Sebelius: Yep, obamacare is raising insurance costs

and remember "The Good Old Days" when a private practice charged you to sit in their waiting for about 4.00 a minute? Now, you will be charged 8.00 a minute to sit, and $100.00 to fill out a medical questionnaire, then you can expect to pay around $250.00 for a 10 minute stay in one of those cubicals. And who doesn't enjoy studying all of those "Internal Body Part" charts on the wall?
Well, duh.

Those of us with an understanding of economics and markets predicted this all along.
How about: 2nd worst president after James Buchanan?
oh, I left out, by 2016 we will be not only charged to use the bathrooms in a private practice, they will also charge us for each TP Sheet. I am guessing about $4.50 a sheet?
I am really curious how Obama will be remembered.

Or if.

Oh he will be, he is black, and to many people, that's something. But really, if in 2 terms Obama can't live up to a single ideal that he talked so much about, how will he be remembered?

There are crazy Obama-bots all over the place, a growing number in fact as Obama's base shrinks by the millions, I can understand why that works like that, desperation. But if Obama keeps this country in perpetual war, massive deficits, an economy that just keeps doing worse and a health care program that fails to meet a single goal... How will he be remembered? The President that tried but couldn't? The President that proved Progressives are truly the dangerous side effect of a overly taught but underlay accomplished people? The great divider? A mumbler? A war President? A racist?

Really, what will he be remembered as, I wonder...
you would have to have an IQ of 42 or under, or living in a bubble to figure out that it would be impossible to implement Obama-Care when we already owe 16 Trillion Dollars, along with over 100 Trillion in unfunded liabilities. Hm? 40% of Americans? don't they watch the news?
Obama will be known as the first President who incurred over a trillion in debt in history for 2009. He will be known for the ACA that will bankrupt us.
ObamaCare was a labor union boondoogle, not health reform.

We need to either go all in, and have universal health care, or get government out of the healthcare business altogether. This half-assed incrementalist bullshit is destroying us economically.

You ever wonder why you never see ads for health insurance, but can't go one commerical break without seeing an ad for Progressive or Allstate auto insurance. Have you?

It is because the government is in the health care business, but isn't in the auto business.

How fucked up is it the government not only involves itself in health insurance, but also gets to write the rules for its private sector competitors? Is it really a fucking mystery how that would turn out any other way than it has, with skyrocketing health care costs?

The government shoves private insurance into geographically limited pools while it gets to have clients from all around the nation, giving it more bargaining power than private insurance companies.

ObamaCare embeds employer-sponsor health insurance even more deeply into our health care system, and that is one of the drivers of skyrocketing health care costs.

Does it make any fucking sense that when you lose your job you also lose your health insurance at the same time, but you don't lose your auto, life, or home insurance?

Wake up.

Employer-sponsored health insurance forces you to take it or leave it. You don't get to negotiate with a wide variety of competing health insurance companies nationwide. You don't get to pick which options you want or don't want. You don't get discounts for being a long term customer. And if one person in your small company runs up huge medical bills, your premiums skyrocket even more.

And the insurance company does not get the bargaining power with healthcare providers that the government's national company (Medicare) does. How fucked up is that?

The whole fucking field is tilted in the government's favor.

You should be able to buy your health insurance the same way you buy your home, auto, and life insurance.

Until then, health care costs are going to continue to outpace CPI.
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oh, I left out, by 2016 we will be not only charged to use the bathrooms in a private practice, they will also charge us for each TP Sheet. I am guessing about $4.50 a sheet?

I heard that Obama has awarded seventy bazillion dollars in government guaranteed loans to replace TP with 3 Shells.
oh, I left out, by 2016 we will be not only charged to use the bathrooms in a private practice, they will also charge us for each TP Sheet. I am guessing about $4.50 a sheet?

when was the last time anyone has ever seen a pay toliet? for I around 1976.

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