See if you can spot a bit of Trumpian hypocrisy

LOL......Try may help your cause

View attachment 194771
Not MY case. More like THE case, about to be enlightened by the inspector general report. Posters might be well advised to refrain from posting on this, until the report is released (very SOON)............. Tomorrow ?

Don't get your hopes up Devin :D

Well, there's always the "escape clause" about, "that IG turned out to be a RINO, damn it....."

Well sure - I mean Rosenstein is a RINO, Mueller is a RINO, Wray is a RINO, Comey is a RINO .... and the four Republican judges who signed off on the FISA warrants are all RINOs. :cool-45:

Assange had ‘physical proof’ Russians didn’t hack DNC, Rohrabacher says

Julian Assange had ‘physical proof’ Russians didn’t hack DNC: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

Right, your own article says:

“I knew the one man who could prove that it was all baloney was Assange. So I went to see him in London, and he confirmed for me that the Russians did not give him the DNC emails. He had physical proof of that, and he was going to let me see that and have that, but only once, I found an agreement so he wouldn’t get arrested when he leaves the Ecuadorian embassy in London,” Mr. Rohrabacher insisted.

Assange has proof, but he can't show anybody.

Yeah. And Elvis is alive, and seen riding the Loch Ness monster.
Protectionist's Donald Shrine :cool-45:

Whatever that means. :rolleyes:
First let me state that this entire Trumpian butt-hurt about being spied upon by the FBI, simply constitutes the WH lame attempt to solify the Trump cult base for what's coming from Mueller's investigation's findings.

But, lets review the why Trump is so darn pissed that he may skip his golfing for a couple of days.

Trump: If FBI spied on my campaign, 'bigger than Watergate!' - AP News

So, Trump is pissed.......BUT, we must remember this also.....

Ex-Trump campaign adviser: Papadopoulos was just a 'coffee boy ...

Carter Page: I've never communicated with Trump

So, let's do a quick review.......

1. Trump claims that his precious campaign was unjustly being spied on....

2. Trump hires Papadapolous who in a drunken spree reveals to a diplomat that his task is to get dirt on Hillary from the Russians

3. Trump hires Page who is called an idiot by Russian spies who were trying to recruit him

4. The FBI has a duty and MUST investigate these Trump dimwits who seem to be openly colluding with Russians

5. As the last 2 links above show, the Trump campaign labeled both Papadopolus and Page as irrelevant twits.......

Leading us to then wonder WHY is Trump so infuriated that the FBI investigated these 2 NO BODIES that were quickly fired???
The fact that Hillary purchased a dossier from Kremlin agents to throw a national election makes you hard. Pretty sick.
GOP Rep. Rohrabacher: Assange says he has proof Russia didn't hack DNC
GOP Rep. Rohrabacher: Assange says he has proof Russia didn't hack DNC

FBI once warned GOP Rep. Rohrabacher that Russian spies were recruiting him
FBI once warned GOP Rep. Rohrabacher that Russian spies were recruiting him – Orange County Register

Stupid article. Did you even read it?

"Rohrabacher said he appreciated the warning but needed no reminder. “Any time you meet a Russian member of their Foreign Ministry or the Russian government, you assume those people have something to do with Russian intelligence,” he said."

But, back to the question, why didn't the DNC just release their server for an independent investigation, let the FBI, Mueller and his team examine it, then the partisans won't have to argue about whether the Russians hacked it or not.

It's probably too late for that now. Why the hell didn't they do that in the first place?

What’s The Department Of Homeland Security Hiding?
The Department of Homeland Security knows something about the hack into the Democratic Party’s servers, but in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the agency turned over just two pages of unclassified information — and blacked out almost all of those. But we’ve decoded the details that they left public.
What’s The Department Of Homeland Security Hiding?

Cybersecurity Firm That Attributed DNC Hacks to Russia May Have Fabricated Russia Hacking in Ukraine
Cybersecurity Firm That Attributed DNC Hacks to Russia May Have Fabricated Russia Hacking in Ukraine[/QUOTE]
Whatever that means. :rolleyes:

Are they scented candles? If not, you can get those on Etsy :D


*NOW WITH HAIR! (Relieve stress at work by running your fingers through Trump's hair!)*

You don’t win anymore. You don’t win at buying candles, and you don’t win at having a nice-smelling home. But with a Trump-Scented candle, you will start winning again! (Just at those specific things though.)

The Trump-Scented Candle is a phenomenal deal. Just phenomenal. We’ve made a great, great candle. It combines all of the classiest smells (suntan lotion and steak) to produce an aroma that is tremendous. (To be clear, by “tremendous,” we mean “large in scale or intensity.” We are not claiming that it smells good.) The candle comes in a beautiful shade of orange that looks very natural and not at all weird and off-putting.

Also, you know how candles never say “Merry Christmas” anymore, because they are worried about being "politically correct"? Well, not this candle! If you buy this candle, you are going to see the words “Merry Christmas.” Believe me.

The Trump-Scented Candle may look small in the photo, but we guarantee you there's no problem. We guarantee.

Assange had ‘physical proof’ Russians didn’t hack DNC, Rohrabacher says
Julian Assange had ‘physical proof’ Russians didn’t hack DNC: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

Right, your own article says:

“I knew the one man who could prove that it was all baloney was Assange. So I went to see him in London, and he confirmed for me that the Russians did not give him the DNC emails. He had physical proof of that, and he was going to let me see that and have that, but only once, I found an agreement so he wouldn’t get arrested when he leaves the Ecuadorian embassy in London,” Mr. Rohrabacher insisted.

Assange has proof, but he can't show anybody.

Yeah. And Elvis is alive, and seen riding the Loch Ness monster.

IOW, you don't know shit about Crowdstrike.

Thanks for playing.
Assange had ‘physical proof’ Russians didn’t hack DNC, Rohrabacher says
Julian Assange had ‘physical proof’ Russians didn’t hack DNC: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

Right, your own article says:

“I knew the one man who could prove that it was all baloney was Assange. So I went to see him in London, and he confirmed for me that the Russians did not give him the DNC emails. He had physical proof of that, and he was going to let me see that and have that, but only once, I found an agreement so he wouldn’t get arrested when he leaves the Ecuadorian embassy in London,” Mr. Rohrabacher insisted.

Assange has proof, but he can't show anybody.

Yeah. And Elvis is alive, and seen riding the Loch Ness monster.

IOW, you don't know shit about Crowdstrike.

Thanks for playing.
Crowdstrike is physical proof?

CrowdStrike - Wikipedia

CrowdStrike, Inc. is an American cybersecurity technology company based in Sunnyvale, California, and a wholly owned subsidiary of CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc. The company provides endpoint security, threat intelligence, and incident response services to customers in more than 170 countries
Seems that the "planted " FBI agent turns out to be a Nixon Ford person, & the " planted " appears to be that he talked with 3 trump campaign members about foreign policy. Any one have more info? or is this just one more distraction?
Ted's post is about Trump - The OP is about Trump - Hillary card denied


Trump card denied >>>


The best defense is a good offense. Deflect bad news about Hillary. Switch to Trump. Use Trump card (with Mueller) when you lack any argument.
Seems that the "planted " FBI agent turns out to be a Nixon Ford person, & the " planted " appears to be that he talked with 3 trump campaign members about foreign policy. Any one have more info? or is this just one more distraction?
What "seems" is that a lot of people are talking before the facts are presented. Time to talk hasn't arrived yet.
Jesus... the hits just never stop from the left-wing moonbat brigade.
Aw come on, that Rohrabacher meme is funny. They so rarely have funny memes. You have to give them credit when they so rarely post something that is funny. . . .
Assange had ‘physical proof’ Russians didn’t hack DNC, Rohrabacher says
Julian Assange had ‘physical proof’ Russians didn’t hack DNC: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

Right, your own article says:

“I knew the one man who could prove that it was all baloney was Assange. So I went to see him in London, and he confirmed for me that the Russians did not give him the DNC emails. He had physical proof of that, and he was going to let me see that and have that, but only once, I found an agreement so he wouldn’t get arrested when he leaves the Ecuadorian embassy in London,” Mr. Rohrabacher insisted.

Assange has proof, but he can't show anybody.

Yeah. And Elvis is alive, and seen riding the Loch Ness monster.

IOW, you don't know shit about Crowdstrike.

Thanks for playing.
Crowdstrike is physical proof?

CrowdStrike - Wikipedia

CrowdStrike, Inc. is an American cybersecurity technology company based in Sunnyvale, California, and a wholly owned subsidiary of CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc. The company provides endpoint security, threat intelligence, and incident response services to customers in more than 170 countries

Here’s the Public Evidence Russia Hacked the DNC — It’s Not Enough
Here’s the Public Evidence Russia Hacked the DNC — It’s Not Enough

"Truly, the argument that “Guccifer 2.0″ is a Kremlin agent or that GRU breached John Podesta’s email only works if you presume that APT 28/Fancy Bear is a unit of the Russian government, a fact that has never been proven beyond any reasonable doubt. According to Carr, “it’s an old assumption going back years to when any attack against a non-financial target was attributed to a state actor.” Without that premise, all we can truly conclude is that some email accounts at the DNC et al. appear to have been broken into by someone, and perhaps they speak Russian. Left ignored is the mammoth difference between Russians and Russia.

Security researcher Claudio Guarnieri put it this way:

[Private security firms] can’t produce anything conclusive. What they produce is speculative attribution that is pretty common to make in the threat research field. I do that same speculative attribution myself, but it is just circumstantial. At the very best it can only prove that the actor that perpetrated the attack is very likely located in Russia. As for government involvement, it can only speculate that it is plausible because of context and political motivations, as well as technical connections with previous (or following attacks) that appear to be perpetrated by the same group and that corroborate the analysis that it is a Russian state-sponsored actor (for example, hacking of institutions of other countries Russia has some geopolitical interests in).

Finally, one can’t be reminded enough that all of this evidence comes from private companies with a direct financial interest in making the internet seem as scary as possible, just as Lysol depends on making you believe your kitchen is crawling with E. Coli."

Cybersecurity Firm That Attributed DNC Hacks to Russia May Have Fabricated Russia Hacking in Ukraine
Cybersecurity Firm That Attributed DNC Hacks to Russia May Have Fabricated Russia Hacking in Ukraine
First let me state that this entire Trumpian butt-hurt about being spied upon by the FBI, simply constitutes the WH lame attempt to solify the Trump cult base for what's coming from Mueller's investigation's findings.

But, lets review the why Trump is so darn pissed that he may skip his golfing for a couple of days.

Trump: If FBI spied on my campaign, 'bigger than Watergate!' - AP News

So, Trump is pissed.......BUT, we must remember this also.....

Ex-Trump campaign adviser: Papadopoulos was just a 'coffee boy ...

Carter Page: I've never communicated with Trump

So, let's do a quick review.......

1. Trump claims that his precious campaign was unjustly being spied on....

2. Trump hires Papadapolous who in a drunken spree reveals to a diplomat that his task is to get dirt on Hillary from the Russians

3. Trump hires Page who is called an idiot by Russian spies who were trying to recruit him

4. The FBI has a duty and MUST investigate these Trump dimwits who seem to be openly colluding with Russians

5. As the last 2 links above show, the Trump campaign labeled both Papadopolus and Page as irrelevant twits.......

Leading us to then wonder WHY is Trump so infuriated that the FBI investigated these 2 NO BODIES that were quickly fired???
Posting drunk again?
Right, your own article says:

“I knew the one man who could prove that it was all baloney was Assange. So I went to see him in London, and he confirmed for me that the Russians did not give him the DNC emails. He had physical proof of that, and he was going to let me see that and have that, but only once, I found an agreement so he wouldn’t get arrested when he leaves the Ecuadorian embassy in London,” Mr. Rohrabacher insisted.

Assange has proof, but he can't show anybody.

Yeah. And Elvis is alive, and seen riding the Loch Ness monster.

I saw Elvis AND Bigfoot riding Nessie!


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