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Seattle's downward spiral?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
In the final week of October, the Council used the 2021 budget process to forward an updated plan installing heroin injection sites, replace a specialized police unit tackling homelessness, and lay off more Seattle police, which already has record low staffing. Seeing the writing on the wall, some of the city’s best paid residents are fleeing.

Councilmember Lisa Herbold argues that misdemeanor defendants disproportionately suffer from mental illness, addiction and/or homelessness. Punishing them for crimes, therefore, is unconscionable. Consequently, Herbold introduced legislation rewriting Seattle’s criminal code to offer affirmative defenses for suspects.

Merely arguing that crime was a consequence of your homelessness, addiction or mental illness could warrant a dismissal of charges. Seattle is experiencing an historic surge in homicides – the highest since at least 2008. Should it add more unpunished misdemeanors to the growing list of concerns? Herbold originally tried to sneak the legislation in as a budget item, meaning it would not be subject to the same public scrutiny, but the Council tabled it and plans to review the idea as a standalone item.

Mod Edit: Do not post the entire article, only an excerpt, please

Note the question mark in the thread title. Yeah, it's Fox News, but Fox News ain't the same Fox News they useta be. These are proposals not yet passed. It is however an indication of how far the crazies on the Left Coast are willing to go in their obsession for a utopian society. As noted in the article, people of means and businesses are leaving, and it's hard to see new businesses starting up, especially if Biden is successful in raising taxes and increasing regulations. We all better hope that the GOP does not lose those 2 senatorial runoff elections in Georgia. If Seattle does pass these plans then that Seattle is in for a world of shit. And I do not doubt other deep blue cities and states are heading in the same direction. Portland and San Francisco to name a few. Once beautiful places to live or visit. Good taxpayers moving out and illegals, and gangs moving in. God help 'em.
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In the final week of October, the Council used the 2021 budget process to forward an updated plan installing heroin injection sites, replace a specialized police unit tackling homelessness, and lay off more Seattle police, which already has record low staffing. Seeing the writing on the wall, some of the city’s best paid residents are fleeing.

Councilmember Lisa Herbold argues that misdemeanor defendants disproportionately suffer from mental illness, addiction and/or homelessness. Punishing them for crimes, therefore, is unconscionable. Consequently, Herbold introduced legislation rewriting Seattle’s criminal code to offer affirmative defenses for suspects.

Merely arguing that crime was a consequence of your homelessness, addiction or mental illness could warrant a dismissal of charges. Seattle is experiencing an historic surge in homicides – the highest since at least 2008. Should it add more unpunished misdemeanors to the growing list of concerns? Herbold originally tried to sneak the legislation in as a budget item, meaning it would not be subject to the same public scrutiny, but the Council tabled it and plans to review the idea as a standalone item.

In truth, the shameful reality in Seattle is that misdemeanor crimes are seldom seriously charged and criminals rarely see meaningful jail time. It’s created a dangerous environment highlighted by a report showing 100 prolific offenders responsible for 636 jail bookings in 2019. A year later, the problem hasn’t gone away.

One fed up judge finally rejected yet another plea deal to let a homeless man with over 70 convictions go free. Judge Ed McKenna questioned how releasing him served public safety interests. Aghast that the judge put a homeless man in jail, Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes partnered with the public defender in an unprecedented media campaign to shame the judge. McKenna felt forced into early retirement.

The Council argues it’s addressing the underlying causes of the crimes when, in truth, it is exacerbating them. The Council cut Seattle’s Navigation Team, a specialized unit of police and outreach workers clearing dangerous encampments while connecting the homeless with shelter.

Seattle is about to hit year 16 of the 10-year plan to end homelessness precisely because of the city’s permissive attitudes on homelessness.

The Council replaced the team with eight civilian outreach workers doing the same work, minus enforcement powers. That means no more sweeps. Good luck finding a park not completely covered with tents. Seattle is about to hit year 16 of the 10-year plan to end homelessness precisely because of the city’s permissive attitudes on homelessness.

A significant problem is the overwhelming number of homeless addicts. City officials believe over 50% of Seattle’s homeless are dealing with addiction. Unfortunately, the Council intends on coddling, rather than treating, them.

Despite pushback from residents, neighboring cities and the U.S. attorney for Western Washington, the Council edged closer to heroin injection sites (dubiously called “safe consumption sites,” though it’s uncontroversial to note it’s never “safe” to shoot up).

Rather than standalone sites, the Council now plans to fund them in pre-existing social service offices where the homeless already visit. The plan has the support of the Council, despite little data to suggest it would be successful. In fact, the data shows the opposite.

Seattle is inspired by heroin injection sites in nearby Vancouver, B.C. They shouldn’t be. The neighborhood in downtown Vancouver was turned into a dangerous, filthy hellscape. What’s worse, overdose deaths continue to skyrocket. September saw over four overdose deaths a day, double what they saw the year prior.

With addiction comes crime. It’s not just open-air drug dealing, which remains a fixture, but break-ins where addicts steal then sell items to fuel their addiction. As those crimes go unpunished, a Council hellbent on defunding the police has run cops out of the force.

The SPD has the lowest number of deployable staff since 1990, which interim chief Adrian Diaz warns is not enough to keep the city safe. Officers accelerated their historic mass exodus after the Council partially defunded the department to force layoffs. At least 118 officers separated by the end of September. Yet the Council is readying an additional 20% budget cut, which cuts staff by not filling over 90 empty positions and laying off 35.

Residents are taking notice. South Lake Union and Downtown Seattle, where many of the city’s high paid tech workers live, are ditching their high-priced neighborhoods leaving a 9.5% and 8.5% large-apartment vacancy behind. Why pay high rents for small apartments in a city that’s growing increasingly dangerous, dirty and expensive? Businesses are following suit.

The very addicts on Seattle streets can change when they hit rock bottom. That may be what it takes to get Seattle to change its course: hitting rock bottom. But at that point, what will be left of this once great city? If there’s not quick intervention, we may soon find out.

Note the question mark in the thread title. Yeah, it's Fox News, but Fox News ain't the same Fox News they useta be. These are proposals not yet passed. It is however an indication of how far the crazies on the Left Coast are willing to go in their obsession for a utopian society. As noted in the article, people of means and businesses are leaving, and it's hard to see new businesses starting up, especially if Biden is successful in raising taxes and increasing regulations. We all better hope that the GOP does not lose those 2 senatorial runoff elections in Georgia. If Seattle does pass these plans then that Seattle is in for a world of shit. And I do not doubt other deep blue cities and states are heading in the same direction. Portland and San Francisco to name a few. Once beautiful places to live or visit. Good taxpayers moving out and illegals, and gangs moving in. God help 'em.

Hell I'd flee too. What a miserable city to live in.
In the final week of October, the Council used the 2021 budget process to forward an updated plan installing heroin injection sites, replace a specialized police unit tackling homelessness, and lay off more Seattle police, which already has record low staffing. Seeing the writing on the wall, some of the city’s best paid residents are fleeing.

SEW-EET! Maybe it should be a straight, face-first fall and not a spiraling in. Let the Dems who all voted blue do this and we can sit back and watch the result. They won't be able to blame Trump for this!
SEW-EET! Maybe it should be a straight, face-first fall and not a spiraling in. Let the Dems who all voted blue do this and we can sit back and watch the result. They won't be able to blame Trump for this!

The problem is leftists won't change their leadership. Instead, they move out into red controlled areas and vote the same way they did in their failed cities and states.
In the final week of October, the Council used the 2021 budget process to forward an updated plan installing heroin injection sites, replace a specialized police unit tackling homelessness, and lay off more Seattle police, which already has record low staffing. Seeing the writing on the wall, some of the city’s best paid residents are fleeing.

SEW-EET! Maybe it should be a straight, face-first fall and not a spiraling in. Let the Dems who all voted blue do this and we can sit back and watch the result. They won't be able to blame Trump for this!
After all the trouble they had an opportunity to vote differently. Screw them.
...they think it's ok for hundreds to gather for vandalism/hate/looting/etc but not for families to gather for Thanksgiving!!!! =total IDIOTS
In the final week of October, the Council used the 2021 budget process to forward an updated plan installing heroin injection sites, replace a specialized police unit tackling homelessness, and lay off more Seattle police, which already has record low staffing. Seeing the writing on the wall, some of the city’s best paid residents are fleeing.

SEW-EET! Maybe it should be a straight, face-first fall and not a spiraling in. Let the Dems who all voted blue do this and we can sit back and watch the result. They won't be able to blame Trump for this!
They will just move to red counties and states, call everyone there racist red necks, and vote blue until they destroy their new residence.
SEW-EET! Maybe it should be a straight, face-first fall and not a spiraling in. Let the Dems who all voted blue do this and we can sit back and watch the result. They won't be able to blame Trump for this!

The problem is leftists won't change their leadership. Instead, they move out into red controlled areas and vote the same way they did in their failed cities and states.

IF THAT'S TRUE, Ray, and it very well may be, then republicans need to start moving into deep blue regions and taking their red votes there as well!

Oh SNAP, I just saw the fatal flaw in that solution: Dems moving into red states are moving into BETTER regions with nicer people, lower crime, good opportunities and lower cost of living; republicans leave them alone to live and do as they please. But why would any republican want to move to, say, San Fran or LA to live with butthole assholes, illegal foreigners, 3rd worlders, rampant crime and homelessness, shitty jobs, high regulations, massive traffic and a super high cost of living??

So we either need to concede eventual failure, that Dems are like a creeping disease that will eventually take us over, or we need to fight fire with fire, seek them out and make living with us a hell like living with them.

But we won't do that because it runs counter to everything we stand for. In effect, it would make us just like them and then we lose anyway by being as bad as they are.
IF THAT'S TRUE, Ray, and it very well may be, then republicans need to start moving into deep blue regions and taking their red votes there as well!

Oh SNAP, I just saw the fatal flaw in that solution: Dems moving into red states are moving into BETTER regions with nicer people, lower crime, good opportunities and lower cost of living; republicans leave them alone to live and do as they please. But why would any republican want to move to, say, San Fran or LA to live with butthole assholes, illegal foreigners, 3rd worlders, rampant crime and homelessness, shitty jobs, high regulations, massive traffic and a super high cost of living??

So we either need to concede eventual failure, that Dems are like a creeping disease that will eventually take us over, or we need to fight fire with fire, seek them out and make living with us a hell like living with them.

But we won't do that because it runs counter to everything we stand for. In effect, it would make us just like them and then we lose anyway by being as bad as they are.

Absolutely. I would never dream of living in a blue state or city. I like to watch HGTV now that the weather is crappy. I'm amazed at the cost of housing in these commie areas. For what they pay 800K for, you can get a house here for about 250K. What's even more shocking than that are the people on these shows tell what they do for a living. How does a dog groomer and her manager husband afford a 800K house????

I welcome any Democrat trying to escape the insanity of a blue state. What I don't understand is why they go to those states and vote for the same party that ruined the last place they lived.

The only real solution is to have two countries instead of one. Republicans on the east side of the country and Democrats on the west. This way when the shit hits the fan, we can salvage at least half of America.
Republicans on the east side of the country and Democrats on the west.

That won't work-- -- why should the Dems get all of the Pacific coastline with all its gorgeous weather and geography? Not to mention access to ports facing the Far East where most stuff comes in from. Whatever the solution, everyone needs access to at least some aspects of BOTH coasts as well as both warm and cool climates.

Of course, IMO, since the Left hate capitalism, America, our history and values so much, they really ought to all be put on a plane and sent to Europe. Certainly, they'd be MUCH happier there.
That won't work-- -- why should the Dems get all of the Pacific coastline with all its gorgeous weather and geography? Not to mention access to ports facing the Far East where most stuff comes in from. Whatever the solution, everyone needs access to at least some aspects of BOTH coasts as well as both warm and cool climates.

Of course, IMO, since the Left hate capitalism, America, our history and values so much, they really ought to all be put on a plane and sent to Europe. Certainly, they'd be MUCH happier there.

If Republicans took the west we'd still be dealing with the border problems. If Democrats love them south Americans so much, the border is there for them to open up if they desire. Watch how high they build that wall then. They won't need those third world people any longer for political advantage.
In the final week of October, the Council used the 2021 budget process to forward an updated plan installing heroin injection sites, replace a specialized police unit tackling homelessness, and lay off more Seattle police, which already has record low staffing. Seeing the writing on the wall, some of the city’s best paid residents are fleeing.

SEW-EET! Maybe it should be a straight, face-first fall and not a spiraling in. Let the Dems who all voted blue do this and we can sit back and watch the result. They won't be able to blame Trump for this!
They will just move to red counties and states, call everyone there racist red necks, and vote blue until they destroy their new residence.
It seems to be faster today then when the suburbs sprouted up many decades ago. After this year and watching the absolute tyranny of Prog leadership, I can never live in a pure blue local area again. The fact is, even in an area of mixed politicians, I now look at Prog people as shills waiting to show their worst side. The Prog Mayor of a purple area can be different then the Prog mayor of a Prog area. For pure Progs have no checks and balances.
If Democrats love them south Americans so much, the border is there for them to open up if they desire. Watch how high they build that wall then. They won't need those third world people any longer for political advantage.

With no conflicting political races to win any more, those poor 3rd worlders lowering their standard of living would disappear faster than morning mist on a summer day.
With no conflicting political races to win any more, those poor 3rd worlders lowering their standard of living would disappear faster than morning mist on a summer day.

The long term goal for the Democrats was to make whites a minority as soon as possible. Outside of whites, every other demographic group votes a majority Democrat, so the only way for them to obtain unchallenged power is to wipe us whites out.

If they have their own country, those people of color would be unnecessary because there will be nobody to defeat for power.
It seems to be faster today then when the suburbs sprouted up many decades ago. After this year and watching the absolute tyranny of Prog leadership, I can never live in a pure blue local area again. The fact is, even in an area of mixed politicians, I now look at Prog people as shills waiting to show their worst side. The Prog Mayor of a purple area can be different then the Prog mayor of a Prog area. For pure Progs have no checks and balances.

Biden's plans are to destroy those nice suburbs. He and Cory Booker have been working on it for some time now if he wins the presidency. So if you do live in the suburbs, your property value may be cut in half when they insert these low-income, high-crime lowlifes there.


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