Second Dallas Ebola Patient?

You know, I understand treatment here is much better. The problem I have right now is the exposure that has happened and this patient was sent home with it. A total screw up by this hospital. Sadly, before this hospital was bought out it had a reputation that could not be beat.
USMB nutters want so badly to be able to call Obama the "Ebola President".....they'll take a few hundred dead Texans as payment without hesitation.
Another one that puts politics over legitimate concern.

Did you see that thread about how Obama's using Ebola to eliminate the US?

Did you see the thread about quarantining Texas?

Either side not taking this seriously are digging deep holes
Did you see the thread about quarantining Texas?

Either side not taking this seriously are digging deep holes

I'm pretty sure the thread I brought up was taking it pretty seriously. Which is much scarier than if they had been joking IMO.
He was in contact with several children, and presumably the children have attended school since he first came over from LIBERIA, went to the er, and was sent home with a prescription for antibiotics.

Can't wait to see the loser progressives yacking it up when kids start dying.
"The patient, whose condition was upgraded to serious Wednesday, was in contact with several children before he was hospitalized, health officials here said."

"The Dallas County school district officials said they are working closely with health officials."


Officials Second person being monitored for Ebola
You know, I understand treatment here is much better. The problem I have right now is the exposure that has happened and this patient was sent home with it. A total screw up by this hospital. Sadly, before this hospital was bought out it had a reputation that could not be beat.

In the current situation, anyone showing fever symptoms and the other GI symptoms related to Ebola should be asked the travel question.
So some statist needs to explain to me..if the CDC is so pivotal in preventing the spread of ebola...why is it they're lying about the fact that it can be airborne?
USMB nutters want so badly to be able to call Obama the "Ebola President".....they'll take a few hundred dead Texans as payment without hesitation.
Another one that puts politics over legitimate concern.

Did you see that thread about how Obama's using Ebola to eliminate the US?

At this point, it is just normal logical reaction to try to amp up the resources to the UN and African medical
teams to treat the current growth of sickness that otherwise doubles each month.
There is nothing political about Bill Gates, Obama and others trying to pull resources from all over to act as quickly as possible to save millions more lives and dollars in the next few critical months.

After the crunch is over,
If Obama could use this example to promote health care enrollment, I could see them using it for that!

In fact, the ONLY reasonable argument I have heard made for advantages to Obamacare enrollment
is what if there was a mass, widespread demand over several areas across the nation, and only the government could cover all the bases in each local as the central mode of communicating and organizing all the information and resources.

So if it reaches that level, yes, that is where the govt is supposed to intervene.
However that is equally a reason NOT to overload the govt with health care programs better reserved locally.
We need to save the central govt for just the Emergency situations and delegate the majority of work out
so that doesn't backlog the system with heavy levels of bureaucracy
and slow down response time needed for faster action. We should take that weight OFF govt
so it is free to handle the crises that require nationwide alerts and action.
I hope, they are not letting any uncontrolled immigrants near the patients. Cause these guys can spread the disease around the country veeery fast.
Anyway, we can now have our own resurrections and zombie apocalypse. How soon do you think people will start coming back from the dead?
So some statist needs to explain to me..if the CDC is so pivotal in preventing the spread of ebola...why is it they're lying about the fact that it can be airborne?

Why are people even traveling back and forth from Africa?
Shouldn't all focus be on sending medical teams and resources IN:
NOT creating more risk to more populations which will further strain the situation
that isn't being covered adequately as is.

All focus should be there. if everything had to stop until this is contained,
maybe more people would take it seriously and do more to support those efforts as the number one priority.
Well, initially all the focus should have been there.

Not any more. This guy from Liberia went to the ER with a fever, and they sent him home.

He came into contact with CHILDREN and they didn't diagnose him for what, a week?

Thanks for lying to the public about the risk of ebola, CDC! You guys are awesome! Maybe if we paid you more money, you'd lie less? Ravtard seems to think so.
The ER staff at Texas Health Presbyterian needs to be fired. The first Ebola patient checked himself in on the 26th and they told him he had the flu and gave him some antibiotics and sent him home.

WTF isn't every medical professional questioning someone with flu-like symptoms about recent travel. What a bunch of fucking bufoons...but hey, it IS Texas.
The ER staff at Texas Health Presbyterian needs to be fired. The first Ebola patient checked himself in on the 26th and they told him he had the flu and gave him some antibiotics and sent him home.

WTF isn't every medical professional questioning someone with flu-like symptoms about recent travel. What a bunch of fucking bufoons...but hey, it IS Texas.

Yes, to test for Ebola requires more procedures than that.
But all it takes is this one case getting publicized, and maybe that's enough to jumpstart everyone else.
There is something called the human learning curve.

The more we help each other share information, we wouldn't have these gaps.

Look at how we junk up our internet and phone/social media usage with spammy garbage.

if we focus on being more effective, only being positive, inclusive respectful and corrective with each other,
maybe this information and education would spread and be established more readily.

This negative bashing and bombardment in the media of garbage has to go.
We need to use all our resources to solve problems, not waste any words, energy or space obstructing
the positive flow and connection between people. We will see a lot less violence, conflict and abuses
if we treat each other better all the way around. More kindness, more respect, genuine concern
and compassion goes a LONG WAY to solve problems and end suffering and waste of human resources.

We can do better, and this outreach will likely inspire us to take our responsibilities more seriously
for making society liveable and workable and not full of stupid problems we could have fixed before they escalate.

Thanks and I hope people do get wiser when they see how
much closeknit cooperation it really takes, without emotional judgment of whose fault it was, to get the job done.
The ER staff at Texas Health Presbyterian needs to be fired. The first Ebola patient checked himself in on the 26th and they told him he had the flu and gave him some antibiotics and sent him home.

WTF isn't every medical professional questioning someone with flu-like symptoms about recent travel. What a bunch of fucking bufoons...but hey, it IS Texas.

No, it's the CDC.
The CDC, per usual, is feeding the public a load of lies about the containment and transmission of ebola.

Per usual, they're doing what they can to see to it that huge swaths of the population are decimated.
He was in contact with several children, and presumably the children have attended school since he first came over from LIBERIA, went to the er, and was sent home with a prescription for antibiotics.

Can't wait to see the loser progressives yacking it up when kids start dying.
That's how it will spread the fastest unfortunately. Adults usually take precautions as a general rule and I remember Freidan from the CDC not concerned about that. However, doctors did raise concern if it were to be caught by children as they are not at all "clean" from disease. That would be where it would spread like wildfire. There is also a chance of mutation but that might take awhile to show up. This is quite serious and shouldn't be taken as politics by either side.
""It's an impressive study that not only raises questions about the reservoir of Ebola in the wild, but more importantly elevates concerns about ebola as a public health threat," he told BBC News. "The thought of airborne transmission is pretty frightening."

BBC News - Growing concerns over in the air transmission of Ebola

How odd that given the fact that nobody really knows that it's NOT transmitted via droplets in the air, and in fact it looks very, very much like it IS transmitted...the CDC is telling everybody that it is hard to catch.

Doesn't look that hard to catch to me.

"Perry says health officials learned Wednesday that the children have been identified as having contact with the man and are being monitored at home. The unidentified man has been in isolation at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas since Sunday."

News from The Associated Press

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