Sebelius says she doesn't 'work for' those calling for her resignation


VIP Member
Oct 24, 2013
“The majority of people calling for me to resign I would say are people who I don't work for,

Sebelius says she doesn't 'work for' those calling for her resignation | Fox News

who the hell does she think she works for? she works for me she works for us we are her boss

the arrogance on the left is just breath taking. this is why this country is so much in deep shit if the left stays in control. they are transforming this once great nation no one will recognize. at one time government worked for us the left is transforming it to we work for the government' and Im asking what does that sound like what political ideology were all its citizens work for the government
She only works for certain liberals. Others are merely targeted as part of her job.

She should resign for many reasons, starting with abusing power to target political enemies.

The planned meeting with Dems only to discuss the shitty $600 million dollar website is another indication of dishonesty. They don't want people to know what they're doing. Of course, Sebelius said she couldn't attend meeting because of schedule conflicts. Seriously? What the hell does she have to do that is more important than tackling the problems with implementing health care? Bitch needs to go.

Even Dems are stepping up to call for delaying the individual mandate, but I guess she doesn't work for them either.

She is a public servant who fucked up big time. We are all her employer and she has opted not to answer to us for her major screw ups. She acts as if she is Obama's own personal servant, but then maybe that is her job. Everything she's done has been to protect his agenda.
Never ever forget who one of her best friends was and one of her biggest donors.

Tiller the killer. I still want to know who authorized Tiller to have a crematorium at his abortion factory.
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Mrs. Sebelius? Just who do you work for? Our tax dollars pay your salary lady. Get with the program or get out.
She's right, screw the ''no compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP'' -TIME.

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