Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell

Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
Christopher Columbus was nothing but a murderer and a rapist. Celebrating Columbus Day is celebrating racist genocide Your hero. What a disgrace.
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks rape at TWICE the rate
you fkd up hahahhahahahahaaahahah
How many statues of black murderers do we celebrate dumb ass? What a stupid mf.
you keep putting your foot in your mouth...must be hard to babble that way
You aren't saying anything. You lose.
I am not saying anything--I'm providing FACTS
Facts? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You haven't provided anything but gobbly goo. You haven't proven or said shit about anything.You're a laughable joke. And you are boring. Get the hell out of here with your bs.'s so easy to shoot you down every time you babble
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

This is the Democrates hell they create it and Joe Biden and Drunk Nancy Pelosi support it they even tried to get funds to support the Blacks that riot but Leader McConnell in the Senate stopped them

Fascism created this; Mehdi Hasan: It’s time we use the F-word: fascism

Ok move to Russia with Hillary and do not return to the uSA we have civil people here that do not lie
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
Christopher Columbus was nothing but a murderer and a rapist. Celebrating Columbus Day is celebrating racist genocide Your hero. What a disgrace.
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks rape at TWICE the rate
you fkd up hahahhahahahahaaahahah
How many statues of black murderers do we celebrate dumb ass? What a stupid mf.
let me see:
etc etc etc
Those people are murderers? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Dude, you are so pitiful and ridiculous.
.....blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year--a hell of a lot more than Columbus did
For the same exploitative reasons immigrants create gangs in their own countries. Our own imperialism and disenfranchisement. Has nothing to do with Columbus and his motivations. These people murder because they live in prisons without walls due to the segregated conspiracy from white power and money. Columbus murdered for recreational purposes and exploitation.
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
Christopher Columbus was nothing but a murderer and a rapist. Celebrating Columbus Day is celebrating racist genocide Your hero. What a disgrace.
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks rape at TWICE the rate
you fkd up hahahhahahahahaaahahah
How many statues of black murderers do we celebrate dumb ass? What a stupid mf.
you keep putting your foot in your mouth...must be hard to babble that way
You aren't saying anything. You lose.
I am not saying anything--I'm providing FACTS
Facts? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You haven't provided anything but gobbly goo. You haven't proven or said shit about anything.You're a laughable joke. And you are boring. Get the hell out of here with your bs.'s so easy to shoot you down every time you babble
What an idiot who says nothing. Lol!
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

This is the Democrates hell they create it and Joe Biden and Drunk Nancy Pelosi support it they even tried to get funds to support the Blacks that riot but Leader McConnell in the Senate stopped them

Fascism created this; Mehdi Hasan: It’s time we use the F-word: fascism

Ok move to Russia with Hillary and do not return to the uSA we have civil people here that do not lie

This post of yours is unbelievably stupid.
Those running Seattle and Portland must be brain dead. Letting these idiots break into stores, loot and then set them on fire while forbidding the police to do their jobs.

To bad the store owners aren't like the Koreans during the LA riots. Those guys were on the roof of their stores shooting anyone who came near. None of their stores were looted or burned to the ground. Good times for good men with guns.
/——-/ Federal judge blocks Seattle ban on riot gear.
In a ruling Friday night, a federal judge blocked a new Seattle law prohibiting police from using pepper spray and other anti-riot weapons.
Federal judge blocks Seattle council’s law banning police anti-riot gear
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
Christopher Columbus was nothing but a murderer and a rapist. Celebrating Columbus Day is celebrating racist genocide Your hero. What a disgrace.
blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
blacks rape at TWICE the rate
you fkd up hahahhahahahahaaahahah
How many statues of black murderers do we celebrate dumb ass? What a stupid mf.
you keep putting your foot in your mouth...must be hard to babble that way
You aren't saying anything. You lose.
I am not saying anything--I'm providing FACTS
Facts? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You haven't provided anything but gobbly goo. You haven't proven or said shit about anything.You're a laughable joke. And you are boring. Get the hell out of here with your bs.'s so easy to shoot you down every time you babble
What an idiot who says nothing. Lol!
ok Mr Racist
Unlike black killers that only contribute blood in the streets, Christopher Columbus actually did something. He is certainly better than the black heroes like George Floyd.

When Seattle took away non lethal weapons they left authorities with only guns and riot batons. The city may have thought they were forcing police to die while unable to defend themselves. The opposite is true.
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

If they invade the white subs ..they will be good as dead as many white folks own real houses and have real guns
I hope that days comes

Invade? Who is invading? These people are protesting BLM and police brutality. Why would any one go to the suburbs? That's absurd and made up in your head nonsense. Grow up.

Hey dummy
These “ sub humans “ want revolution
You better wake up
You will just be another “ skull “ stacked on top of millions if you don’t
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

Cities churn as progressives burn. I love it. Keep destroying all that you've built and for all those who used to support and vote for you! We need to make a board game out of this!
Remember the show "Portlandia" where the city was portrayed as a collection of harmless interesting cranks and eccentrics? And the mayor, Kyle MacLachlin (Ted Wheeler standing in as the assistant to Mr. Mayor)
was portrayed as a lovable Boy Scout?
Yeah, that shit is all gone now. Portland is a place where violent goons have taken over the streets. White House: 3 Federal Officers Likely Permanently Blinded By Portland Protesters

This is along way from the days when mellow pan handling hippies filled Portland. Now it's Marxist warriors driving nails into the flesh of federal officers and blinding them too.
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

If they invade the white subs ..they will be good as dead as many white folks own real houses and have real guns
I hope that days comes

Invade? Who is invading? These people are protesting BLM and police brutality. Why would any one go to the suburbs? That's absurd and made up in your head nonsense. Grow up.

Hey dummy
These “ sub humans “ want revolution
You better wake up

But they have not done anything but protest BLM and police brutality. Where from anyone's delusional mind would that be construed as revolutionary? Makes no sense.
You will just be another “ skull “ stacked on top of millions if you don’t
Don't what? You and your ilk are trying to invent some fantasy that doesn't exist, to go along with Trumps made up scenario to hide his covid failure. Do you understand that Trump has killed over 144,000 people, and is using the BLM as a distraction against a non-existing conflict?
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
That's true and unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done short of armed confrontation to stop these rioters.
Where's the 2nd Amendment supporters as disguised jack-booted thugs beat and kidnap legal protestors? Hiding in their bunkers?
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You will just be another “ skull “ stacked on top of millions if you don’t
Don't what? You and your ilk are trying to invent some fantasy that doesn't exist, to go along with Trumps made up scenario to hide his covid failure. Do you understand that Trump has killed over 144,000 people, and is using the BLM as a distraction against a non-existing conflict?
Hey moronic idiot
The virus has killed them in Bolshevik Blue cities
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

Yeah it's an all out race to the botoom for democrats everywhere. I guess Seattle got jealous of all the attention New York got from killing off so many with the virus BS so they just had to come up with something to grab some headlines fast, then Portland had to get into the fray so now it's an all out nationwide race to bottom.
I wonder if they're trying to kill themselves off before the election so they can avoid having Trump kick their asses again.
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

If they invade the white subs ..they will be good as dead as many white folks own real houses and have real guns
I hope that days comes

Invade? Who is invading? These people are protesting BLM and police brutality. Why would any one go to the suburbs? That's absurd and made up in your head nonsense. Grow up.

Hey dummy
These “ sub humans “ want revolution
You better wake up

But they have not done anything but protest BLM and police brutality. Where from anyone's delusional mind would that be construed as revolutionary? Makes no sense.

You will be “ Jewish bones “ if you don’t wake up
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
That's true and unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done short of armed confrontation to stop these rioters.
Where's the 2nd Amendment supporters as disguised jack-booted thugs beat and kidnap legal protestors? Hiding in their bunkers?
It's Seattle. How many unarmed liberals are there. There is no such thing as a legal right to burn down businesses or homes as a "protest". There should be a massacre in the streets. If the citizens still have a backbone, they will fight. If not they will cower in the streets watching their homes burn.

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