See If Any Brains Are Out There. What Happens If The Usd Petrodollar Ends?


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
See if any brains are out there. What happens if the USD Petrodollar ends? No links, this is just something you should know about already. The world trades Petrol based on the USDOLLAR. I know what has happened when that system has been you?
See if any brains are out there. What happens if the USD Petrodollar ends? No links, this is just something you should know about already. The world trades Petrol based on the USDOLLAR. I know what has happened when that system has been you?

Yes. The rest of the world beats a hasty retreat and shuts the fuck up until the next time they feel like rattling their change purse. The pound had its day for 200 years as the world standard, then the empire collapsed. The dollar was the only currency capable of filling the vacuum. What could replace it as the world standard today? The yen? It beat its chest for awhile, but no such ruck. The yuan? The Chinese are getting arrogant, but who is going to supplant the US dollar as the world standard by tossing all their chips at the Chinese communist autocracy? Ain't going to happen.

Sure China is doing very well, and their economy is huge and growing, but they have 1.4 billion people, and when you average all the goodies out, they're still the poorest developed country on earth. 7% of the people are middle class because the other 93% work under conditions that make them something very akin to slave laborers. The peasants still need internal passports to go to cities and look for jobs!

Nope. Sorry. The greenback is staying right where it is, the 400 pound gorilla in the room. If the rest of the world doesn't like it, tough shit. It isn't easy being top dog, but somebody has to do it, and I'd rather it be us.
"What happens if the USD Petrodollar ends?" Liberals will be just as fucked as conservatives, only they will be the ones responsible.
See if any brains are out there. What happens if the USD Petrodollar ends? No links, this is just something you should know about already. The world trades Petrol based on the USDOLLAR. I know what has happened when that system has been you?

Petroleum-using countries buy dollars to use in oil purchases. That supports the value of the dollar so it makes foreign goods cheaper for US consumers. If the world used some other currency, the Euro for instance, the value of the dollar would fall. That could make foreign goods more expensive in the US and, consequently, domestic goods more attractive. Changing to another currency could be good for US workers.
That supports the value of the dollar so it makes foreign goods cheaper for US consumers.

dear, the real cost of goods is determined by the quality of the goods and the need for them.
For example, high quality cars are needed, japan produces them, and so they sell a lot of them. There is no free lunch; there is no way to make foreign goods cheaper in the USA by manipulating the currency. THe USA could support the value of the dollar by cutting the number of dollars in half or it could double the number in circulation but neither move would change our ability to buy Japanese cars, it would only change the price, either by cutting it in half or doubling it.
"What happens if the USD Petrodollar ends?" Liberals will be just as fucked as conservatives, only they will be the ones responsible.

So tell me what Conservatives do to protect the Petrodollar :)
Several OIL RICH nations have openly stated they are going to start trading oil for their gold monies. Ironically, we have had war conflicts with most of them. Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya. Yet Iran never had a nuke we could prove. Iraq never had a WMD's we could prove. Libya was an open case, absolutely no reason to bomb the leader, no proof of him "killing his people". Funny how all of this was predicted to happen years ago due to "Operation Iranian Freedom", a bill that much like "The Patriot Act" had little to do with the title.

Every Country that decides to trade their oil for their own currency, eventually becomes a target for America. This is so extremely simple to see it's disturbing. Watching American weapons ran into Libya and Syria through Benghazi and noting no Americans notice the brand new American weapons these "rebels" own is like a reset button in history.

The facts are right in front of you America. Stop being BIAS and start learning politics.
"What happens if the USD Petrodollar ends?" Liberals will be just as fucked as conservatives, only they will be the ones responsible.

So tell me what Conservatives do to protect the Petrodollar :)
A strong economy is what protects the "petrodollar". Talk to the Kenyan in the W.H. about the economy he is systematically destroying. Liberals put him in office and liberals are responsible for the results.
"What happens if the USD Petrodollar ends?" Liberals will be just as fucked as conservatives, only they will be the ones responsible.

So tell me what Conservatives do to protect the Petrodollar :)
A strong economy is what protects the "petrodollar". Talk to the Kenyan in the W.H. about the economy he is systematically destroying. Liberals put him in office and liberals are responsible for the results.
Who CRASHED the banks AND BURST the housing bubble in the economy in late 2006/2007/2008, who was President then??? To quote you, Conservatives are the ones who put him in office and conservatives are responsible for the results, eh?

You are suffering from ODS, get a grip on reality...pretty please...instead of sounding like a thoughtless drone with your ridiculous postings of 'one liner' nothingness.
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See if any brains are out there. What happens if the USD Petrodollar ends? No links, this is just something you should know about already. The world trades Petrol based on the USDOLLAR. I know what has happened when that system has been you?

Nothing happens. The Dollar is perfect. Can print as much money as we like since it isn't backed by anything real and physical like gold. We'll spend and borrow and spend and borrow forever with nothing bad ever happening. Not like anything bad CAN happen afterall. There's no tipping point ahead of us or house of cards analogy to be made, or kicking the can further down the road metaphor. The DOW and global markets will rise for forever, paper money will always have value and never be worthless, and capitalism will exist forever.

./end sarcasm
"What happens if the USD Petrodollar ends?" Liberals will be just as fucked as conservatives, only they will be the ones responsible.

So tell me what Conservatives do to protect the Petrodollar :)
A strong economy is what protects the "petrodollar". Talk to the Kenyan in the W.H. about the economy he is systematically destroying. Liberals put him in office and liberals are responsible for the results.
Who CRASHED the banks AND BURST the housing bubble in the economy in late 2006/2007/2008, who was President then??? To quote you, Conservatives are the ones who put him in office and conservatives are responsible for the results, eh?

You are suffering from ODS, get a grip on reality...pretty please...instead of sounding like a thoughtless drone with your ridiculous postings of 'one liner' nothingness.
Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, stupid.
If you're under about 65 and still holding cash you also oughta hoard a case or two of Vaseline.
gasoline and oil sky rockets?

In America, yes.
The rest of the world, no change.

Here's a little snippet most people don't know.
The petrodollar started life in Saudi, but Saudi sells more oil to China than it does, the US of A, and using BRICS.
most importantly it doesn't matter much at all in which currency commodities are traded.

I does if that country's currency is worth shit.
If the petrodollar is lost, or even significantly reduced, America is in the shit.
Now, consider this.
What threat does China pose now, compared with the threat it posed 10 years ago?
The answer - no change worth a mention.
That in mind - why is the US concentrating forces into the Pacific, and why is there so much anti Chinese crap in the papers over the last couple of years?

Easy - BRICS has taken about 20% of world trade from the Dollar in the space of a very few years, and your government is worried.
See if any brains are out there. What happens if the USD Petrodollar ends? No links, this is just something you should know about already. The world trades Petrol based on the USDOLLAR. I know what has happened when that system has been you?

Petroleum-using countries buy dollars to use in oil purchases. That supports the value of the dollar so it makes foreign goods cheaper for US consumers. If the world used some other currency, the Euro for instance, the value of the dollar would fall. That could make foreign goods more expensive in the US and, consequently, domestic goods more attractive. Changing to another currency could be good for US workers.
If the value of the dollar falls, that would make all goods more expensive that are priced in dollars. It would devalue what little savings the average American has.
the dollar crumbles and is exposed for what it is, faith in the governments ability to keep its financial house in order, or lack there of.

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