Secret Service "wraps up" the White House cocaine investigation with no suspects. Are we surprised?

Former SS agent says: There’s absolutely ZERO chance anyone other than a family member brought that cocaine inside the White House complex. No chance that would make it past the mag/security checkpoints. Family bypasses those.

Is somebody mistaken? or lying? Drugs and paraphernalia can be laid on a shelve (out of camera or routine patrol?) by "visitors and or Contractors"?
Who the fuck cares?
As expected, the the Biden Crime Family Syndicate lied about the location of the coke.

No big deal. The Biden lackeys in the FBI and Secret Service were the obedient monkeys and made sure the "investigation" was a laughable joke.

You can of course prove they lied?
Former SS agent says: There’s absolutely ZERO chance anyone other than a family member brought that cocaine inside the White House complex. No chance that would make it past the mag/security checkpoints. Family bypasses those.
Oh no drugs were found in WH, must be the end of civilization. Anyone even bother to go back many Presidents and see what drugs were found and used in the WH? Dems and pubs?
Quit your whining. Do you think that's the 1st little bag ever found? As for heavily trafficked, ask someone who works for your State transportation how many little bags they find on the roads.

Who the fuck cares?

You MAGA morons are a hoot. Best comedy on the internet

The fact of the matter is had this happened during the Trump admin you would be the ones beating this like a dead horse.

Tribal mentality on display.
I wonder if the Secret service will be every bit as implacable, and determined to do their jobs if bullets started flying..? They quit quick it seems...
They know exactly who put it there they are just joining the bandwagon of the politically correct.
I don't even care that much. If it was some contractor....who said "oh crap" I forgot to leave this in the car.

It is just the spin and lying over 1 week that is irritating.

Almost as irritating as some corrupted judge granting 90 days delay on Election Fraud lawsuit in GA to "ruminate" over the matter. Then denying it when he comes back from rumination. We get tired of the BS out here in the real world.
The illustrious Secret Service has been stymied by a drug user, and helpless to find the criminal who got this substance into the very heart of our Democracy. The White House where our president sleeps!

If I were Biden, I'd fire everyone involved in this investigation, and replace my security detail, given this outrageous incompetence!
It's bull shit.

They have it narrowed down to executive staff and family members.
They're the only folks that could by-pass security and make it that far without being checked for drugs.

It's bull shit.

They have it narrowed down to executive staff and family members.
They're the only folks that could by-pass security and make it that far without being checked for drugs.

Bullshit is one word.

We haven't figured out how Trump took off with a truckload full of classified documents and you get bend outa shape over a baggy of coke that you can stuff in your ass crack
Bullshit is one word.

We haven't figured out how Trump took off with a truckload full of classified documents and you get bend outa shape over a baggy of coke that you can stuff in your ass crack
After all of this screaming over Trump documents....the fact remains they only found enough docs still in his possession to fill one folder (allegedly 102)......yet they leak pictures of boxes upon boxes of files stacked in his bathroom.
Absolutely ridiculous.
This is just an attempt to bias the jury pool (if this case ever goes to trial in the first place) against Trump.
They put a gag on Trump, but the DOJ can leak anything they want and get away with it.
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For years you morons have been telling us Joe is a vegetable and does not know what he had for dinner, but now all of a sudden he a Crime Lord running a crime syndicate


For years you morons have excused the Biden Crime Syndicate believing Sloppy Joe was capable of a single, coherent thought. Yet, every time he’s in front of teleprompter, the little misfit… you know…. the thing.

Just sad that Dems / Marxists choose to be accomplices to sleaze, corruption and ethics only a crime boss would admire.
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For years you morons have been telling us Joe is a vegetable and does not know what he had for dinner, but now all of a sudden he a Crime Lord running a crime syndicate

Biden is a facilitator.
Obama's syndicate is running the White House behind the scenes.

Hillary was faking an illness before she lost the election....and they were going to treat her the same way.
It's just a way for them to draw sympathy from idiots who don't know any better.
We can't question this retard because doing so makes us heartless rotten people with no empathy for his condition.
So what's to stop a terrorist from waltzing into the White House with Anthrax at any time?
Obviously if that was possible it already would have happened. And obviously the only way they wouldn't ID the coke user in this case is because they DON'T WANT to ID them...and in fact are probably protecting them.

This is one of the most obvious cover-ups I've ever seen. These Dems are shameless.

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