Securing the US/Mexico Border is a Monumental Task


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

How many of us have actually seen the border? When I was stationed in Texas many years ago, I frequently visited border towns. I'm sure a lot has change since then. I've recently crossed the border in California so have seen what's there. But, much of the rest is a big blank.


San Ysidro/Tijuana


Sonora Desert in Arizona


Near Deming, N.M.


Along the Rio Grande River in Texas

Very much more @ A journey along the entire 1,933-mile US-Mexico border shows the monumental task of securing it
Just mine the whole length and put up warning signs in Mexican. Or put in a shoot to kill order for any US citizen whacking wetbacks with trophies and everything, and there will be a stampede to get down there.
I was hiking near the Mexican border in Arizona about ten years ago. We were about five miles from the nearest road. When we reached the border it was just a wire fence about four foot high. Not even chain link, just wire strung between posts.
So we climbed over the fence and walked back and forth between the border
When we reached the lot where our car was parked, we were met by border agents who gave us a talking to

A little more secure than it looked
Las políticas de Trump han expuesto un ataque hostil contra los derechos de las mujeres y la igualdad. De tratar de despojar a la salud de la mujer y los derechos reproductivos, descartando los esfuerzos para cerrar la brecha salarial y mucho más.
I was hiking near the Mexican border in Arizona about ten years ago. We were about five miles from the nearest road. When we reached the border it was just a wire fence about four foot high. Not even chain link, just wire strung between posts.
So we climbed over the fence and walked back and forth between the border
When we reached the lot where our car was parked, we were met by border agents who gave us a talking to

A little more secure than it looked

I had a similar experience but more recently.

I lived there for more than 25 years and helped many many illegals. Its just not at all what the fox watchers think. I say fox because of the stunt Hannity pulled a few years ago. Idiot almost got himself shot and then lied about what he saw. But its Hannity so of course he lied.

The op is wrong to say "securing is monumental". Fact is, Obama deported more than trump has and there are almost none coming across now. (Just ask the family farmers who are going bankrupt - just as the right wants)

One thing that the op shows is just how useless trump's wall is. And its gives a hint about how impossible it is.

One more thing that the right might want to consider is what trump said about wanting to make it easier to steal American's land, homes, businesses. He would displace hundreds, completely bankrupt entire towns, drive unemployment through the roof in those areas. He doesn't care about that of course but do others?

Mine the border and put up Spanish pictograms. And put a bounty on any beaner that you shoot going through a specific zone at the border.
Mine the border and put up Spanish pictograms. And put a bounty on any beaner that you shoot going through a specific zone at the border.
That would cost as much as the wall and then a mine goes off and takes a few more with it, then you have to go replace the mines. Even if you mine land there is still thousands of miles of coast!
Mine the border and put up Spanish pictograms. And put a bounty on any beaner that you shoot going through a specific zone at the border.
That would cost as much as the wall and then a mine goes off and takes a few more with it, then you have to go replace the mines. Even if you mine land there is still thousands of miles of coast!
One word: sharks.
Mine the border and put up Spanish pictograms. And put a bounty on any beaner that you shoot going through a specific zone at the border.
That would cost as much as the wall and then a mine goes off and takes a few more with it, then you have to go replace the mines. Even if you mine land there is still thousands of miles of coast!
One word: sharks.
They come on boats, not to mention I use to navigate the pacific daily with out getting bit. It is a very complicated problem one no one has solved since the beginning of civilization. All we can do is the best we can do! Gotta send them home when we catch them though! Getting in easy! Staying unnoticed not so easy!
The border is a massive space that would be better served by being secured through an “Atlantic Wall” type of defense in depth with a Zero Tolerance - Shoot First, Don’t Ask Questions policy
The border is a massive space that would be better served by being secured through an “Atlantic Wall” type of defense in depth with a Zero Tolerance - Shoot First, Don’t Ask Questions policy
You do realize there are legal border crossings for commerce, I would rather not take a bullet while doing my job. Not a great idea shoot first and ask later innocent take bullets that way. Just get them when they make them selves known. Either enforce the laws on the books or change them. I say try enforcing the ones on the books and see where that goes first!
You do realize there are legal border crossings for commerce, I would rather not take a bullet while doing my job. Not a great idea shoot first and ask later innocent take bullets that way. Just get them when they make them selves known. Either enforce the laws on the books or change them. I say try enforcing the ones on the books and see where that goes first!

You do realize that I’m an Isolationist who does not believe there should be ANY legal border crossing, commerce or communications into this country, right?
You do realize there are legal border crossings for commerce, I would rather not take a bullet while doing my job. Not a great idea shoot first and ask later innocent take bullets that way. Just get them when they make them selves known. Either enforce the laws on the books or change them. I say try enforcing the ones on the books and see where that goes first!

You do realize that I’m an Isolationist who does not believe there should be ANY legal border crossing, commerce or communications into this country, right?
You do realize that people shoot back when shot at right? Start your own country and you can have those types of laws but here in the real world where materials come from all over, you start shooting at americans on the job and they will shoot back with governmental backing!
You do realize that people shoot back when shot at right? Start your own country and you can have those types of laws but here in the real world where materials come from all over, you start shooting at americans on the job and they will shoot back with governmental backing!

I think you missed something... I’m talking about the US Government securing and closing that border, along with the porous Northern Border with Canada. In this scenario there is no commerce or border crossings allowed, BY LAW. and the people manning those fortifications are members of the US Military.
You do realize that people shoot back when shot at right? Start your own country and you can have those types of laws but here in the real world where materials come from all over, you start shooting at americans on the job and they will shoot back with governmental backing!

I think you missed something... I’m talking about the US Government securing and closing that border, along with the porous Northern Border with Canada. In this scenario there is no commerce or border crossings allowed, BY LAW. and the people manning those fortifications are members of the US Military.
Never happen!
You do realize that people shoot back when shot at right? Start your own country and you can have those types of laws but here in the real world where materials come from all over, you start shooting at americans on the job and they will shoot back with governmental backing!

I think you missed something... I’m talking about the US Government securing and closing that border, along with the porous Northern Border with Canada. In this scenario there is no commerce or border crossings allowed, BY LAW. and the people manning those fortifications are members of the US Military.
Never happen!
The kookburger you are replying to dreams of North Korea.

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