Secret Service Leaks Hillary's Health Status to the press

She doesn't do a public campaign event or fund raiser. That's not the same thing as 'taking off' any day. She's never gravitated toward public appearances, being more about policy and strategy.

Trump has no use for either policy or strategy and wings it at events. So he has plenty of them.
So is this 'So is Trump' a deep seated knee jerk or is it also a strategery on part of Democrats everywhere?

Did you actually read my post. I didn't argue 'so is Trump'. The opposite actually.

I said that Hillary gravitates away from public events, Trump gravitates toward them.

away ≠ toward

They have very different campaign styles. Hillary is a policy wonk and a strategist. Trump has no use for either and is all about the cheering crowds. Thus, one has fewer public appearances, the other more.
She doesn't do a public campaign event or fund raiser. That's not the same thing as 'taking off' any day. She's never gravitated toward public appearances, being more about policy and strategy.

Trump has no use for either policy or strategy and wings it at events. So he has plenty of them.
So is this 'So is Trump' a deep seated knee jerk or is it also a strategery on part of Democrats everywhere?

Did you actually read my post. I didn't argue 'so is Trump'. The opposite actually.

I said that Hillary gravitates away from public events, Trump gravitates toward them.

away ≠ toward

They have very different campaign styles. Hillary is a policy wonk and a strategist. Trump has no use for either and is all about the cheering crowds. Thus, one has fewer public appearances, the other more.
Ah, a nuance of the 'So is Trump' strategem; 'So Trump is worse...'

Come on, get real. You made a slam on Trump (Trump has no use for either policy or strategy) and you just couldnt help yourself, could you? It is reflexive for you by now.

I am not slamming on Clinton's schedule as many great and famous Presidents also had light schedules. Hell, I wish all of DC would take on Hillary's schedule as our property, liberty and lives would be much safer. I am concerned about her health. We may be saying 'President Kaine' far longer than we say 'President Hillary Clinton'.
This of course comes as no suprise to those of us on here who have been following this for several days.

Now of course...the democrats really do not care what her health is....they had just as soon have her running mate take over her duties...all that matters to them is to elect a democrat and to hell with America...sadly...that is their mindset.

Secret Service Leaks Hillary’s Health to Press
Alex Jones,,, really? You listen to his BS?
She doesn't do a public campaign event or fund raiser. That's not the same thing as 'taking off' any day. She's never gravitated toward public appearances, being more about policy and strategy.

Trump has no use for either policy or strategy and wings it at events. So he has plenty of them.
So is this 'So is Trump' a deep seated knee jerk or is it also a strategery on part of Democrats everywhere?

Did you actually read my post. I didn't argue 'so is Trump'. The opposite actually.

I said that Hillary gravitates away from public events, Trump gravitates toward them.

away ≠ toward

They have very different campaign styles. Hillary is a policy wonk and a strategist. Trump has no use for either and is all about the cheering crowds. Thus, one has fewer public appearances, the other more.
Ah, a nuance of the 'So is Trump' strategem; 'So Trump is worse...'

Nope. Read what you're replying to this time.

Skylar said:
They have very different campaign styles. Hillary is a policy wonk and a strategist. Trump has no use for either and is all about the cheering crowds. Thus, one has fewer public appearances, the other more.

Much like the polling, you're only seeing what you expect to see. And ignoring what is actually there. I'm talking about different campaign styles.

And explaining why Hillary not making a public appearance doesn't necessarily mean she's 'taking the day off'.

Come on, get real. You made a slam on Trump (Trump has no use for either policy or strategy) and you just couldnt help yourself, could you? It is reflexive for you by now.

Trump isn't a policy wonk. Nor is he a strategist. Clinton is both.

Clinton doesn't gravitate toward crowds. Nor is she particularly good with them. Trump is both.
Trump isn't a policy wonk. Nor is he a strategist. Clinton is both.

And the people of Libya, Egypt and Syria can attest to her expertise in strategery too.

Trump is definitely not a wonk. Quite the opposite of that, he is a Delegater and has a knack for finding people to solve specific problems for him. He took on the finishing of a skating rink in New York and so he ropes in a hockey rink builder in Canada to give him the basics and recommend some people to oversee the job. He visited the site almost daily to smooth out any problems and it came in under budget and before due. He had a brash young manager handle his campaign to get the free publicity he got in the primaries and then switched to a man who specialized in delegate counting as he needed to get into the delegate infighting to seal his win. Now he has a new leader on his team who is great at messaging to the broader public.

He is more like Lincoln's management style of seeking good talent then tossing them if they fail, but Trump handles it more gracefully, as opposed to a minutia freak like Hitler.

Clinton doesn't gravitate toward crowds. Nor is she particularly good with them. Trump is both.

Agreed, but I think she is underestimating the impact of word of mouth if she doesnt see how meeting and pressing the flesh spurs on her campaining in a locality.
Trump isn't a policy wonk. Nor is he a strategist. Clinton is both.

And the people of Libya, Egypt and Syria can attest to her expertise in strategery too.

Trump is definitely not a wonk. Quite the opposite of that, he is a Delegater and has a knack for finding people to solve specific problems for him.

Not really. He brings in people....and then ignores them. Take Manafort. There are really only two options.

1) Manafort advised Trump to attack the Khan family and come up with the bizarre 'Obama Founded ISIS' nonsense. In which case Manafort is a raging incompetent and Trump's judgment on finding the 'best people' to delegate tasks to is just awful.

2) Manafort advised Trump NOT to attack the Khan famjily or come up with the bizarre 'Obama Founded ISIS' nonsense. In which case Trump straight up ignored him. Making any 'delegating' argument moot.

As it doesn't matter how good your people are if you don't listen to them. And Trump....only takes counsel from Trump. As he demonstrated when he took a huge rhetorical dump on US intelligence services after his first intel briefing. Or when he insisted that he 'knows more about ISIS than the generals do'.

Neither speaking well to Trump's capacity for either delegation, or listening to knowledgeable people.
Not really. He brings in people....and then ignores them. Take Manafort. There are really only two options.

1) Manafort advised Trump to attack the Khan family and come up with the bizarre 'Obama Founded ISIS' nonsense. In which case Manafort is a raging incompetent and Trump's judgment on finding the 'best people' to delegate tasks to is just awful.

2) Manafort advised Trump NOT to attack the Khan famjily or come up with the bizarre 'Obama Founded ISIS' nonsense. In which case Trump straight up ignored him. Making any 'delegating' argument moot.

As it doesn't matter how good your people are if you don't listen to them. And Trump....only takes counsel from Trump. As he demonstrated when he took a huge rhetorical dump on US intelligence services after his first intel briefing. Or when he insisted that he 'knows more about ISIS than the generals do'.

Neither speaking well to Trump's capacity for either delegation, or listening to knowledgeable people.
I love how you liberals still do not understand why Trumps tactics are working.

Already he has closed the gap in the polls, and when you consider the Frighten closet support he has ~5% and the New Voter support at around 10 to 15%, Trump has this thing locked, dude.

And he is wining because he can sucker the media into giving him free air time and at the same time get the nation to focus on issues that work to his favor, like getting the focus on the Clinton/Obama fiascos regarding ISIS by using hyperbole to say that Obama founded ISIS.

Lol, this election is a blast for a political dilettante like me.
If Hillary does have early Parkinsons, she'll eventually just be able to point a finger at Bill without having to make an effort to shake it.

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