
You know.....?? There was something...shall we say...odd about my conversation with Samson....

He did not utter the word "Octopus" once!

Don't any of you find that strange?:eek:

Is that like Old Vah-Jay-Jay?...



Dunno! Maybe the cocktail hostess was too young! He didn't even hit on her or pinch her ass or anything!! Man O the world like that ... perhaps he was just too involved with the construction of that Vodka martini. Had to be freezin cold...Absolute.. No colored glass...stack O olives on the side.. Christ! it's not like the poor girl put an umbrella in his drink!!

AND!!! As he said we were in one of the best seafood places in town and the waitress.. says they got ONE Dungeness crab left. I was gettin pretty nervous cuttin it that close....THEN she comes back and said THAT one crab had escaped to parts unknown and it was too late to send out a search he had to make do with a teensy weensie crab cocktail!! I thought he was gonna go ballistic. This gal must play poker cuz she could see he was bluffing.. I didn't see the "tell" but she played him tough and told him straight up that the little scoop of FROZEN crab was gonna nick him $15.95!!!

THEN!!!... He just whips out the credit card and pays her like it was nothin!! I woulda told her that I could buy a fuckin crab pot for ten bucks down at Fisheries Supply and toss the sucker in the sound and have REAL CRAB meat in about an hour!!!

Not Samson ...No..sereee! He just passes the "savings" on to the poor saps that paid him to come to his interview!

Gotta admit...he has balls of brass to charge that refinery damn near $16 for 4 tablespoons of crab meat.
You know.....?? There was something...shall we say...odd about my conversation with Samson....

He did not utter the word "Octopus" once!

Don't any of you find that strange?:eek:

Is that like Old Vah-Jay-Jay?...



Dunno! Maybe the cocktail hostess was too young! He didn't even hit on her or pinch her ass or anything!! Man O the world like that ... perhaps he was just too involved with the construction of that Vodka martini. Had to be freezin cold...Absolute.. No colored glass...stack O olives on the side.. Christ! it's not like the poor girl put an umbrella in his drink!!

AND!!! As he said we were in one of the best seafood places in town and the waitress.. says they got ONE Dungeness crab left. I was gettin pretty nervous cuttin it that close....THEN she comes back and said THAT one crab had escaped to parts unknown and it was too late to send out a search he had to make do with a teensy weensie crab cocktail!! I thought he was gonna go ballistic. This gal must play poker cuz she could see he was bluffing.. I didn't see the "tell" but she played him tough and told him straight up that the little scoop of FROZEN crab was gonna nick him $15.95!!!

THEN!!!... He just whips out the credit card and pays her like it was nothin!! I woulda told her that I could buy a fuckin crab pot for ten bucks down at Fisheries Supply and toss the sucker in the sound and have REAL CRAB meat in about an hour!!!

Not Samson ...No..sereee! He just passes the "savings" on to the poor saps that paid him to come to his interview!

Gotta admit...he has balls of brass to charge that refinery damn near $16 for 4 tablespoons of crab meat.

I also wrote off the Martini.

If it makes you feel any better, I understand you'll be paying $5/gallon gas this summer to offset my trip.

The girl wasn't my type....blonde, and untattoed (or likely).

At this exact moment I'm in Albequerque at Twin Peaks surrounded by waitresses in high heels, stockings, and white halter tops showing as much clevage as is legal outside a titty bar. Its "Librarian Week."

You can read my review of the OKC Twin Peaks, here.

I've messaged Hjick and Foxfyre to join me....:razz:
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You know.....?? There was something...shall we say...odd about my conversation with Samson....

He did not utter the word "Octopus" once!

Don't any of you find that strange?:eek:

Speaking of utterances: Huggy has "Radio DJ Voice."
By the way, driving around Albequerque, for less than an hour, has made me appreciate Seattle: Two bitches have, I swear, seen my turn signal and purposely spead up to prevent me from entering their lane.:evil:
Is that like Old Vah-Jay-Jay?...



Dunno! Maybe the cocktail hostess was too young! He didn't even hit on her or pinch her ass or anything!! Man O the world like that ... perhaps he was just too involved with the construction of that Vodka martini. Had to be freezin cold...Absolute.. No colored glass...stack O olives on the side.. Christ! it's not like the poor girl put an umbrella in his drink!!

AND!!! As he said we were in one of the best seafood places in town and the waitress.. says they got ONE Dungeness crab left. I was gettin pretty nervous cuttin it that close....THEN she comes back and said THAT one crab had escaped to parts unknown and it was too late to send out a search he had to make do with a teensy weensie crab cocktail!! I thought he was gonna go ballistic. This gal must play poker cuz she could see he was bluffing.. I didn't see the "tell" but she played him tough and told him straight up that the little scoop of FROZEN crab was gonna nick him $15.95!!!

THEN!!!... He just whips out the credit card and pays her like it was nothin!! I woulda told her that I could buy a fuckin crab pot for ten bucks down at Fisheries Supply and toss the sucker in the sound and have REAL CRAB meat in about an hour!!!

Not Samson ...No..sereee! He just passes the "savings" on to the poor saps that paid him to come to his interview!

Gotta admit...he has balls of brass to charge that refinery damn near $16 for 4 tablespoons of crab meat.

I also wrote off the Martini.

If it makes you feel any better, I understand you'll be paying $5/gallon gas this summer to offset my trip.

The girl wasn't my type....blonde, and untattoed (or likely).

At this exact moment I'm in Albequerque at Twin Peaks surrounded by waitresses in high heels, stockings, and white halter tops showing as much clevage as is legal outside a titty bar. Its "Librarian Week."

You can read my review of the OKC Twin Peaks, here.

I've messaged Hjick and Foxfyre to join me....:razz:

And I'm really disappointed that I can't too as we're expecting out of town company within the hour and I'm still fighting the bug of the week. I've already explained that we can't come to Twin Peaks anyway as Hombre has a real prejudice against fish tacos. :)

Have a great time in our fair city though and we'll catch you on the return visit.
And I'm really disappointed that I can't too as we're expecting out of town company within the hour and I'm still fighting the bug of the week. I've already explained that we can't come to Twin Peaks anyway as Hombre has a real prejudice against fish tacos. :)

Have a great time in our fair city though and we'll catch you on the return visit.

He can stay in the parking lot.

Meh..I'll probably be back, but it will be difficult for me to meet outside Twin Peaks as Fish Taco are my fav.
Well its been a month

Haven't heard anything, nada, zip........AND I HAVE NOT BEEN REIMBURSED FOR MY EXPENSES.


Should I get pissed off?
Well its been a month

Haven't heard anything, nada, zip........AND I HAVE NOT BEEN REIMBURSED FOR MY EXPENSES.


Should I get pissed off?

Good thing ya only had the $15.95 cocktail and not the $34.95 whole crab. See how things work out for the best!

The guy that interviewed ya probably got blown up. It happens all the time up there.:eek:
Well its been a month

Haven't heard anything, nada, zip........AND I HAVE NOT BEEN REIMBURSED FOR MY EXPENSES.


Should I get pissed off?

Good thing ya only had the $15.95 cocktail and not the $34.95 whole crab. See how things work out for the best!

The guy that interviewed ya probably got blown up. It happens all the time up there.:eek:

I'd expect a $multi-billion company to be able to buy me a fuckin' $35 crab.:evil:

Maybe I'll give him a call to see if he's still alive.:razz:
Glad I found this thread LOL.

Building an itinerary for a 3 day visit early August.

Plus I had a lot of laughs reading the posts. You guys are fucking insane.

Cutting and pasting as I read.

We're parking the kid at Cornish for 3 weeks. Renting car for our brief stay.

Got an eye on that La Quinta (next to Denny's) downtown. Reasonable rate, and FREE parking.

So, anything new and exciting for that time of year?
Glad I found this thread LOL.

Building an itinerary for a 3 day visit early August.

Plus I had a lot of laughs reading the posts. You guys are fucking insane.

Cutting and pasting as I read.

We're parking the kid at Cornish for 3 weeks. Renting car for our brief stay.

Got an eye on that La Quinta (next to Denny's) downtown. Reasonable rate, and FREE parking.

So, anything new and exciting for that time of year?

First week of August? You'll probably have sunshine, it's one of the few weeks in the year when it's practically guaranteed. (don't hold me to that, it's still Seattle)

Don't forget to do the ghost tour. Be sure and see the flying fish at Pike Place Market and visit the original Starbucks (if you don't, I'll tell the people in the coffee shop :D)

3 days isn't a lot of time for Seattle. There's a lot to do along the waterfront. There's the Space Needle and the Science Center, and the EMP if you want to see the ugliest building in the world. It's a great museum too, I just can't get past the building.

There's the Ballard Locks, the Freemont Troll, do the Ducks if you get a chance, they are boats that go on land and sea, great tour if a little pricy.
Glad I found this thread LOL.

Building an itinerary for a 3 day visit early August.

Plus I had a lot of laughs reading the posts. You guys are fucking insane.

Cutting and pasting as I read.

We're parking the kid at Cornish for 3 weeks. Renting car for our brief stay.

Got an eye on that La Quinta (next to Denny's) downtown. Reasonable rate, and FREE parking.

So, anything new and exciting for that time of year?

First week of August? You'll probably have sunshine, it's one of the few weeks in the year when it's practically guaranteed. (don't hold me to that, it's still Seattle)

Don't forget to do the ghost tour. Be sure and see the flying fish at Pike Place Market and visit the original Starbucks (if you don't, I'll tell the people in the coffee shop :D)

3 days isn't a lot of time for Seattle. There's a lot to do along the waterfront. There's the Space Needle and the Science Center, and the EMP if you want to see the ugliest building in the world. It's a great museum too, I just can't get past the building.

There's the Ballard Locks, the Freemont Troll, do the Ducks if you get a chance, they are boats that go on land and sea, great tour if a little pricy.

Ya... A good friend of mine is a "Ducks" captain. In fact he is the guy that authored my "quote" about keeping your basement clean. Try to get the tour that goes into Lake Washington. Some pretty spectacular homes (Gates Compound in Medina) along it's shoreline. Hiram Chittendam (Ballard) locks are a hit in August. Someone's huge yaght is always coming or going out of Lake Washington. Fun to see how the other half lives up close and personal. A lot of great seafood restaurants. You might want to call ahead and reserve your Dungeness crab. :lol:

Another "tourista" thing you might want to do is take a seaplane tour up to the San Juans for an afternoon. Drop in on Orcas Island. You might never want to go home.
Glad I found this thread LOL.

Building an itinerary for a 3 day visit early August.

Plus I had a lot of laughs reading the posts. You guys are fucking insane.

Cutting and pasting as I read.

We're parking the kid at Cornish for 3 weeks. Renting car for our brief stay.

Got an eye on that La Quinta (next to Denny's) downtown. Reasonable rate, and FREE parking.

So, anything new and exciting for that time of year?

First week of August? You'll probably have sunshine, it's one of the few weeks in the year when it's practically guaranteed. (don't hold me to that, it's still Seattle)

Don't forget to do the ghost tour. Be sure and see the flying fish at Pike Place Market and visit the original Starbucks (if you don't, I'll tell the people in the coffee shop :D)

3 days isn't a lot of time for Seattle. There's a lot to do along the waterfront. There's the Space Needle and the Science Center, and the EMP if you want to see the ugliest building in the world. It's a great museum too, I just can't get past the building.

There's the Ballard Locks, the Freemont Troll, do the Ducks if you get a chance, they are boats that go on land and sea, great tour if a little pricy.

During the time I lived there, we were suffering through a particularly long wet spell in January one year and one of the weather pundits was asked when we would see the sun again and he quipped back "August 15". Since I was sitting at a desk with a calendar right in front of me (this was old school - on paper) I flipped to August and made a note on the 15th documenting the prediction.

Sho' nuff, August that year was unusually wet. Take an umbrella! :wink_2:
We'll get in late afternoon on a Thursday. Hook up with the kid for dinner, then I think she's got to be back on campus after a couple hours. Maybe a little night life for mom and dad.
We'll have most of Friday to poke around, then back to the airport early afternoon Saturday.

Anyhow the thread's been a help. And a hoot to read.

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