Secret Donald Trump voters speak out

I don't keep my choice a secret. I wear my Trump 2016 hat everywhere,got 2 yard signs in the yard and a bumper sticker and t shirt I wear as much as possible. Got my landlord and other people interested as well. I sit here and watch out the window at the folks walking in my neighborhood gawking at my Trump signs with horror its hilarious.
'Not even my wife knows': secret Donald Trump voters speak out

Damn! Talk about crossing ALL lines...white,black,indian,arab,gay,straight,old,young,republican,democrat,independent,socialist,liberal,old,young,male and!
What a wuss

Gotta hide shit from your spouse? Get a divorce coward

That is pretty sad you can't even tell your spouse the truth of who you are voting for. I never keep that from my wife. She is the first to know lol...I am proud of my choice. I love talking politics and my personality and view point is I don't care if someone else likes it or not.

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