Secret Service Driver Says Cassidy Hutchinson Lied and Trump Did Not Grab for Steering Wheel in Limo on J6

If this was said about Biden, you would fight like a badger to defend that bastard.
This female told a story. A story she was not remotely close to. Democrats paraded her story as if true. The man she quotes says he did not tell her anything.

But you believe her. Typical for a Bidenista.
I would not defend Biden for a 1/10th of what we know Trump did.,
one person, not witnesses under oath, was portrayed as saying she lied. He is reported to have done so, but we don't have proof of it.
Did she lie or not?
About what?

It's absolute GOLD that the left still believes Trump carjacked the Secret Service on January 6th.
They do?
Who specifically is this "left" who believe he carjacked the SS SUV?

Without being disrespectful, I would suggest you are deploying a StawMan as a way to advance your polemic.
I do though, believe that many many people believe Hutchinson's story that she was told a 'story'. And are swayed by the fact that she said under oath she was told a 'story' and testified to such in a hearing televised to the entire United States.

THAT.....persuades me the woman was sincere.
To date, the two people who were involved in telling the 'story' to her have been absence in going under oath to describe what happened that day.

This female told a story. A story she was not remotely close to.
Well, actually, per her under-oath testimony she was very close to the "story" as it was told to her. In fact, she was the one the "story" was relayed to.
How did you miss that salient fact?

And importantly, Hutchinson was clear and distinct in her under-oath testimony that she was not a witness to the "events" described in the 'story' she was told.
Do this: Read the Final Report of the J6 Committee.

Witnesses tell us she lied.
One witness.
But not under oath.
While she was under oath.
And in front of millions.
That is persuasive vs. the men who told her the "story".

Even she offered no proof her story was true.
She was an eyewitness.
She swore under oath that the 'story' she was told......was told to her.
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The Trumpsters are pretending that. They are lying.

My post was about the Trumpsters trying to make a big deal about this little story to take the focus off the Insurrection.

I think you have this backwards.
It's very simple. The House democrats KNEW the story was unsubstantiated and very, very likely untrue, but they decided to put it in the record. Why would they do that? There is no good reason beyond they were trying to further a narrative, not establish the truth of what happened.
They did not declare under oath it is true. She is the only one we are talking about. She was under oath. Witnesses tell us she lied.
She was under oath.

NO ONE said she lied UNDER OATH

Ornato said he “didn’t remember”
She was under oath.

NO ONE said she lied UNDER OATH

Ornato said he “didn’t remember”
We agree that Ornato did not remember. But she claims she does. She lied.

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