Second thoughts on being an organ donor


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
Patient Wakes Up Right Before Doctors Remove Organs - ABC News

It was exactly midnight when Caroline Burns eerily opened her eyes and looked at the operating lights above her, shocking doctors who believed she was dead and were about to remove her organs and donate them to patients on the transplant waiting list.

The Syracuse Post-Standard unearthed a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that chronicled the series of errors that led to the near-organ removal on a living patient at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, N.Y., in 2009.

"The patient did not suffer a cardiopulmonary arrest (as documented) and did not have irreversible brain damage," the HHS report concluded. "The patient did not meet criteria for withdrawal of care."

According to the report, doctors had inaccurately diagnosed Burns with irreversible brain damage and ignored nurses who'd noticed signs that Burns was improving: She curled her toes when touched, flared her nostrils and moved her mouth and tongue. She was also breathing on her own even though she was on a respirator.
Not a chance I'd check that know ERs make mistakes all the time given their hours and stress....not gonna let some ghoul "harvest" no.
Patient Wakes Up Right Before Doctors Remove Organs - ABC News

It was exactly midnight when Caroline Burns eerily opened her eyes and looked at the operating lights above her, shocking doctors who believed she was dead and were about to remove her organs and donate them to patients on the transplant waiting list.

The Syracuse Post-Standard unearthed a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that chronicled the series of errors that led to the near-organ removal on a living patient at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, N.Y., in 2009.

"The patient did not suffer a cardiopulmonary arrest (as documented) and did not have irreversible brain damage," the HHS report concluded. "The patient did not meet criteria for withdrawal of care."

According to the report, doctors had inaccurately diagnosed Burns with irreversible brain damage and ignored nurses who'd noticed signs that Burns was improving: She curled her toes when touched, flared her nostrils and moved her mouth and tongue. She was also breathing on her own even though she was on a respirator.

One should never ignore the nurse.
To me, if that lady is still alive, she should be allowed to continue breathing, especially if her health continues to flourish. As for the person who was supposed to get her "parts", I pray that they can still be saved too. :) :) :)

God bless you and them and that lady always!!! :) :) :)

Patient Wakes Up Right Before Doctors Remove Organs - ABC News

It was exactly midnight when Caroline Burns eerily opened her eyes and looked at the operating lights above her, shocking doctors who believed she was dead and were about to remove her organs and donate them to patients on the transplant waiting list.

The Syracuse Post-Standard unearthed a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that chronicled the series of errors that led to the near-organ removal on a living patient at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, N.Y., in 2009.

"The patient did not suffer a cardiopulmonary arrest (as documented) and did not have irreversible brain damage," the HHS report concluded. "The patient did not meet criteria for withdrawal of care."

According to the report, doctors had inaccurately diagnosed Burns with irreversible brain damage and ignored nurses who'd noticed signs that Burns was improving: She curled her toes when touched, flared her nostrils and moved her mouth and tongue. She was also breathing on her own even though she was on a respirator.

That is scary.
Patient Wakes Up Right Before Doctors Remove Organs - ABC News

It was exactly midnight when Caroline Burns eerily opened her eyes and looked at the operating lights above her, shocking doctors who believed she was dead and were about to remove her organs and donate them to patients on the transplant waiting list.

The Syracuse Post-Standard unearthed a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that chronicled the series of errors that led to the near-organ removal on a living patient at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, N.Y., in 2009.

"The patient did not suffer a cardiopulmonary arrest (as documented) and did not have irreversible brain damage," the HHS report concluded. "The patient did not meet criteria for withdrawal of care."

According to the report, doctors had inaccurately diagnosed Burns with irreversible brain damage and ignored nurses who'd noticed signs that Burns was improving: She curled her toes when touched, flared her nostrils and moved her mouth and tongue. She was also breathing on her own even though she was on a respirator.

Mistakes happen, and it sounds like doctors were ignorant.

99.99% of people who have their organs harvested are dead.
Patient Wakes Up Right Before Doctors Remove Organs - ABC News

It was exactly midnight when Caroline Burns eerily opened her eyes and looked at the operating lights above her, shocking doctors who believed she was dead and were about to remove her organs and donate them to patients on the transplant waiting list.

The Syracuse Post-Standard unearthed a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that chronicled the series of errors that led to the near-organ removal on a living patient at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, N.Y., in 2009.

"The patient did not suffer a cardiopulmonary arrest (as documented) and did not have irreversible brain damage," the HHS report concluded. "The patient did not meet criteria for withdrawal of care."

According to the report, doctors had inaccurately diagnosed Burns with irreversible brain damage and ignored nurses who'd noticed signs that Burns was improving: She curled her toes when touched, flared her nostrils and moved her mouth and tongue. She was also breathing on her own even though she was on a respirator.

One should never ignore the nurse.

Didn't ya know? Nurses are inferior as far as doctors are concerned.
Patient Wakes Up Right Before Doctors Remove Organs - ABC News

It was exactly midnight when Caroline Burns eerily opened her eyes and looked at the operating lights above her, shocking doctors who believed she was dead and were about to remove her organs and donate them to patients on the transplant waiting list.

The Syracuse Post-Standard unearthed a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that chronicled the series of errors that led to the near-organ removal on a living patient at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, N.Y., in 2009.

"The patient did not suffer a cardiopulmonary arrest (as documented) and did not have irreversible brain damage," the HHS report concluded. "The patient did not meet criteria for withdrawal of care."

According to the report, doctors had inaccurately diagnosed Burns with irreversible brain damage and ignored nurses who'd noticed signs that Burns was improving: She curled her toes when touched, flared her nostrils and moved her mouth and tongue. She was also breathing on her own even though she was on a respirator.

One should never ignore the nurse.

Didn't ya know? Nurses are inferior as far as doctors are concerned.

In the doctors mind.
They need to get the names of those doctors. They should be brought up on charges for having ignored the nurses who clearly informed them the patient was alive. Very bad news for St. Josephs Hospital. I wouldn't go near that hospital.
Patient Wakes Up Right Before Doctors Remove Organs - ABC News

It was exactly midnight when Caroline Burns eerily opened her eyes and looked at the operating lights above her, shocking doctors who believed she was dead and were about to remove her organs and donate them to patients on the transplant waiting list.

The Syracuse Post-Standard unearthed a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that chronicled the series of errors that led to the near-organ removal on a living patient at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, N.Y., in 2009.

"The patient did not suffer a cardiopulmonary arrest (as documented) and did not have irreversible brain damage," the HHS report concluded. "The patient did not meet criteria for withdrawal of care."

According to the report, doctors had inaccurately diagnosed Burns with irreversible brain damage and ignored nurses who'd noticed signs that Burns was improving: She curled her toes when touched, flared her nostrils and moved her mouth and tongue. She was also breathing on her own even though she was on a respirator.

Ut-oh. Looks like this is might be big business for the doctors. Here's a similar story - doctors harvesting organs in the USA? Looks like there is more to this than meets the eye..... these are not accidents. It looks to me like this could be a cover up. Read this story: LifeSiteNews Mobile | Dad rescues ?brain dead? son from doctors wishing to harvest his organs ? boy recovers completely

Story says the son made a complete recovery. That means he never was brain dead - it was an excuse the doctors needed to kill him and take his organs. Bet this is big business, folks!
Patient Wakes Up Right Before Doctors Remove Organs - ABC News

It was exactly midnight when Caroline Burns eerily opened her eyes and looked at the operating lights above her, shocking doctors who believed she was dead and were about to remove her organs and donate them to patients on the transplant waiting list.

The Syracuse Post-Standard unearthed a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that chronicled the series of errors that led to the near-organ removal on a living patient at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, N.Y., in 2009.

"The patient did not suffer a cardiopulmonary arrest (as documented) and did not have irreversible brain damage," the HHS report concluded. "The patient did not meet criteria for withdrawal of care."

According to the report, doctors had inaccurately diagnosed Burns with irreversible brain damage and ignored nurses who'd noticed signs that Burns was improving: She curled her toes when touched, flared her nostrils and moved her mouth and tongue. She was also breathing on her own even though she was on a respirator.

Mistakes happen, and it sounds like doctors were ignorant.

99.99% of people who have their organs harvested are dead.

I agree. Mistakes happen.

Just because it is possible that a Jeep Grand Wagoneer could explode if hit in the rear does not mean it will happen.
This is an interesting comment by someone. I wonder how this became law without our consent?

In the U.S., it is law in most states that when anyone dies in a hospital, the hospital is required by law to contact the agency in the state which deals with organ donation. The agency then pressures the family to donate the organs of their loved one; even when that person was not designated as a organ donor. My father was not listed as a organ donor and did not want to donate his organs. Yet, when he died, my brother donated his eyes and other organs. I could not understand how this could happen so I called a friend of mine that owns and operates a funeral home. She told me about this 'little known' law. She also told me that most of the bodies they receive now are missing their organs.

So it is the law now that the state must be notified the Organ Donor Agency so that the Agency can contact family members and pressure them to donate the organs of the deceased who already made it clear he or she doesn't wish to have their organs harvested! Wow! I wonder how many funeral homes can confirm that the bodies are missing their organs upon arrival there? That would make a great story. Doctors harvesting organs by telling family members their loved ones are brain dead - how convenient that they put that one boy into a drug induced coma in order to trick his father into believing he was brain dead! Thank God that boy had a father who said NO WAY and got a second opinion.

These doctors should be prosecuted for attempted murder. ALL OF THEM. I bet this is going on across the nation. How else could they get organs from a live person other than to lie to family members and say they are brain dead?
Patient Wakes Up Right Before Doctors Remove Organs - ABC News

It was exactly midnight when Caroline Burns eerily opened her eyes and looked at the operating lights above her, shocking doctors who believed she was dead and were about to remove her organs and donate them to patients on the transplant waiting list.

The Syracuse Post-Standard unearthed a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that chronicled the series of errors that led to the near-organ removal on a living patient at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, N.Y., in 2009.

"The patient did not suffer a cardiopulmonary arrest (as documented) and did not have irreversible brain damage," the HHS report concluded. "The patient did not meet criteria for withdrawal of care."

According to the report, doctors had inaccurately diagnosed Burns with irreversible brain damage and ignored nurses who'd noticed signs that Burns was improving: She curled her toes when touched, flared her nostrils and moved her mouth and tongue. She was also breathing on her own even though she was on a respirator.

Mistakes happen, and it sounds like doctors were ignorant.

99.99% of people who have their organs harvested are dead.

Actually, Noomi, that isn't true. In order to harvest an organ the patient must still be alive which is why doctors are resorting to these tactics of telling family members they are brain dead - doing the operation while the patient is still alive and taking necessary organs they need.

How many people are on donors list and alive but about to die when arriving at hospital? Not too many so they have to kill a percentage of those on purpose in order to get their organs and make the money off the patient who can pay for a new heart, liver is a racket and these doctors should be prosecuted and put into prison.

Sounds to me like business is booming and even when a nurse tells them this patient is not brain dead but recovering they tell the nurse shut up - we're doing the operation anyhow. The end justifies the means for these guys. The doctors at St. Josephs didn't make a mistake. They got caught and should be charged with attempted murder.
This is an interesting comment by someone. I wonder how this became law without our consent?

In the U.S., it is law in most states that when anyone dies in a hospital, the hospital is required by law to contact the agency in the state which deals with organ donation. The agency then pressures the family to donate the organs of their loved one; even when that person was not designated as a organ donor. My father was not listed as a organ donor and did not want to donate his organs. Yet, when he died, my brother donated his eyes and other organs. I could not understand how this could happen so I called a friend of mine that owns and operates a funeral home. She told me about this 'little known' law. She also told me that most of the bodies they receive now are missing their organs.

So it is the law now that the state must be notified the Organ Donor Agency so that the Agency can contact family members and pressure them to donate the organs of the deceased who already made it clear he or she doesn't wish to have their organs harvested! Wow! I wonder how many funeral homes can confirm that the bodies are missing their organs upon arrival there? That would make a great story. Doctors harvesting organs by telling family members their loved ones are brain dead - how convenient that they put that one boy into a drug induced coma in order to trick his father into believing he was brain dead! Thank God that boy had a father who said NO WAY and got a second opinion.

These doctors should be prosecuted for attempted murder. ALL OF THEM. I bet this is going on across the nation. How else could they get organs from a live person other than to lie to family members and say they are brain dead?

From personal experience, when it became obvious that my mother wasn't going to survive, the hospital contacted me about organ donation. I was approached in the hospital. They were practiced and intended to take advantage of me in what they believed was a vulnerable position. Instead of the malleable grieving daughter, they found a harridan who launched into a profanity laced tirade on their ghoulishness. The organ donation persuasion lasted a very short time. I believe they intended a personal plea from the family seeking a donation. Except that wouldn't have worked out very well.

Do not show weakness to these animals. That's what they depend on. They depend on someone who is weak and able to be bent. They will take advantage of you any way they can to get what they want.
This is an interesting comment by someone. I wonder how this became law without our consent?

In the U.S., it is law in most states that when anyone dies in a hospital, the hospital is required by law to contact the agency in the state which deals with organ donation. The agency then pressures the family to donate the organs of their loved one; even when that person was not designated as a organ donor. My father was not listed as a organ donor and did not want to donate his organs. Yet, when he died, my brother donated his eyes and other organs. I could not understand how this could happen so I called a friend of mine that owns and operates a funeral home. She told me about this 'little known' law. She also told me that most of the bodies they receive now are missing their organs.

So it is the law now that the state must be notified the Organ Donor Agency so that the Agency can contact family members and pressure them to donate the organs of the deceased who already made it clear he or she doesn't wish to have their organs harvested! Wow! I wonder how many funeral homes can confirm that the bodies are missing their organs upon arrival there? That would make a great story. Doctors harvesting organs by telling family members their loved ones are brain dead - how convenient that they put that one boy into a drug induced coma in order to trick his father into believing he was brain dead! Thank God that boy had a father who said NO WAY and got a second opinion.

These doctors should be prosecuted for attempted murder. ALL OF THEM. I bet this is going on across the nation. How else could they get organs from a live person other than to lie to family members and say they are brain dead?

From personal experience, when it became obvious that my mother wasn't going to survive, the hospital contacted me about organ donation. I was approached in the hospital. They were practiced and intended to take advantage of me in what they believed was a vulnerable position. Instead of the malleable grieving daughter, they found a harridan who launched into a profanity laced tirade on their ghoulishness. The organ donation persuasion lasted a very short time. I believe they intended a personal plea from the family seeking a donation. Except that wouldn't have worked out very well.

Do not show weakness to these animals. That's what they depend on. They depend on someone who is weak and able to be bent. They will take advantage of you any way they can to get what they want.
Did they give you some numbers for some mental help soon after?

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