Sebelius: I can’t suspend the lung-transplant rules for a dying 10-year-old


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
this is your where did we hear about DEATH PANELS?
Links in article at site


posted at 8:01 pm on June 4, 2013 by Allahpundit

Portrait of a bureaucratic nightmare: A little girl’s dying from cystic fibrosis and has three to five weeks to live unless she gets a lung transplant before then. The good news is that adult lungs can be modified for a child her age in a way that’ll save her life — except that, because she’s only 10, she’s not eligible for them. The “adult” list starts at 12; everyone younger than that goes to the children’s list, where lungs are much harder to come by. The question is, does Sebelius have the authority to suspend those age limitations and make the girl, Sarah Murnaghan, eligible for an adult transplant?

I honestly don’t know the answer. Murnaghan’s parents say Sebelius’s authority is clear; Sebelius herself claims that HHS’s lawyers have told her she can’t do it. A life hangs in the balance. On one side:

nder existing policy all adults in the region with her blood type will be offered the lungs first, her parents say, even those more stable and with less severe conditions. The girl’s parents called for a change in the policy after their appeal was denied…

United Network for Organ Sharing, also a nonprofit under contract with the government, said a committee would review the policy and the public would have a chance to comment on any proposed changes. But spokeswoman Anne Paschke said any changes most likely won’t come quickly enough to benefit Sarah or others like her.

“The policy development process is not fast,” she said in an email to The Associated Press. “Organ allocation policies are created to transplant as many people as possible overall, result in the fewest waiting list deaths overall and result in the best possible survival overall. In developing policies, committees and the board weigh data, medical evidence and experience, and public input.”

all of it here
Sebelius: I can?t suspend the lung-transplant rules for a dying 10-year-old « Hot Air
did you object to death panels used by private companies? ie insurance companies denying treatment of so call experimental things? death panels have existed in one form or another for many years., aint no new thing
did you object to death panels used by private companies? ie insurance companies denying treatment of so call experimental things? death panels have existed in one form or another for many years., aint no new thing

maybe not, but now we have some government bureaucrat making this decision for the people they are suppose to, PROTECT AND SERVE..
give's me the warm fuzzies, how about you?
because of their scarcity organ transplants have always had strict rules and guidelines.

this girls story is tragic, but i don't know how you can link those rules, which exist outside of 'obamacare' to the president or death panels or sebelius or whatever you'd like to use the family and the girl to attack.

further, let's say she gets her lung. i'm going to safely assume she's not the only one waiting for one... where does that leave everyone else on the list? should someone else on the list that meets the criteria go without because some pundits have decided to use that particular girl as a political football? do the punditry then become death panels themselves?
Sebelius doesn't have a particularly good track record when it comes to human life. While governor of Kansas (or wherever) she signed every pro-abortion bill that crossed her desk. She was getting a lot of political funding from an abortion doctor who was a good personal friend. I think his boast of abortions done was around 60,000. He doesn't do that anymore. One Sunday morning while he was a church someone walked in and shot the good doctor rendering him dead. Some of you might remember that story from a few years back.

While it's true that legislation comes slowly (except for stupid stuff), it seems that this family's Representative might bring the situation up for an emergency vote. Whether Sebelius does or does not have the authority to make emergency changes or exceptions, I don't think it matters to her whether the child lives or dies.
Not surprising that rw's are whining about death panels when the answer to this is very easy.

Become a donor.

But, don't even consider being part of the solution when blaming Dems is so much easier for you idiots.
for those who don't know it, children's organs are even scarcer than adult.

Why not make your child a door?
You have to read up on Complete Lives Systems to understand what is going on here. Anyone from 0-14 or over the age of 45 is on a bell curve and won't get treatment that would save their lives if the don't fit into the safe zone - 15 - 45 yrs of age. Why? Because they cannot produce for the State.

They don't need you if they can't profit from you. That is what it comes down to. - Jeri
It's not death panels, and the rules have been in place for a long time. While my heart goes out to this family, I don't think the rules should be broken for them.
because of their scarcity organ transplants have always had strict rules and guidelines.

this girls story is tragic, but i don't know how you can link those rules, which exist outside of 'obamacare' to the president or death panels or sebelius or whatever you'd like to use the family and the girl to attack.

further, let's say she gets her lung. i'm going to safely assume she's not the only one waiting for one... where does that leave everyone else on the list? should someone else on the list that meets the criteria go without because some pundits have decided to use that particular girl as a political football? do the punditry then become death panels themselves?

Funny with all the resistance to stem cell research, some of which involved growing organs to circumvent having to wait for them..that there is a complaint about this sort of thing now. Especially given that changes to Drunk Driving laws and airbags have made organs even more scarce.

Conservatives stifled research for almost a decade. So whats the solution now?

Having the Chinese have more executions?
It's not death panels, and the rules have been in place for a long time. While my heart goes out to this family, I don't think the rules should be broken for them.

Unfortunately, this poor girl isn't a famous baseball player or a former VP.
I think Sebelius got it right.

and for the reasons I hate obamacare and all it portends and pretends it will do or replace.

heres the point; under the bad old system in place now, an insurance co. very easily would have made this same call, nope sorry, its not in line with the agreed provisions etc. as in the coverage as written .........and they would have had the snot beat out of them for whats changed? ;)

I love it how the left can use/create caricatures of po' folks or children ( and granny over the cliff) denied care under the same private ins. co., comparison with this Obamacare decision she just made, yet, they are 'bad' and supported by people (republicans) that just want to see people die and keep the good care to themselves....:rolleyes:

another high water mark for lefty hypocrisy....

go ahead, prove me wrong lefty's, let me see you tear Sibelius up......I'll be back....
What Sebelius is saying is that she CAN'T change the rules put into place by medical decision makers.

This article, which is in a related topic, explains why Sebelius shouldn't interfere.

Little Sarah Murnaghan's Needed Lung Transplant: Why Gov't Should Not Intervene - The Brenner Brief | The Brenner Brief

That is an excellant article! While I sympathize for the Murnaghan's, neither government nor non-medical entities should be involved in determining these things.
huh, Stuphie wants the government to decide who gets transplants. Who would have thought.
did you object to death panels used by private companies? ie insurance companies denying treatment of so call experimental things? death panels have existed in one form or another for many years., aint no new thing

maybe not, but now we have some government bureaucrat making this decision for the people they are suppose to, PROTECT AND SERVE..
give's me the warm fuzzies, how about you?

nothing about 'government' has given me the warm fuzzies in decades....the greatest con on the american thinking that either party cares for the citizens..americans no longer know what the responsibilties of citizen ship are
but dont get me started...i am old enough to remember when voting was taken was a responsibility to educate yourself on the issues but i have lived a life of race riots and anti war memories of my youth...(when dinosaurs roamed the earth) are of those things....racial strife...and the vietnam war...and here we are....not much learned...not much done....sad

baby boomers have voted themselves entitlements one right after another..and we dont mind putting a shitload of debt on our grandkids, now do we?

but dont get me started....
Sebelius: I can’t suspend the lung-transplant rules for a dying 10-year-old

Here's a question for Comrade Sebelius: Why are there ANY government rules for transplants? Why in the fuck should central planners get to decide what's best instead of individuals? If I want to sell one of my kidneys, I ought to be able to do just that and if I need a kidney, I ought to be able to purchase one without the approval of government.

There would be plenty of vital organs for transplant if the market set the supply and demand instead of central planners. Instead, expect this little girl to die. But don't worry, they know what's best! :doubt:

And please, don't anyone give me that "They'll steal kidneys!!!" bullshit. Taking anything from another is already against the law, much less vital organs.
If you let the market control it, only the wealthiest would be able to afford it.

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