Secret Service "wraps up" the White House cocaine investigation with no suspects. Are we surprised?

Oh no drugs were found in WH, must be the end of civilization. Anyone even bother to go back many Presidents and see what drugs were found and used in the WH? Dems and pubs?
Indeed, when the Clintons left the W. H. the building was thoroughly scrubbed when Cocaine was found in the air filters.
It should concern all Americans wen the SS supposedly the best in protection cannot find who brought and left the cocaine in the W. H. `situation room`.
The Secret Service is telling us whose coke it was with out telling us whose coke it was
Under Trump we had that Kraken lawyer, the traitor Flynn and some guy from Overstock in the White House. Why would we break out in sweat over a bag of Peruvian blow?
how pathetic is this Admin? they can’t even enforce laws when the evidence is found in their own home!!!
secret service
I am sure that there are at least 100 or more cameras situated throughout the Whitehouse. Its the job of the SS to protect the president not is son.
There`s no doubt in anyone`s mind that the `Coke` belongs to Hunter.
What will happen when Hunter overdoses in the W. H.
The Biden administration has become so corrupt they now allow known addicts to reside in the W. H. and have normal visits with known criminals.
I continue to wonder how many times Joey Xi`s name appears in Epstein`s black book?

Why would Hunter leave his drugs in a public space he would have no reason to use? Do you think they make Hunter turn over his cellphone when he goes to visit joe?
t should concern all Americans wen the SS supposedly the best in protection cannot find who brought and left the cocaine in the W. H. `situation room`.

It was not in the situation room. it was in a lobby used by 100s of people
It was not in the situation room. it was in a lobby used by 100s of people
Actually, no.

The cocaine was found in an entrance area between the foyer and a lower-level lobby, the sources said. The entrance is near where some vehicles, like the vice president’s limo or SUV, park. It is one floor below the main West Wing offices and on the same floor as the Situation Room and a dining area.

So, after the Biden Crime Syndicate consisting of the the Bidens and their flunkies in the FBI, Secret Service, etc., couldn't find fingerprints or video and didn't conduct a single interview, they're just befuddled as to where the coke came from.

A bunch of sleazy misfits.
Actually, no.

The cocaine was found in an entrance area between the foyer and a lower-level lobby, the sources said. The entrance is near where some vehicles, like the vice president’s limo or SUV, park. It is one floor below the main West Wing offices and on the same floor as the Situation Room and a dining area.

So, after the Biden Crime Syndicate consisting of the the Bidens and their flunkies in the FBI, Secret Service, etc., couldn't find fingerprints or video and didn't conduct a single interview, they're just befuddled as to where the coke came from.

A bunch of sleazy misfits.

This unusual breach of White House security was found on July 2 when a uniformed Secret Service officer spotted a small plastic baggie in a storage cubby at the West Executive Avenue entrance on the ground level. Those storage cubbies are used by staff, contractors, military personnel and some visitors to drop off electronic devices and personal items not permitted in some areas of the West Wing. The vestibule is near the Situation Room which is currently out of service for renovations; an alternate secure meeting room is being used for classified briefings during construction.

Before the investigation concluded, national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters, “The only people coming in and going out of the Sit Room in this period have been workers who are getting it ready to go.”

The entrance is near where some vehicles, like the vice president’s limo or SUV, park. It is one floor below the main West Wing offices and on the same floor as the Situation Room and a dining area.

This unusual breach of White House security was found on July 2 when a uniformed Secret Service officer spotted a small plastic baggie in a storage cubby at the West Executive Avenue entrance on the ground level. Those storage cubbies are used by staff, contractors, military personnel and some visitors to drop off electronic devices and personal items not permitted in some areas of the West Wing. The vestibule is near the Situation Room which is currently out of service for renovations; an alternate secure meeting room is being used for classified briefings during construction.

Before the investigation concluded, national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters, “The only people coming in and going out of the Sit Room in this period have been workers who are getting it ready to go.”

The entrance is near where some vehicles, like the vice president’s limo or SUV, park. It is one floor below the main West Wing offices and on the same floor as the Situation Room and a dining area.

As expected, the the Biden Crime Family Syndicate lied about the location of the coke.

No big deal. The Biden lackeys in the FBI and Secret Service were the obedient monkeys and made sure the "investigation" was a laughable joke.
It’s true that suspects are not necessary because we already have one person who rises way above merely suspect
The illustrious Secret Service has been stymied by a drug user, and helpless to find the criminal who got this substance into the very heart of our Democracy. The White House where our president sleeps!

If I were Biden, I'd fire everyone involved in this investigation, and replace my security detail, given this outrageous incompetence!
Another coverup by this administration.
Former SS agent says: There’s absolutely ZERO chance anyone other than a family member brought that cocaine inside the White House complex. No chance that would make it past the mag/security checkpoints. Family bypasses those.

Is somebody mistaken? or lying? Drugs and paraphernalia can be laid on a shelve (out of camera or routine patrol?) by "visitors and or Contractors"?

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