Seattle Police Chief Warns City that Cops Are Unable to Protect Property From Antifa and BLM Riots Thanks to City Council Barring Crowd Control Tools


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Seattle Police Chief Warns City that Cops Are Unable to Protect Property From Antifa and BLM Riots Thanks to City Council Barring Crowd Control Tools

25 Jul 2020 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
Businesses and police precincts in Seattle boarded and barricaded their properties in preparation for expected violent Antifa and Black Lives Matters protests this weekend. The protective measures were taken as Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best sent a letter to Seattle businesses and residents that police, having been stripped by the City Council of standard non-lethal riot control tools, will not be able to defend property from rioters.
A bill unanimously passed last month by the City Council that goes into effect this weekend (after Mayor Durkan declined to veto it and a federal judge declined to stop it) bans police from the “ownership, purchase, rent, storage, or use of crowd control weapons” including “kinetic impact projectiles, chemical irritants, acoustic weapons, directed energy weapons, water cannons, disorientation devices, ultrasonic cannons, or any other device that is designed to be used on multiple individuals for crowd control and has the potential to cause pain or discomfort.”


Chief Best also wrote the City Council on Thursday:
Letter to City Council Regarding Council Ordinance 119805 – Crowd Control Tools
Written by Chief Carmen Best on July 23, 2020 4:30 pm

July 23, 2020
Lorena González, President and Lisa Herbold, Public Safety Chair
Seattle City Council, City Hall
600 Fourth Ave, 2nd Floor
Seattle, WA 98104​
Re: City Council Ordinance 119805 – Crowd Control Tools​
Dear President González, Chairwoman Herbold, and Seattle City Council Members:​
SPD has confirmed with the City Attorney’s Office that the City Council ordinance banning the use of less lethal tools – including pepper spray – commonly used to disperse crowds that have turned violent, will go into effect this weekend as written.​
I am sending this notification for the purpose of ensuring I have done my due diligence of informing Council of the foreseeable impact of this ordinance on upcoming events.​
It is a fact that there are groups and individuals who are intent on destruction in our City. Yes, we also have seen weeks of peaceful demonstrations, but two recent events (Sunday, July 19th and Wednesday, July 22nd) have included wide-scale property destruction and attacks on officers, injuring more than a dozen, some significantly.​
This weekend we know that several events are planned across the city that will foreseeably involve many of the same violent actors from recent days. There is no reason not to assume we will continue to experience property destruction, arson, looting, and attempts to injure additional officers throughout the weekend and beyond.​
With this Council ordinance, we hear loudly and clearly that the use of these less-lethal tools by SPD officers to disperse crowds that have turned violent have been completely banned by City Council.​
Under these circumstances, as created by Council, we cannot manage demonstrations as we have in the past. If I am not allowed to lawfully equip officers with the tools they have been trained to use to protect the community and themselves, it would be reckless to have them confront this level of violence under the current legal restrictions imposed by Council.​
Some have asked why officers are not arresting those engaging in criminal behavior, as officers do every day, and as they have in recent protests. If it is safe to do so, and even when it places their lives in danger, our officers always directly address criminal behavior. They do this, however, when they know they have the tools shown to allow the safe use of their policing powers. This Council ordinance denies them access to these tools that have been an essential part of their court-approved tactics.​
We have clear, court-mandated procedures for arresting individuals, grounded in the principles of deescalation. SPD’s de-escalation principles are premised on the expectation, consistent with policy and best practices, that officers have the full array of approved tools. In large crowds, there is no safe way for officers to effect arrests when their colleagues do not have the tools necessary to protect them.​
As City Council’s legislation goes into effect, it will create even more dangerous circumstances for our officers to intervene using what they have left – riot shields and riot batons.​
For these reasons, SPD will have an adjusted deployment in response to any demonstrations this weekend. The Council legislation gives officers no ability to safely intercede to preserve property in the midst of a large, violent crowd. Allowing this behavior deeply troubles me, but I am duty-bound to follow the Council legislation once it is in effect. If the Council is prepared to suggest a different response or interpretation of the legislation, I stand ready to receive it.​
Additionally, while the Ordinance by title suggests a limitation to crowd management purposes, the language of the Ordinance, in its blanket prohibition on the procurement and ownership of such tools, effectively eliminates these tools as available less-lethal options across the board. The bill clearly bans OC spray at any rally, demonstration or other event, despite if it turns violent.​
Further, while we recognize a limited exception for the targeted use of OC spray, the exception does not realistically allow for deployment in such a manner that ensures the aerosol does not disperse onto anyone other than the intended subject. For these reasons, officers who typically deploy with OC as one of their standard less-lethal options will no longer be carrying this tool.​
We continue to assess the impact of the prohibition on the procurement, ownership, and use of these tools on SWAT operations.​
I believe Council can lead on de-escalation at each of these events through their voice and presence encouraging peaceful demonstrations. It remains my deep hope that once OPA and the OIG have had the opportunity to complete the analysis tasked to them, Council will engage productively with SPD and its accountability partners to forge a meaningful path forward that provides for public safety in these unprecedented times.​
Carmen Best​
Chief of Police
Seattle Police Department​

Tammy Morales, Councilmember, District 2
Kshama Sawant, Councilmember, District 3
Alex Pedersen, Councilmember, District 4
Debora Juarez, Councilmember, District 5
Dan Strauss, Councilmember, District 6
Andrew Lewis, Councilmember, District 7
Teresa Mosqueda, Councilmember, District 8, At-Large

You may find Ordinance 119805 and other documentation here:

Police Chief Best has done the right thing by sending the message to the Mayor and City council of Seattle. By doing so she places the responsibility of the destruction by the terrorists completely where it should rest.
By restricting and refusing to allow the SPD to protect themselves and enforce the laws of the City State and Federal government the Mayor has abrogated his authority and surrendered to mob law.
This is typical of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists just as Obama's Rules of Engagement Ordered our military, they've tied the hands of SPD LEO's then complain about the fact that LEO's cannot control the terrorism, riots, arson, violence and ultimate destruction of life and law.
You can't have it both ways....
Trump is correct to protect Federal propery and Federal buildings within the city.
Hmmm...., Aren't there still a few older Seattle residents who just can't afford to get out?
Seattle looks more each day like Sodom and Gomorrah. Will God send angels to them, telling them to get out before the "Rain" of Fire and Brimstone begins!?
I wonder what will happen to Fire Insurance premiums in Seattle with this news? Will Geico's Warren Buffett take advantage of this and take his fellow liberals to the cleaners? Or will he accept responsibility and recognize it is his own socialistic fault that things have gone to heck in a hand basket?
Los Angeles County Law enforcement would use and take the excalibur explanation of proper law enforcement to heart. The Illiterate police chief--the one in Seattle, notably--has no data based in pre-event observations--informants or other information: Regarding what to expect.

In lawful standard procedure--but in Los Angeles--the newscast pursuits of LA County enforcement, show that holding back from containment of people in vehicles, fleeing arrest: Works better. The concept of tactical weaponry, exploding passing cars on the freeways: Is not what is shown. The arrests come after any disorientation, likely: Has passed. The vehicle is stopped. The arrest is routine.

Compare the level of armaments wanted by Seattle Police. The city could in fact be set on fire--buildings collapsed, lethal and life-long injury and disability created--to what end?

The hysterical police chief should be fired!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Even Deut 23: 19-20, is not about foreign aid!)
Los Angeles County Law enforcement would use and take the excalibur explanation of proper law enforcement to heart. The Illiterate police chief--the one in Seattle, notably--has no data based in pre-event observations--informants or other information: Regarding what to expect.

In lawful standard procedure--but in Los Angeles--the newscast pursuits of LA County enforcement, show that holding back from containment of people in vehicles, fleeing arrest: Works better. The concept of tactical weaponry, exploding passing cars on the freeways: Is not what is shown. The arrests come after any disorientation, likely: Has passed. The vehicle is stopped. The arrest is routine.

Compare the level of armaments wanted by Seattle Police. The city could in fact be set on fire--buildings collapsed, lethal and life-long injury and disability created--to what end?

The hysterical police chief should be fired!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Even Deut 23: 19-20, is not about foreign aid!)

Confused dupe.
Los Angeles City Council has no such strained relationship with Los Angeles Police Department, nor the Board of Supervisors with County Sheriff procedure--nor the various city boards and councils with several law enforcement agencies.

Lots of Individual differences are tolerated in Los Angeles: And then combined into proper responses!

Some posters--and police chiefs--want more explosions, lifelong disabilities and murders. See the federal "Occupy Portland" eliciting violent responses, even on videos--and different, with pictures, from the tapes that did in Nixon.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Arranged to look like prayer it could be(?): Matt 25: 14-30!)
So there is NO MENTION of BLM or Antifa, so it is probably far-right Boogaloo or the Proud Boys.

Like you expect a Marxist City Gov't to mention BLM or Antifa by name?
And then the fairy godmother said......

Sooooooo, you have no proof and are just WISHFUL thinking, eh?
It could very well be a GOP or Trumpian plot of Fascists to create unrest just to give Trump
an excuse to declare Martial Law and shutdown the elections in November.
You have no proof, and I have no proof, so either is JUST as reasonable.
Los Angeles City Council has no such strained relationship with Los Angeles Police Department, nor the Board of Supervisors with County Sheriff procedure--nor the various city boards and councils with several law enforcement agencies.

Lots of Individual differences are tolerated in Los Angeles: And then combined into proper responses!

Some posters--and police chiefs--want more explosions, lifelong disabilities and murders. See the federal "Occupy Portland" eliciting violent responses, even on videos--and different, with pictures, from the tapes that did in Nixon.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Arranged to look like prayer it could be(?): Matt 25: 14-30!)

All that you need to internalize for now... that you mistakenly supported white dyke hairy Antifa tits posing as 'Mom's' in Portland! You da' man.....:hyper:.
See B.Kidd in disorientation--about even shirts on moms(?), even posted by others(?)! Some think two sets of shirts, even(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Prayers for the 2/3 in the household, left to take their chances, even! Matt 25: 14-30--even in a stock market, this year even!)
So there is NO MENTION of BLM or Antifa, so it is probably far-right Boogaloo or the Proud Boys.

Like you expect a Marxist City Gov't to mention BLM or Antifa by name?
And then the fairy godmother said......

Sooooooo, you have no proof and are just WISHFUL thinking, eh?
It could very well be a GOP or Trumpian plot of Fascists to create unrest just to give Trump
an excuse to declare Martial Law and shutdown the elections in November.
You have no proof, and I have no proof, so either is JUST as reasonable.
So there is NO MENTION of BLM or Antifa, so it is probably far-right Boogaloo or the Proud Boys.

Like you expect a Marxist City Gov't to mention BLM or Antifa by name?
And then the fairy godmother said......

Sooooooo, you have no proof and are just WISHFUL thinking, eh?
It could very well be a GOP or Trumpian plot of Fascists to create unrest just to give Trump
an excuse to declare Martial Law and shutdown the elections in November.
You have no proof, and I have no proof, so either is JUST as reasonable.

Even MSNBC debunked this conspiracy on Brian Williams show last night!
So there is NO MENTION of BLM or Antifa, so it is probably far-right Boogaloo or the Proud Boys.

The depths you go to lie to yourself are impressive. Is there a class you took or self taught?

Indoctrination reaches a point where psychoses snaps in!
Terminal unhingement results!

This was an early lesson from my mentor, Dr. X. Crement, when I embarked on my life-long career as a premiere therapist.

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