Second Dallas Ebola Patient?

Miles: 5 DISD students possibly exposed to Ebola

attend 4 different schools, in which they were there this Mon and Tues. Seems the nurse did ask at the hospital and somehow it got lost before he was discharged. The kids are being kept out of school and the adults are being self monitored.
No traditional quarantine, according to the news conference. This is within a community of around 25,000 people, where he had moved from Liberia to stay with family here, which also includes 33 different languages. They are getting out there to spread the info to try to keep people from going underground out of fear.

Texas Ebola patient had contact with children - Houston Chronicle
Dear koshergrl:

If you want to find something ELSE to add on, look at this:
The patient's family lives in a neighborhood encompassing about 25,000 people, where 33 different languages are spoken — complicating the investigation as officials continue to fan out looking for other possible people with symptoms.

So liberals DON'T want English as a uniform language for public institutions to run smoothly and effectively,
even when language is critical dealing with police, legal and legislative systems, and emergency crises like this.

but they WILL argue that all health care should be streamlined through govt,
REGARDLESS of people's diverse views and beliefs!

It's okay for govt to define choices when it aligns with their political agenda.
like forcing people to buy health care insurance which should not be a free choice.
But not encouraging a central official language even for public safety and security measures.

Even when communicating in a central official language would save time and lives, that doesn't count as a reason
to enforce a uniform policy for all citizens. That's totalitarian, but it's okay for liberals to impose beliefs in nationalized health care, despite the diversity of views and beliefs that would be precluded if not violated.

Sorry to throw something else in, which I found in the article on the Dallas case above,
but if you are going to vent about govt, might as well go all out!

Oh I know, as loudly as they screech "SCIENCE! KNOWLEDGE!" they stand steadfastly against science and knowledge when it doesn't convey the concepts they want people to accept.

As I've said all along, progressives love it when there are big *die-offs* of people. This is the same group of people that maintain we dont' need vaccines for our kids....the same people who claim that a child should be able to get an abortion without anyone who *treats* her being obligated to tell parents or the authorities...the same people who maintain there are too many people in the world...the same people who maintain that children should be *removed* from Christian parents...the same people who maintain that human life has no validity if it is unable to defend itself from others who for whatever reason, find that life a burden....

Do you REALLY think they're going to ever suggest or stand for a common-sense or scientific approach to disease?

They won't. They never will. They applaud pandemic...and those who don't actively think it's a good thing for poor people to die off occasionally honestly believe there is no danger whatever.
Oh right, let's suspend the constitution :rolleyes:

Oh I get it.


You realize that blurting out idiocies unrelated to anything is one of the earliest signs of ebola infection, right?
Watch....the Cowboys will finally make NFC championship, and Ebola crisis will cancel the Super Bowl haha!
Oh right, let's suspend the constitution :rolleyes:

Oh I get it.


You realize that blurting out idiocies unrelated to anything is one of the earliest signs of ebola infection, right?
Lol, I was talking about forcing people to speak English. But if I do have Ebola, come give me a kiss :)

Remember the hooker mouth-mouth kisses, rav....
Though your comment is telling.

Scumbags first expose those they don't like to disease, then they giggle about it.

Like I said, progressives love it when there's pandemic. Anytime people die they get a woody.
SO two airports and two planeloads of people and he somehow what .........stumbles into 4 grade schools for good measure.........
Here is the latest for those that haven't read the other thread-
Duncan “had direct contact with a woman stricken by Ebola on Sept. 15” and left his native Liberia for Dallas four days later, The New York Times reported today. It attributed the information to the woman’s parents and Duncan’s neighbors. The 19-year-old woman, who was pregnant, and her 21-year-old brother have since died, the newspaper said. - See more at: Health regulators not rushing to probe Dallas hospital 8217 s handling of Ebola patient Dallas Morning News
I call this criminal negligence on everyone of them.......... No way to track who he met in the airport unless you are going to review hrs of film and them somehow try to ID them What about people in the plane are they notified and staying home.....especiaLLY THE PEOPLE HE SAT BY


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