Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell

Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
That's true and unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done short of armed confrontation to stop these rioters.
These people aren't rioting. The fake Trump facist agents are promoting violence.
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

This is the Democrates hell they create it and Joe Biden and Drunk Nancy Pelosi support it they even tried to get funds to support the Blacks that riot but Leader McConnell in the Senate stopped them

Fascism created this; Mehdi Hasan: It’s time we use the F-word: fascism
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.

Here is the thing about revolutions. They start out with obvious enemies that people might not really like ... then they move on to make everyone else an enemy.

Revolutions must constantly expand the targets of hate, otherwise, once the obvious villains are gone, they would run out of fuel.

In the worst years of the French Revolution, they went from cutting the heads off the aristocracy to guillotining 2,700 other French men and women, while shooting or starving another 50,000.
..what's this ''revolution''' for??
--US has one of the highest standards of living
--MILLIONS immigrate from shithole countries to come here--some die trying
--there is not a problem of police brutality or racism
--so it's all bullshit rioting for LIES
FK them.....
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
That's true and unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done short of armed confrontation to stop these rioters.
These people aren't rioting. The fake Trump facist agents are promoting violence.
everyone can see your just babbling crap
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
Christopher Columbus was nothing but a murderer and a rapist. Celebrating Columbus Day is celebrating racist genocide Your hero. What a disgrace.
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
Christopher Columbus was nothing but a murderer and a rapist. Celebrating Columbus Day is celebrating racist genocide Your hero. What a disgrace.
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks rape at TWICE the rate
you fkd up hahahhahahahahaaahahah
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.

Here is the thing about revolutions. They start out with obvious enemies that people might not really like ... then they move on to make everyone else an enemy.

Revolutions must constantly expand the targets of hate, otherwise, once the obvious villains are gone, they would run out of fuel.

In the worst years of the French Revolution, they went from cutting the heads off the aristocracy to guillotining 2,700 other French men and women, while shooting or starving another 50,000.
..what's this ''revolution''' for??
--US has one of the highest standards of living
--MILLIONS immigrate from shithole countries to come here--some die trying
--there is not a problem of police brutality or racism
--so it's all bullshit rioting for LIES
FK them.....
The Us has a higher standard of living because of Imperialism; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - We steal, rape, murder, exploit, and deprive other countries the basic functions of life. If we didn't have the cheap labor from immigrants, we'd starve to death. We are nothing but a bunch of pigs.
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.

Here is the thing about revolutions. They start out with obvious enemies that people might not really like ... then they move on to make everyone else an enemy.

Revolutions must constantly expand the targets of hate, otherwise, once the obvious villains are gone, they would run out of fuel.

In the worst years of the French Revolution, they went from cutting the heads off the aristocracy to guillotining 2,700 other French men and women, while shooting or starving another 50,000.
..what's this ''revolution''' for??
--US has one of the highest standards of living
--MILLIONS immigrate from shithole countries to come here--some die trying
--there is not a problem of police brutality or racism
--so it's all bullshit rioting for LIES
FK them.....
The Us has a higher standard of living because of Imperialism; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - We steal, rape, murder, exploit, and deprive other countries the basic functions of life. If we didn't have the cheap labor from immigrants, we'd starve to death. We are nothing but a bunch of pigs.
China is the one with the cheap labor--DUH
more hahahahhahahahahaha
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
Christopher Columbus was nothing but a murderer and a rapist. Celebrating Columbus Day is celebrating racist genocide Your hero. What a disgrace.
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks rape at TWICE the rate
you fkd up hahahhahahahahaaahahah
How many statues of black murderers do we celebrate dumb ass? What a stupid mf.
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
That's true and unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done short of armed confrontation to stop these rioters.
These people aren't rioting. The fake Trump facist agents are promoting violence.
really tell the small business they destroyed and the kids and other people they Killed that this is peaceful Protest
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
Christopher Columbus was nothing but a murderer and a rapist. Celebrating Columbus Day is celebrating racist genocide Your hero. What a disgrace.
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks rape at TWICE the rate
you fkd up hahahhahahahahaaahahah
How many statues of black murderers do we celebrate dumb ass? What a stupid mf.
you keep putting your foot in your mouth...must be hard to babble that way
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.

Here is the thing about revolutions. They start out with obvious enemies that people might not really like ... then they move on to make everyone else an enemy.

Revolutions must constantly expand the targets of hate, otherwise, once the obvious villains are gone, they would run out of fuel.

In the worst years of the French Revolution, they went from cutting the heads off the aristocracy to guillotining 2,700 other French men and women, while shooting or starving another 50,000.
..what's this ''revolution''' for??
--US has one of the highest standards of living
--MILLIONS immigrate from shithole countries to come here--some die trying
--there is not a problem of police brutality or racism
--so it's all bullshit rioting for LIES
FK them.....
The Us has a higher standard of living because of Imperialism; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - We steal, rape, murder, exploit, and deprive other countries the basic functions of life. If we didn't have the cheap labor from immigrants, we'd starve to death. We are nothing but a bunch of pigs.
China is the one with the cheap labor--DUH
more hahahahhahahahahaha
And so are we. And their feeding your sorry ass and mine. We created the monster of exploitation, murder, rape, stealing, etc. And you have no argument for that. That makes you a loser.
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
Christopher Columbus was nothing but a murderer and a rapist. Celebrating Columbus Day is celebrating racist genocide Your hero. What a disgrace.
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks rape at TWICE the rate
you fkd up hahahhahahahahaaahahah
How many statues of black murderers do we celebrate dumb ass? What a stupid mf.
let me see:
etc etc etc
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
That's true and unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done short of armed confrontation to stop these rioters.
These people aren't rioting. The fake Trump facist agents are promoting violence.
really tell the small business they destroyed and the kids and other people they Killed that this is peaceful Protest
I will. I'm going to tell the fake rioters who are starting all this to stop. I'm going to tell Trump and his fascist armed guards to stop the violence of peaceful protests. Another manufactured crisis to hide Trumps failure with Corona virus.
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
Christopher Columbus was nothing but a murderer and a rapist. Celebrating Columbus Day is celebrating racist genocide Your hero. What a disgrace.
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks rape at TWICE the rate
you fkd up hahahhahahahahaaahahah
How many statues of black murderers do we celebrate dumb ass? What a stupid mf.
you keep putting your foot in your mouth...must be hard to babble that way
You aren't saying anything. You lose.
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
Christopher Columbus was nothing but a murderer and a rapist. Celebrating Columbus Day is celebrating racist genocide Your hero. What a disgrace.
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks rape at TWICE the rate
you fkd up hahahhahahahahaaahahah
How many statues of black murderers do we celebrate dumb ass? What a stupid mf.
you keep putting your foot in your mouth...must be hard to babble that way
You aren't saying anything. You lose.
I am not saying anything--I'm providing FACTS
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
Christopher Columbus was nothing but a murderer and a rapist. Celebrating Columbus Day is celebrating racist genocide Your hero. What a disgrace.
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks rape at TWICE the rate
you fkd up hahahhahahahahaaahahah
How many statues of black murderers do we celebrate dumb ass? What a stupid mf.
let me see:
etc etc etc
Those people are murderers? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Dude, you are so pitiful and ridiculous.
I'm going to tell Trump and his fascist armed guards to stop the violence of peaceful protests.

Put it in a memo...

Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
Christopher Columbus was nothing but a murderer and a rapist. Celebrating Columbus Day is celebrating racist genocide Your hero. What a disgrace.
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks rape at TWICE the rate
you fkd up hahahhahahahahaaahahah
How many statues of black murderers do we celebrate dumb ass? What a stupid mf.
you keep putting your foot in your mouth...must be hard to babble that way
You aren't saying anything. You lose.
I am not saying anything--I'm providing FACTS
Facts? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You haven't provided anything but gobbly goo. You haven't proven or said shit about anything.You're a laughable joke. And you are boring. Get the hell out of here with your bs.
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
Christopher Columbus was nothing but a murderer and a rapist. Celebrating Columbus Day is celebrating racist genocide Your hero. What a disgrace.
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks rape at TWICE the rate
you fkd up hahahhahahahahaaahahah
How many statues of black murderers do we celebrate dumb ass? What a stupid mf.
let me see:
etc etc etc
Those people are murderers? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Dude, you are so pitiful and ridiculous.
.....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--a hell of a lot more than Columbus did

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