Second coldest spring......IN HISTORY!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Second Coldest Start To Spring In US History | Real Science

Of course, just a blip on the warming radar for the warmist religion!!!! But these days, everything is going the way of the "denialist" contingent.

The Fantasy of Extreme Weather | Behind The Black

Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming | Fox News

Climate models fail to ?predict? US droughts : Nature News & Comment

How Climate Change is Causing Antarctic Sea-ice to Expand ? News Watch

Plus, now tons of stuff indicating the "climate models" are largely taken and presented ONLY from the extreme end of the model other words, they warmist clubs pick the model that best fits the established narrative.

Who's not winning???:2up::2up::2up::2up::2up:
Weather- if you don't like it now, just wait a while. Its bound to change.
the USA was the best documented temperature history in the world before 2000, when Hansen and the boys started homogenizing, and re-homogenizing, and re-re-homogenizing until the poor tortured numbers said what they were 'supposed to'.

even now large parts of the south still have a cooling trend over the last 100 years.
Interesting spring, all right. Started out with the Mississippi at record lows. Now they have flooding. And the winter wheat they were worried about because of drought, now is in danger from soaked ground and cold weather.

2011, record flooding. 2012, major drought. 2013, ?

That area seems to be riding a rollercoaster. "Wider and Wilder"
Interesting spring, all right. Started out with the Mississippi at record lows. Now they have flooding. And the winter wheat they were worried about because of drought, now is in danger from soaked ground and cold weather.

2011, record flooding. 2012, major drought. 2013, ?

That area seems to be riding a rollercoaster. "Wider and Wilder"

The Fantasy of Extreme Weather | Behind The Black

Wider and wilder weather!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds gloomy, doesn’t it? Not only will extreme heatwaves, cold waves, and droughts tear apart the very fabric of society, you will not be able to drink your soda in peace on your next airplane ride!

However, one little detail, buried in one of these stories as a single sentence, literally makes hogwash out of everything else said in these three articles.

But before I tell you that little detail, I want to discuss each story itself, for even without that detail these stories have feet of clay.

The first proposes that atmospheric turbulence will increase drastically once the amount of carbon dioxide has risen to be twice what it was prior to the beginning of the industrial revolution. At the present rate of increase, this moment is expected to occur in about 2050.

During winter months, when clear-air turbulence is at its worst in that area, 16 of the 21 often-used ways in which scientists measure turbulence suggest that the average intensity of the plane-rattling phenomenon … will be between 10% and 40% stronger when CO2 concentrations are double their preindustrial value. … Accordingly, the frequency of moderate-or-greater turbulence—intensities at which passengers will experience accelerations of 0.5 g or more, which are strong enough to toss items about the cabin—will rise by between 40% and 170%.

Oh no! We’re all gonna die!

Not really. This report is not based on actual data, but on a computer simulations using the same computer models that have also been predicting for the past twenty years that the increase in the global temperature will rise in lockstep with the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Unfortunately, all those computer models have turned out to be wrong. While the amount of CO2 has continued to go up, the global temperature stopped rising around 1998.

Thus, worrying about this predicted increased turbulence, based merely on shaky computer simulations, is hardly something to be taken very seriously. As the computer programmers like to say, “Garbage in, garbage out.”

The second story posits that human-caused global warming has led to wider swings of extreme temperatures in China.

The researchers estimate that human emissions likely increased the warmest annual extreme temperatures—the daily maximum and daily minimum for the hottest day and night of the year—by 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit (0.92 degrees Celsius) and 3°F (1.7°C), respectively. They also found that human emissions likely raised the coolest annual extreme temperatures—the daily maximum and daily minimum for the coldest day and night of the year—by 5.1°F (2.83°C) and 8.0°F (4.44°C), respectively.

Oh no! We’re all gonna die!

The problem here is that once again, these scientists are using those same climate computer models that have failed to predict the lack of temperature rise for the climate during the past two decades. They claim that the temperature swings in China would have been less without CO2 emissions, but how do they know that?

They don’t. The computer models they are using to make these temperature estimates are mere guesses, guesses that have so far been proven wrong. You might as well throw a pair of dice.

Finally, the third story, from Nature, claims that the advent of extreme weather events caused by global warming will do great harm to plant life, which in turn will act to accelerate the rate of global warming.

Drought is drought.......been happening forever and a day. Its just the folks into the warming stuff always want us to be focusing on the current drought because it coincides with all the "climate change" narrative.


And we see this same pseudo-attern all the way back to 1880.

With this weather stuff, you can just pick your period of time because its convenient. Thats not much scientific.
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How could this be the second coldest spring in history with 1975 being the coldest? It was so cold in 1816 that it snowed in July. Crops failed & a large percent of the population died. It was called "The Year Without A Summer".
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Interesting spring, all right. Started out with the Mississippi at record lows. Now they have flooding. And the winter wheat they were worried about because of drought, now is in danger from soaked ground and cold weather.

2011, record flooding. 2012, major drought. 2013, ?

That area seems to be riding a rollercoaster. "Wider and Wilder"

Second Coldest Start To Spring In US History | Real Science

Of course, just a blip on the warming radar for the warmist religion!!!! But these days, everything is going the way of the "denialist" contingent.

The Fantasy of Extreme Weather | Behind The Black

Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming | Fox News

Climate models fail to ?predict? US droughts : Nature News & Comment

How Climate Change is Causing Antarctic Sea-ice to Expand ? News Watch

Plus, now tons of stuff indicating the "climate models" are largely taken and presented ONLY from the extreme end of the model other words, they warmist clubs pick the model that best fits the established narrative.

Who's not winning???:2up::2up::2up::2up::2up:

Yeah.................sure......................a blog that calls itself real science is credible..................

Got news for you sportcheck, the past 3 summers in the TX Panhandle have been the hottest on record. Not only that, but the main water supply (Lake Meredith) is down over 70 feet from what it should be.
Geez, we have to rely on the the bar scene from Star Wars aka the UN to come to the conclusion that the freaking sun has something to do with the freaking climate. It's enough to make you crazy.
Interesting spring, all right. Started out with the Mississippi at record lows. Now they have flooding. And the winter wheat they were worried about because of drought, now is in danger from soaked ground and cold weather.

2011, record flooding. 2012, major drought. 2013, ?

That area seems to be riding a rollercoaster. "Wider and Wilder" why is the Mississippi flooding?...and what were we told by warmists not so long ago about the cause for that flooding?
This is the coldest spring since CO2 was at 304 ppm. The second hottest spring happened when CO2 was below 300 ppm. Anyone who believes that CO2 is in any way a control knob for the climate is simply deluded.
India currently roasts in a heatwave, with over 500 dying from heatstroke so far. Y'all should inform them about how warming is always beneficial.

Heatwave continues, over 500 dead since April - Times Of India

Siberia, an area as big as the USA, sees very warm temps.


The point is that you have to be pretty damn stupid to declare that your own backyard represents the whole world, yet most of the denialists are that stupid.
Second coldest spring......IN HISTORY!!!

Tell me about it!
()&*^%@$^)(*_I wish there was some damned warming going on....
India currently roasts in a heatwave, with over 500 dying from heatstroke so far. Y'all should inform them about how warming is always beneficial.

Heatwave continues, over 500 dead since April - Times Of India

Siberia, an area as big as the USA, sees very warm temps.


The point is that you have to be pretty damn stupid to declare that your own backyard represents the whole world, yet most of the denialists are that stupid.

Thats right......we denialists are stupid as hell. Because we look at data that doesnt conform with the stuff the committed environment crusaders canned data easily found anywhere and everywhere.

But we're winning!!! Thats all that matters.

Now THIS is really stupid..........
Interesting spring, all right. Started out with the Mississippi at record lows. Now they have flooding. And the winter wheat they were worried about because of drought, now is in danger from soaked ground and cold weather.

2011, record flooding. 2012, major drought. 2013, ?

That area seems to be riding a rollercoaster. "Wider and Wilder"

Second coldest spring......IN HISTORY!!!...because of AGW, amiright?

Why don't any of the charts you ever post show these imaginary "wider and wider" swings?
We had about four weeks of depressing damp cold followed by hi-temp summer for the last two days

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