Secretly Taping in the White House Situation Room

“The very idea a staff member would sneak a recording device into the White House Situation Room, shows a blatant disregard for our national security –- and then to brag about it on national television further proves the lack of character and integrity of this disgruntled former White House employee,” Sanders said

If the white house wanted to get nasty with her they could charge her with a national security charge...they probably won't but they most certainly could...
One party consent, just like New York
Not in the white house dummy....

Evidence of what?...for what? don't actually think its okay to secretly tape conversations inside of the white house do you?...

Evidence of your claim. Do I think it's okay to secretly tape conversations inside the White House? No, not at all. But the issue here is whether it is legal. Just because something is bad behavior does not mean it is criminal behavior.

Personally, I would have thought that there would be some kind legal issue with this. But from what I can see, I would have been wrong. There doesn't appear to be an actual criminal violation.

Now, if you can identify a federal statute that has been violated, then by all means share with the class. Is there a law that prohibits recording conversations in the White House? Mind you, if there is, Donald may also be violating it if he's really taping people like Comey, etc.
I say 20 years hard labor.

What is the crime?

Remember the Democrats saying that it was illegal for Linda Trip to record Monica Lewinski?

As I recall, that was because one of the two lived in Maryland, which requires consent from both parties. It became a questions of whether the Maryland requirement could survive when applied to an interstate call. And as I also recall, there was ultimately no charge brought against Tripp.
Evidence of your claim. Do I think it's okay to secretly tape conversations inside the White House? No, not at all. But the issue here is whether it is legal. Just because something is bad behavior does not mean it is criminal behavior.
They could go with a national security charge if they really wanted to get her...
Evidence of your claim. Do I think it's okay to secretly tape conversations inside the White House? No, not at all. But the issue here is whether it is legal. Just because something is bad behavior does not mean it is criminal behavior.
They could go with a national security charge if they really wanted to get her...

Such as....? Please, identify the statute. There does not appear to be any classified information in the recordings.
If we had an AG she'd been in some deep shit...She's lucky Sessions has no idea who she is and doesn't want to.
Evidence of your claim. Do I think it's okay to secretly tape conversations inside the White House? No, not at all. But the issue here is whether it is legal. Just because something is bad behavior does not mean it is criminal behavior.
They could go with a national security charge if they really wanted to get her...

Maybe if she was recording everything all the time .

What does her firing have to do with nat security?
Evidence of your claim. Do I think it's okay to secretly tape conversations inside the White House? No, not at all. But the issue here is whether it is legal. Just because something is bad behavior does not mean it is criminal behavior.
They could go with a national security charge if they really wanted to get her...

Such as....? Please, identify the statute. There does not appear to be any classified information in the recordings.

So Stormy...are you a lawyer now or do you just play one on USMB?
she's had plenty of time to consult with lawyers and research legalese before she released the tape - she knows where she stands with the law.

she's not some knee jerk idiot RW'r trying to get attention and deflect from the investigation .............
Maybe if she was recording everything all the time .

What does her firing have to do with nat security?
I'm saying they could find a way to charge her under a national security charge...she was obviously taping more than we are aware of...but the white house knows....
Evidence of your claim. Do I think it's okay to secretly tape conversations inside the White House? No, not at all. But the issue here is whether it is legal. Just because something is bad behavior does not mean it is criminal behavior.
They could go with a national security charge if they really wanted to get her...

Such as....? Please, identify the statute. There does not appear to be any classified information in the recordings.

So Stormy...are you a lawyer now or do you just play one on USMB?
and all that are saying she is guilty, what are they "playing"?

i have no idea if legal or not so i'm out on this one for now. but if stupid but not illegal, what are are you going to cite her for in regard to this "illegality"?
I wonder how all of this wiretapping and secret taping and recording and leaking would have gone over during Obama's presidency....the people defending the leakers and tapers would have exploded if the shoe was on the other foot...
I wonder how all of this wiretapping and secret taping and recording and leaking would have gone over during Obama's presidency....the people defending the leakers and tapers would have exploded if the shoe was on the other foot...


It is NOT Trump's fault at all. He is NOT responsible. His decision making skills and his ability to judge character are not to be questioned here.

His ship is tight and he knows how to manage a staff. This is NOT an indication that he's anything other than a great leader.
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Trump has been under siege ever since he started his the same people that have been lying to us about almost everything for decades....multiple unnecessary endless wars...the ruination of the greatest healthcare system in the world...endless tax hikes and fees and being sent over seas for gifts that we never see...Chinese spies in democrat offices...Turkey allowed into borders for votes and cheap labor....

The establishment does not care which party is in power as long as its not an outsider...Trump is an outsider...any president will make mistakes....say dumb things make us angry but this president gets the full weight of the media and DC on his ass daily....because he is taking their cash cows away....and putting us in charge again and the media and the establishment hates that more than anything....
I hope they do charge her like they did that sailor taking pics of the nuke sub. But, I am guessing they won't. But they SHOULD. That bitch needs to be humbled.

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