See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

Suurreee she's not.....

Nope, I'm a moderate. I watch the republicans and democrats make fools of themselves. The two most corrupt parties in the history of our nation.

A moderate is a person too chickenshit to admit they are a liberal.
Oh, a classic error on your part. Democrat and Republican are names of political parties.
Liberal and conservative are ideologies.
"Moderate" is nothing.

Tell us whether the following are liberal or conservative positions:

If a person believes that legalizing abortion should be left up to the states.

If a person believes that the Constitution should be amended to outlaw all abortion.

If a person believes that early term abortion should be a right, but later term abortion should be left up to the states.

If a person believes that a woman should have the right to an abortion for any reason at any time.
McD has a price ceiling ... the price at which sales and profits suffer. Therefore they must operate efficiently which means constantly adapting. Sometimes jobs are lost. McD's mission is not to provide jobs for society but rather profits for it's shareholders or in the case of franchises, the owners.
Then "job-creators" is quite a misnomer.

No, it's not. They create jobs by doing what SAYIT said, pursuing profit.

Government creates no jobs ever because it creates no value. The people government hires are paid through money taken out of the economy and for every government job created, more than one private sector job is destroyed.

Government doesn't create jobs? Then why do localities freak out when there's a chance they might lose their military base, or their defense plant?
A waiter is part of the reason people go out to eat.
really i dont ever order a waiter much prefer a hamburger
After what that gay waiter done to that couple, I can't say I much blame them for this, but I always think it is a mistake to blame a whole group (waiters in general), otherwise if changes are to be based upon a minority of incidents that may take place in a whole industry.

Me and my family, well we love having a waiter or waitress serve us, and if they do a wonderful job, we will tip them well. Machines to take this over ? FAILURE Is all I see in that situation. Have people lost their minds anymore when it comes to knowing how to operate a great business or is it that the PC error or era is ushering in all these changes found now, and all in defense of ?
THERE will always be restaurants who have waitstaff to serve customers this is not the issue
high class restaurants waiters earn a lot more than minimun wage its a learned skill

we are talking about a entry grade job where no experance or training is required , just punch in to work and flip the hamburgers
after one year a hamburger flipper is still flipping hamburgers the same unless he/ she shows and learns others skills, gets to work on time and shows a willingness to improve his/ her worth to the company there is no reason to give him/her a raise
HUH? The Boston Tea Party had nothing to do with producers or traders.
The Tea Party was a protest of government.
Taxation without representation.

Which brings us to the 25K dollar question...
What happens when the majority votes for someone who raises taxes?
Is that Taxation Without Representation?
Yes, when a minority is being taxed by the majority who are not, that tax on the minority is most certainly tyranny of the majority over the minority who is thus left without representation to be be fleeced by the mob.
Being in the minority means being in the minority.

Being without representation means being without representation.

Does that help?
Not a fact. The Tea Party participants were small merchants who were victims of the East India Company's monopoly and tax advantage.

It was the equivalent of an OWS demonstration, or an employee strike.

We didn't revolt over taxaction without representation. We revolted over unfair business practices.

Bam, you just slipped and fell flat on your face. Wow, that must have hurt. Note in the red, you just showed the problem was not "business practices," it was government. Government gave them the monopolies and the tax advantages. And your solution is to make government stronger. Wow, that's a tough shot you just gave yourself, it's gotta hurt. You might want to sit down a while.

Note this is like McDonalds, government is driving them to automate by artificially inflating labor costs. And again, your solution is to make government stronger. Maybe you should start thinking logically.

Ronald Reagan: Government is not the solution, government is the problem...
Not true. Prices for health care procedures fall all the time due to market success and competitive pressure. The issue is all the "help" we are getting from our government that directly and indirectly result in price increases.

I have yet to meet anyone whose health care premiums have not been skyrocketing since the mid 2000s.
Physicians bill according to the IDC{9}{10} schedule and whatever loss they take they write off at years end.

Correct, we have been getting more and more "help" from our government. As a matter of fact the amount of help we are getting appears to be skyrocketing right along with the price.
By law we're adding the feature that insurance companies can't drop you when you get sick and the feature that you can get insured even if you have a preexisting condition. We're also adding the feature that you can have health care coverage even if you are poor.

Lets remember that EVERY other first world nation has these features, yet spends far less than we do on health care. And, they still outperform us in significant areas.
Then "job-creators" is quite a misnomer.

No, it's not. They create jobs by doing what SAYIT said, pursuing profit.

Government creates no jobs ever because it creates no value. The people government hires are paid through money taken out of the economy and for every government job created, more than one private sector job is destroyed.

Government doesn't create jobs? Then why do localities freak out when there's a chance they might lose their military base, or their defense plant?

Um, the answer is in the post of mine that you quoted. Read it again and pay attention this time. If you have an actual question, you are going to have to demonstrate a grasp of what I said.
Not a fact. The Tea Party participants were small merchants who were victims of the East India Company's monopoly and tax advantage.

It was the equivalent of an OWS demonstration, or an employee strike.

We didn't revolt over taxaction without representation. We revolted over unfair business practices.

Bam, you just slipped and fell flat on your face. Wow, that must have hurt. Note in the red, you just showed the problem was not "business practices," it was government. Government gave them the monopolies and the tax advantages. And your solution is to make government stronger. Wow, that's a tough shot you just gave yourself, it's gotta hurt. You might want to sit down a while.

Note this is like McDonalds, government is driving them to automate by artificially inflating labor costs. And again, your solution is to make government stronger. Maybe you should start thinking logically.

Ronald Reagan: Government is not the solution, government is the problem...

I believe I'm up to the task, but let me get in for the night, and off this iPhone. Later! :)
Which brings us to the 25K dollar question...
What happens when the majority votes for someone who raises taxes?
Is that Taxation Without Representation?
Yes, when a minority is being taxed by the majority who are not, that tax on the minority is most certainly tyranny of the majority over the minority who is thus left without representation to be be fleeced by the mob.
Being in the minority means being in the minority.

Being without representation means being without representation.

Does that help?

Whether the mob enjoys what they do to a minority group or not, when the girl says rape it's not consensual. Does that help? What good is "supposed" representation when the guy supposedly representing you is slapping you in the face and raping you repeatedly. You call it representation I call it rape by the mob.
Not a fact. The Tea Party participants were small merchants who were victims of the East India Company's monopoly and tax advantage.

It was the equivalent of an OWS demonstration, or an employee strike.

We didn't revolt over taxaction without representation. We revolted over unfair business practices.

Bam, you just slipped and fell flat on your face. Wow, that must have hurt. Note in the red, you just showed the problem was not "business practices," it was government. Government gave them the monopolies and the tax advantages. And your solution is to make government stronger. Wow, that's a tough shot you just gave yourself, it's gotta hurt. You might want to sit down a while.

Note this is like McDonalds, government is driving them to automate by artificially inflating labor costs. And again, your solution is to make government stronger. Maybe you should start thinking logically.

Ronald Reagan: Government is not the solution, government is the problem...
I disagree here on your McD example. There has been a growing argument for teller automation regardless of wages.

We see the same thing in grocery stores. People are getting good at doing the check-out job for themselves and machines are getting cheaper and easier to use. You can buy a grocery store self serve checkout stand for $50K, complete with bar code scanning, large inventory searching and two automatic scales (weighing each product and the bag of purchased goods). Touch screen info kiosks cost between $5K and $10K.

If a McD shop can save a few thousand employee hours per year by buying a machine, they can afford to pay some money for that machine even at today's minimum wages.
Yes, when a minority is being taxed by the majority who are not, that tax on the minority is most certainly tyranny of the majority over the minority who is thus left without representation to be be fleeced by the mob.
Being in the minority means being in the minority.

Being without representation means being without representation.

Does that help?

Whether the mob enjoys what they do to a minority group or not, when the girl says rape it's not consensual. Does that help? What good is "supposed" representation when the guy supposedly representing you is slapping you in the face and raping you repeatedly. You call it representation I call it rape by the mob.
I don't accept this analogy.

It would be better if we talked about business and government.
Yep--they certainly won't need to pay for a machine's medical insurance.
I wonder how all those machines will stand up against the next invading army ? No new babies or a new people are to be generated in all of this thinking, and it is all due to a wanting for a robotic world now? The incentive will be taken away by greed that is keeping the family unit from thriving, and also to remain healthy in this nation. This kind of thinking of yours will only open the doors finally to a weakened and dumb down nation in the end. It will be one that will be exposed to the likes of China or others who are eye balling this type of downward spiral, and probably thinking that this nation is now in it's death throws. If they do decide to invade someday, maybe by then you all will have those robots that you keep talking about so much to protect you from the mean ole nasty humans, especially the ones you feared right here in your own America, and for whom wanted just to share your world with you, but you chose to hate them instead. Hey you went there, and so did I.

Yes indeed.. You've decoded the evil plan. A robotic world is the cornerstone of our conspiracy. Now -- you must struggle to oppose the inevitable..

Holy toolbox --- this is the cornerstone of man's evolution.. The ability to make tools and the machines that make tools.. Every "revolution" in mankinds past is bookmarked by tools.

A gang banger in the Bronx can now have the SAME RESOURCES as only huge Corporations had 30 years ago. The progression is only natural for a species like us.
We need to grow into the plan..

When Globalization first started to happened --- we were told that to maintain our standard of living --- we'd have to turn to technology and innovation.. The kind of stuff that the rest of the world couldn't do.. Things like biotech, nanotech, artificial intelligience, robotics, materials science and other creative endevours. Instead we sit here talking about artificially promoting the most menial and unskilled labor jobs that still exist..

If THOSE get eaten by robotics (and they will) and we STILL don't use those HUGE HOMINID brains to figure it out --- well --- it was a sweet ride.

Forgit about China.. Cheap Labor was a brief panic. The CHINESE are gonna beat us to the end game with THEIR robotic investments. MAJOR Chinese producers are planning to DISPLACE unskilled labor with robots in the next few years. THEY realize the "evil plan" better than we do...

I have yet to meet anyone whose health care premiums have not been skyrocketing since the mid 2000s.
Physicians bill according to the IDC{9}{10} schedule and whatever loss they take they write off at years end.

Correct, we have been getting more and more "help" from our government. As a matter of fact the amount of help we are getting appears to be skyrocketing right along with the price.
By law we're adding the feature that insurance companies can't drop you when you get sick and the feature that you can get insured even if you have a preexisting condition. We're also adding the feature that you can have health care coverage even if you are poor.

Lets remember that EVERY other first world nation has these features, yet spends far less than we do on health care. And, they still outperform us in significant areas.

Out perform? Bull shit. Name one sector of medicine in which we are being out performed. You want cheap medicine? Go to Cuba. You don't like that my dad wanted the best care money could buy for my mom before she died of Pancreatic Cancer? You want to make something of it, by accusing her doctors of overcharging? Screw you. You live in an area with a high cost of living you can expect to pay more for the top professions. You want to live in a communist country move to a communist country.

"Even if you had preexisting..." You want to get a million dollars worth of health care you did not pay for off my paycheck? Screw you. Next you'll want me to give you a new car to replace your totaled one even when you didn't have insurance. What a jerk you are.
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Being in the minority means being in the minority.

Being without representation means being without representation.

Does that help?

Whether the mob enjoys what they do to a minority group or not, when the girl says rape it's not consensual. Does that help? What good is "supposed" representation when the guy supposedly representing you is slapping you in the face and raping you repeatedly. You call it representation I call it rape by the mob.
I don't accept this analogy.

It would be better if we talked about business and government.

Rape as in economic rape, perv.
Actually, corporations were created to protect against liability for damage.

While what you say may be true, the single minded pursuit of wealth doesn't require incorporation.
No....Incorporation exists for a number of reasons.
1. To protect the officer's or board member's PERSONAL assets from liability
2. To sell stock in the company
3. To permit stock holders to have a say in which the way the company operates. Gives shareholders a say by vote or proxy.
A more in depth explanation...Articles of Incorporation |
You got the first one almost right.

The protection of a corporation was created to shield anyone with an interest in the company including share holders and employees, not just officers. Plus, we clearly see cases today where corporate officers don't go to jail even if the decisions they made would result in jail time were they to do the crime as a private citizen - so it covers more than assets.

While making public offerings has restrictions, any number of people can put money together and take actions without incorporating using any form of decision making they want - be it a single person, magic 8-ball or whatever. And, they can let people buy in or sell out.

Corporations are successfully sued for damages every day.. This is FAR more of deterrent to them than a few wonky regulators. And ends in more consumer oversight than those folks can claim on their own government..

Your ability to raise capital is extremely limited with a stock offering. Not hard to lose 60% of your "magic 8 ball" revenue with just the entry of a half dozen investors.

New innovations like "crowd sourcing" are very useful --- but they dont assign ownership to the final products or assets..
Not a fact. The Tea Party participants were small merchants who were victims of the East India Company's monopoly and tax advantage.

It was the equivalent of an OWS demonstration, or an employee strike.

We didn't revolt over taxaction without representation. We revolted over unfair business practices.

Bam, you just slipped and fell flat on your face. Wow, that must have hurt. Note in the red, you just showed the problem was not "business practices," it was government. Government gave them the monopolies and the tax advantages. And your solution is to make government stronger. Wow, that's a tough shot you just gave yourself, it's gotta hurt. You might want to sit down a while.

Note this is like McDonalds, government is driving them to automate by artificially inflating labor costs. And again, your solution is to make government stronger. Maybe you should start thinking logically.

Ronald Reagan: Government is not the solution, government is the problem...

I believe I'm up to the task, but let me get in for the night, and off this iPhone. Later! :)

I look forward to it! And yes, trying to debate in iPhone is a tough task. I want your best shot.
Not a fact. The Tea Party participants were small merchants who were victims of the East India Company's monopoly and tax advantage.

It was the equivalent of an OWS demonstration, or an employee strike.

We didn't revolt over taxaction without representation. We revolted over unfair business practices.

Bam, you just slipped and fell flat on your face. Wow, that must have hurt. Note in the red, you just showed the problem was not "business practices," it was government. Government gave them the monopolies and the tax advantages. And your solution is to make government stronger. Wow, that's a tough shot you just gave yourself, it's gotta hurt. You might want to sit down a while.

Note this is like McDonalds, government is driving them to automate by artificially inflating labor costs. And again, your solution is to make government stronger. Maybe you should start thinking logically.

Ronald Reagan: Government is not the solution, government is the problem...
I disagree here on your McD example. There has been a growing argument for teller automation regardless of wages.

We see the same thing in grocery stores. People are getting good at doing the check-out job for themselves and machines are getting cheaper and easier to use. You can buy a grocery store self serve checkout stand for $50K, complete with bar code scanning, large inventory searching and two automatic scales (weighing each product and the bag of purchased goods). Touch screen info kiosks cost between $5K and $10K.

If a McD shop can save a few thousand employee hours per year by buying a machine, they can afford to pay some money for that machine even at today's minimum wages.

That's not what I've been arguing. I have been arguing that the decision should be made on efficiency and government is tipping the scales by driving up labor costs. I have not argued that they are only doing it because of government. I'm a free market capitalist, I want the decision to be made on market forces. I don't want them pushed to it by government taxes, regulations and mandates. Do you not agree?
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The hatred between the classes are so evident here in America now, that it is a stinking rotten shame. Did we never learn anything from the past, and about how all of this stuff comes about ? WOW!

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