Second amendment, should felons be allowed to own guns?

When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
That brings up a very good point. So you have this big black guy taking your head and pounding it on the concrete thinking you are gay and he is going to kill you, should you draw your weapon and kill him point blank, or think about "do you have the right to defend yourself?"
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to be able to explain these concepts to you, but that's okay.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to be able to explain these concepts to you, but that's okay.
You should be able to explain something you so vigorously believe in. It kind of takes away your mystique.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to be able to explain these concepts to you, but that's okay.
You should be able to explain something you so vigorously believe in. It kind of takes away your mystique.
the problem is you not him,,,
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to be able to explain these concepts to you, but that's okay.
You should be able to explain something you so vigorously believe in. It kind of takes away your mystique.
the problem is you not him,,,
I'm sorry I am a problem to you. I tend to have that affect on weak people like yourself.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
If a felon is released form prison they should have all their rights.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to be able to explain these concepts to you, but that's okay.
You should be able to explain something you so vigorously believe in. It kind of takes away your mystique.
the problem is you not him,,,
I'm sorry I am a problem to you. I tend to have that affect on weak people like yourself.
Tell us another lies, kangs.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
If the felony was for a non violent crime than IMHO yes you should be allowed to defend yourself.
In my opinion, if you're convicted of a violent crime, no, I do not think you should be permitted to own a firearm...
If a felon is released form [sic] prison they should have all their rights.

One who is not in prison, but is on probation, parole, or some other similar limitation—I'm completely OK with limiting the rights of such a person, including voting rights, rights to association, the right to keep and bear arms, and so on. Such a person is, after all, still under sentence for a crime of which he has been duly convicted, and it is entirely reasonable to impose any limits on his rights that are reasonably necessary to punish him for his crime, and to impair his ability to commit new crimes.

But that's an entirely different case from someone who has completed all his sentences,and “paid his debt to society”.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to be able to explain these concepts to you, but that's okay.
You should be able to explain something you so vigorously believe in. It kind of takes away your mystique.
You should be able to understand something so simple, and yet, here we are.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
If a felon is released form prison they should have all their rights.
only if their sentence is completed,,,not if they are out on parole,,,
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
I disagree.
Thats only because you believe in smoky, wispy, hard to hold things like rights as if someone cant come and take them away from you instantly by putting 2 in your dome. So lets say I said yes I have the right to defend my life. What is that even worth? I can believe that with all my heart and soul but someone could catch me with my guard down and kill me. I'm pretty sure the last thing I would be thinking is that I have a right to defend myself.
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to be able to explain these concepts to you, but that's okay.
You should be able to explain something you so vigorously believe in. It kind of takes away your mystique.
the problem is you not him,,,
I'm sorry I am a problem to you. I tend to have that affect on weak people like yourself.
you are no more a problem to me than your average bowel movement,,,
gross and sticky while doing it but relieved and lighter after youre done and gone,,,
I keep seeing people talking about after they have paid their debt to society, they should get all their rights back.

But if someone has been convicted multiple times for violent felonies, haven't they shown themselves to be a danger if armed?
I keep seeing people talking about after they have paid their debt to society, they should get all their rights back.

But if someone has been convicted multiple times for violent felonies, haven't they shown themselves to be a danger if armed?
and those people should be locked up forever,,,

thats a failure of state,,,

OH and didnt you know criminals dont care about laws???
I keep seeing people talking about after they have paid their debt to society, they should get all their rights back.

But if someone has been convicted multiple times for violent felonies, haven't they shown themselves to be a danger if armed?
Where does it say in the constitution a man can’t protect his family? Hunt for food to eat?
I keep seeing people talking about after they have paid their debt to society, they should get all their rights back.

But if someone has been convicted multiple times for violent felonies, haven't they shown themselves to be a danger if armed?

At some point, a person who has demonstrated an irredeemable level of criminal inclination needs to serve his sentence at the end of a rope. Once such a sentence has been completed, then I am perfectly OK with allowing that person to possess arms; he can have them buried in his grave with him.
I keep seeing people talking about after they have paid their debt to society, they should get all their rights back.

But if someone has been convicted multiple times for violent felonies, haven't they shown themselves to be a danger if armed?
Where does it say in the constitution a man can’t protect his family? Hunt for food to eat?

And, if a person wants to do that, perhaps he should take care to not commit multiple violent felonies...
I keep seeing people talking about after they have paid their debt to society, they should get all their rights back.

But if someone has been convicted multiple times for violent felonies, haven't they shown themselves to be a danger if armed?
Where does it say in the constitution a man can’t protect his family? Hunt for food to eat?

And, if a person wants to do that, perhaps he should take care to not commit multiple violent felonies...
We have democrat run towns that have destroyed American way of life that has caused oppression, which leads to crime, I agree in a normal American society if you commit violent activities you should be in jail for the rest your life.. but if you’re in a democratic run cities which Scripps your liberty, opportunity, education.. then you should be given a chance
I keep seeing people talking about after they have paid their debt to society, they should get all their rights back.

But if someone has been convicted multiple times for violent felonies, haven't they shown themselves to be a danger if armed?
Where does it say in the constitution a man can’t protect his family? Hunt for food to eat?

And, if a person wants to do that, perhaps he should take care to not commit multiple violent felonies...
We have democrat run towns that have destroyed American way of life that has caused oppression, which leads to crime, I agree in a normal American society if you commit violent activities you should be in jail for the rest your life.. but if you’re in a democratic run cities which Scripps your liberty, opportunity, education.. then you should be given a chance

"Scripps" my liberty? I'm not even sure what that means.

As for them being "given a chance", if they've been convicted multiple times for violent felonies, they've already had their "chance".

And they blew it...

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