Seattle to pay millions to settle lawsuit for CHAZ CHOP damages

Seattle and Portland are FUBAR. Nut jobs from California invaded, took over and wrecked both cities. Let that be a warning to other states and cities.

I remember a big billboard I saw just outside of Seattle back in the 70's, that said "Don't Californicate Washington".

Looks like they failed.

Let them burn. I'm way too far downwind to care.

I've got a big house -- room for refugees.

Awesome. I'm all for that.

They don't get there by strangling a man for nine minutes because he passed a fake $20.00
or shooting a kid 16 times because he was looking for a place to keep warm.
Or shooting a man in his own living room because the officer was too busy sexting her boyfriend to know what floor she was on.
Or shooting a kid who was playing with a toy on a playground..
Or strangling a man to death for selling loose cigarettes.

If the police did this kind of shit to white people, you'd be screaming bloody murder and you know it.
Floyd died because he was a druggie who stupidly resisted arrest

I remember a big billboard I saw just outside of Seattle back in the 70's, that said "Don't Californicate Washington".

Looks like they failed.

Let them burn. I'm way too far downwind to care.

I've got a big house -- room for refugees.
There were billboards in Oregon thanking Californians for visiting, and thanking them for leaving. I witnessed the California destruction of Oregon and Washington first hand. It's now reached critical mass and cannot be stopped.
There were billboards in Oregon thanking Californians for visiting, and thanking them for leaving. I witnessed the California destruction of Oregon and Washington first hand. It's now reached critical mass and cannot be stopped.

I agree.

I lived in Washington from1972 to 2021, with a brief six month sojourn in Western Montana. I also had relatives who live close to Portland, on the Washington side of the river.

We watched it all.

Now, the billboards on Minnesota Highway 30 westbound towards South Dakota congratulate Minnesotans who are about to escape to sanity.

$3.65MM seems minor compared to the tens of millions Seattle would have had to pay out if their police had killed someone.

Puppy shit compared to the more than $300 million cities around the USA are paying out for "excessive force" complaints against police forces.
Useful idiots spouting "whataboutism" diversions.^^^

I remember a big billboard I saw just outside of Seattle back in the 70's, that said "Don't Californicate Washington".

Looks like they failed.

Let them burn. I'm way too far downwind to care.

I've got a big house -- room for refugees.


There were bumper stickers here in Oregon in the '70's that had the same thing.
"The city announced the settlement totals $3.65 million, which includes $600,000 in penalties for the deletion of thousands of texts by city leaders, including former Mayor Jenny Durkan, The Seattle Times reported."

Looks like the city tried to cover-up their pathetic response.
"The city announced the settlement totals $3.65 million, which includes $600,000 in penalties for the deletion of thousands of texts by city leaders, including former Mayor Jenny Durkan, The Seattle Times reported."

Looks like the city tried to cover-up their pathetic response.

It's all they know.

Dig a hole, shit in the hole, cover the hole.

Useful idiots spouting "whataboutism" diversions.^^^

Every time we post facts, links and data to back up our posts, you call them "diversions" or "whataboutism". You completely ignore the REAL costs of Republicans doing NOTHING about the problems being created by their policies.

Throughout the summer of 2020, right wingers here kept quoting property damage as being financially destructive to the communities where the violence happened, but you completely ignored all of the economic costs these communities are facing on account of "overpolicing" in their communities. The residents of Maricopa County didn't vote out Joe Arpaio because they like illegals in their community, voted him out as Sheriff because the County paid out over $25 million in civil rights complaints because of his treatment of non-white citizens.

$300 million per year, every year for as long as these number have been tracked, and liability insurance for cities doesn't cover "excessive force" complaints. That comes directly out of the pockets of the local taxpayers.
And then there are the incarcerations - more than China and Russia combined. How much is THAT costing taxpayers????

Wouldn't it make more economic sense to clean up your problems in policing and justice in the USA, than to continue to have citizens pay through their noses, while the problems caused by the police state, are dealt with once and for all?

You can wash, rinse and repeat for Climate Change - $18 billion dollars is economic losses in 2022, the cost of which will be borne by taxpayers. And that's just the catastrophies which exceed $1 billion. Smaller scale flooding or wild fires aren't included.

And last but not least: Immigration. Total Cost: $8 billion per year just for enforcement.
If you dont want to pay out for excessive force complaints, how about we do something about the Criminals that the Marxists/Democrats keep allowing to roam free? You know putting criminals either away or 6ft under so innocent law abiding citizens dont get hurt. But then if you do that, at least 50 percent of the Democrat voting base would disappear.
Have you ever considered that the people who support thugs are thugs themselves or have family members who are thugs?
"The city announced the settlement totals $3.65 million, which includes $600,000 in penalties for the deletion of thousands of texts by city leaders, including former Mayor Jenny Durkan, The Seattle Times reported."

Looks like the city tried to cover-up their pathetic response.

Kind of like how Trump's Secret Service detail deleted all of their texts on January 6th. So nobody could find out what really went on.

The City paid the losses, which were a drop in the bucket compared to the $19 million in excessive force claims.


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