think about it, considering the literally tens of thousands of outright fabrications that Rump has concocted solely since he was sworn to protect the Constitution, it would be reasonable for ALL media to shun ALL of his live statements on the same basis. He's what is literarily called an "unreliable narrator". The resultant news could be not only the content of whatever he said but the blatant fabrications therein, and the latter would often overshadow the former. But that's what you get for electing a pathological liar.

"Censorship" on the other hand would be quashing information altogether. Important distinction.

* I posted the CFR language prohibiting broadcasting a hoax in post 205.
Oh come on now
They record it and play back only the parts they approve of and you say that is not censorship...Fuck off I have had enough of you lying liberals and the fantasy world you live in.

It's protecting their and their listeners asses from dangerous bullshit.

And no it's not "fantasy world", it's CFR part 73. Which is not by any means new:

§ 73.1217 Broadcast hoaxes.
No licensee or permittee of any broadcast station shall broadcast false information concerning a crime or a catastrophe if:​
(a) The licensee knows this information is false;​
(b) It is forseeable that broadcast of the information will cause substantial public harm, and​
(c) Broadcast of the information does in fact directly cause substantial public harm.​
Any programming accompanied by a disclaimer will be presumed not to pose foreseeable harm if the disclaimer clearly characterizes the program as a fiction and is presented in a way that is reasonable under the circumstances.​
For purposes of this rule, “public harm” must begin immediately, and cause direct and actual damage to property or to the health or safety of the general public, or diversion of law enforcement or other public health and safety authorities from their duties. The public harm will be deemed foreseeable if the licensee could expect with a significant degree of certainty that public harm would occur. A “crime” is any act or omission that makes the offender subject to criminal punishment by law. A “catastrophe” is a disaster or imminent disaster involving violent or sudden event affecting the public.​
[57 FR 28640, June 26, 1992]​
If Rump wants his live shit to plop, indeed if he wants to ever be taken any degree of seriously at all, there's a simple way to do it. HE'S GOT TO STOP ALL THE FUCKING LYING.

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