See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

If they raise the price too high, people won't buy it.

The American people are sick of being blackmailed by corporations.

An economics 101 course would change your life. You would learn about supply and demand curves. Companies won't produce a product with a negative NPV. Which is why higher taxes harm the economy, they have to pass along the cost. No one invests for pre-tax return, it's net return. Then demand drops and sales fall, it's government caused economic destruction.

Taxes are just a cost to businesses. Even liberals grasp that when the price of steel goes up, the price of refrigerators go up. But then taxes go up and you are like what do you mean? Why would prices go up?

Then another company will.

They don't have to pass along the cost. They could make cuts internally, within the company. They could pay their executives less. They could improve distribution. There are plenty of ways a company can absorb rather than pass on to consumers.

Yeah sure. In which fantasy land do you live.
Obviously you've never been outside the sheltered world of the paycheck. You've never taken a risk and made your own mark. No idea how to operate a business and have no clue what is required.
You should shut up now.
With that comment about Obama being fiscally sound, it is painfully obvious you are just a sycophant.
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Ame®icano;8274145 said:
In 5 years the cop will be making 53k..where the McDonald's will still be at 15.

Cops are always underpaid, but when push comes to shove its typically both parties that screw them..

Look at How the 911 responders were handled.

Well, if after 5 years you're still working in McD, something is definitely wrong with you. But at least, you're alive... Maybe a time to apply for cop position.

After 5 years in McD, you can't be much more valuable to the company then when you started. Unless you got promoted to shift or store manager, but then you're not on $15K anymore.
Now see, this is the kind of ignorance that kills me, because if a person is still in a position after 5 years so what, because it may be that the person is the best at what he does in that position after 5 years, and he or she has found a position that they love to work in.

So he or she is happy, and the company is also happy to have the position covered by a great employee, so what's wrong with having raises in that position if a person wants to stay in that position in life for a while ?

The position may come with less stress and less headache, so it could be that it is more of a desired position as based on some of that alone. Now it's tough to fill a position with someone that has a mindset to stay in a position or job doing the same thing for a long time, but it is a plus for the company not to have a high turnover in these job positions in which I and many have seen in times past. It also is a huge plus for the company, because it keeps them from having to go through the retraining process every time they turn around, and worse having to deal with the unknowns that comes along with trying to replace a superior worker in a position that the person would have strengthened the company up in that position. This situation allows the company to concentrate on other areas of need, as that hole in the dam has been plugged for a while.

If the US Military were to operate as McD's does in this respect, then unit cohesiveness would never exist in the military. How they've won the burger war up to this point amazes me, so it could be that there is a form of intimidation that possibly could be used by them when working people. That would be interesting to know, I mean if they prey upon the youthfulness of their employee's, and taking advantage of their ignorance at such a young age, then that should be known also in the debate. Nothing wrong with having a structured pay scale systems for any job title and company that exist out there, and usually where you won't find this to be the case, is where you most likely will find abusive situations that exist in one form or another. I guess the employee's who hope this strike or uprising works, have been experiencing these problems or there would be no problem.

McD's is actually to stupid to realize that if they are still not required to have a structuralized pay scale system for each position in the company, then they will still come out ahead by paying the flat rate of 15.00 dollars an hour for each labor position no matter how long the employee stays there in that position, so I ask is their greed blinding them to that little fact that would still benefit them in the matter ? Sheesh!
Very easy to answer. That employee will have maxed out the pay grade for the position.
In other words, the value of the position to the business owner is proportionate to the profitability of the work.
This is the simple explanation for why low skill jobs are compensated on the low end of the pay scale.
Here's an idea. Instead of demanding others do something, do it yourself.
Open a business, pay your people double the market rate. Now, without raisning your prices, find out how well your business does.
Then "job-creators" is quite a misnomer.

No, it's not. They create jobs by doing what SAYIT said, pursuing profit.

Government creates no jobs ever because it creates no value. The people government hires are paid through money taken out of the economy and for every government job created, more than one private sector job is destroyed.
Wasn't the British East India Company merely perusing profit at the time
Time of the Boston TeaParty?

There comes a time of recognition that the goals of a corporation, and the goals of the society it lives in, are not one and the same.

There comes a time of recognition, for intelligent humans, that one set of goals of one set of people, for example that of a corporation, and the goals of all people of a society, are not one and the same. Said more simply, what's good for Peter is not necessarily good for Paul, but that won't stop people like Obama from promising Peter a piece of Paul's assets to get themselves elected.
... When you hit a business with a tax, they don't pay anything because they pass it to consumers as just another business expense. ...
That's what we hear from people who've never run a business and have never taken an econ course. What really happens when costs (like taxes) go up, management has to look at the costumers' choices. If they can go elsewhere or if they can do without, then profits get cut. If the profits are cut too much, the company folds and the investors go elsewhere.

Life in the real world doesn't have to be nice, it's what it is.
True. The resources are freed to be used to put forward a better alternative.

This is what competitive pressure does when consumers have choice.

In cases where customer choices are limited (such as health care, where dying isn't as likely to be an attractive option) it's more likely that prices simply rise.
... When you hit a business with a tax, they don't pay anything because they pass it to consumers as just another business expense. ...
That's what we hear from people who've never run a business and have never taken an econ course. What really happens when costs (like taxes) go up, management has to look at the costumers' choices. If they can go elsewhere or if they can do without, then profits get cut. If the profits are cut too much, the company folds and the investors go elsewhere.

Life in the real world doesn't have to be nice, it's what it is.
True. The resources are freed to be used to put forward a better alternative.

This is what competitive pressure does when consumers have choice.

In cases where customer choices are limited (such as health care, where dying isn't as likely to be an attractive option) it's more likely that prices simply rise.

Not true. Prices for health care procedures fall all the time due to market success and competitive pressure. The issue is all the "help" we are getting from our government that directly and indirectly result in price increases.
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That's what we hear from people who've never run a business and have never taken an econ course. What really happens when costs (like taxes) go up, management has to look at the costumers' choices. If they can go elsewhere or if they can do without, then profits get cut. If the profits are cut too much, the company folds and the investors go elsewhere.

Life in the real world doesn't have to be nice, it's what it is.
True. The resources are freed to be used to put forward a better alternative.

This is what competitive pressure does when consumers have choice.

In cases where customer choices are limited (such as health care, where dying isn't as likely to be an attractive option) it's more likely that prices simply rise.

Not true. Prices for health care procedures fall all the time due to market success and competitive pressure. The issue is all the "help" we are getting from our government that directly and indirectly result in price increases.

I have yet to meet anyone whose health care premiums have not been skyrocketing since the mid 2000s.
Physicians bill according to the IDC{9}{10} schedule and whatever loss they take they write off at years end.
Then "job-creators" is quite a misnomer.

No, it's not. They create jobs by doing what SAYIT said, pursuing profit.

Government creates no jobs ever because it creates no value. The people government hires are paid through money taken out of the economy and for every government job created, more than one private sector job is destroyed.
Wasn't the British East India Company merely perusing profit at the time
Time of the Boston TeaParty?

There comes a time of recognition that the goals of a corporation, and the goals of the society it lives in, are not one and the same.

HUH? The Boston Tea Party had nothing to do with producers or traders.
The Tea Party was a protest of government.
Taxation without representation.
True. The resources are freed to be used to put forward a better alternative.

This is what competitive pressure does when consumers have choice.

In cases where customer choices are limited (such as health care, where dying isn't as likely to be an attractive option) it's more likely that prices simply rise.

Not true. Prices for health care procedures fall all the time due to market success and competitive pressure. The issue is all the "help" we are getting from our government that directly and indirectly result in price increases.

I have yet to meet anyone whose health care premiums have not been skyrocketing since the mid 2000s.
Physicians bill according to the IDC{9}{10} schedule and whatever loss they take they write off at years end.

Correct, we have been getting more and more "help" from our government. As a matter of fact the amount of help we are getting appears to be skyrocketing right along with the price.
No, it's not. They create jobs by doing what SAYIT said, pursuing profit.

Government creates no jobs ever because it creates no value. The people government hires are paid through money taken out of the economy and for every government job created, more than one private sector job is destroyed.
Wasn't the British East India Company merely perusing profit at the time
Time of the Boston TeaParty?

There comes a time of recognition that the goals of a corporation, and the goals of the society it lives in, are not one and the same.

HUH? The Boston Tea Party had nothing to do with producers or traders.
The Tea Party was a protest of government.
Taxation without representation.

Which brings us to the 25K dollar question...
What happens when the majority votes for someone who raises taxes?
Is that Taxation Without Representation?
Wasn't the British East India Company merely perusing profit at the time
Time of the Boston TeaParty?

There comes a time of recognition that the goals of a corporation, and the goals of the society it lives in, are not one and the same.

HUH? The Boston Tea Party had nothing to do with producers or traders.
The Tea Party was a protest of government.
Taxation without representation.

Which brings us to the 25K dollar question...
What happens when the majority votes for someone who raises taxes?
Is that Taxation Without Representation?
Yes, when a minority is being taxed by the majority who are not, that tax on the minority is most certainly tyranny of the majority over the minority who is thus left without representation to be be fleeced by the mob.
beagle9/ said:
Now see, this is the kind of ignorance that kills me, because if a person is still in a position after 5 years so what, because it may be that the person is the best at what he does in that position after 5 years, and he or she has found a position that they love to work in.

Ame®icano;8276950 said:
In human nature it is to improve, to be creative, to find better and easier ways, to save and conserve... Now, if you lets say flip burgers for 5 years because you love doing that, or maybe because you can't do anything else, and then demand that you get paid double for something that you didn't improve, you're probably nuts. If you love what you're doing, so what if you don't get paid what you want, but you get paid what you're worth.

Ohhh, now aren't we the arrogant one to think that a person can't do anything else in life or why would you even add that or go there in your words spoken ? WOW!

Now who is demanding that they get paid DOUBLE for what they do, and how did you figure this out by me saying there should be a structuralized pay scale system set up for each and every job position that would be listed ? A structuralized pay scale system for each position would also let a person know that the job has a beginner level and a top out level, so in this fact alone it would give a person the incentive to want to move or do better soon and/or maybe be satisfied if they decide to stay in the position in life for a while. They may have all sorts of reasoning in which they might have to stay put for a while even though they are topped out in the position.

So he or she is happy, and the company is also happy to have the position covered by a great employee, so what's wrong with having raises in that position if a person wants to stay in that position in life for a while ?

Ame®icano;8276950 said:
If you flip burgers for 5 years you may become very good at it. You may deserve a raise, and you might get it, but bottom line is, you're still flipping burgers. Regardless how happy you are, your work after five years is not worth much more then when you started and if you don't get that part, then who is ignorant here?

I see that you did respond in agreeing with me that a structuralized pay scale system is needed in each position worked or you wouldn't have said what you said that was embolden in black above. Good for you, but I bet that was hard for you to do wasn't it ?

Ame®icano;8276950 said:
Really? Fast food chains are counting on high turnaround for these jobs. They hire kids who need job experience and some pocket money. Soon enough, those kids who realize that's not what they want to do in life, and move on to better job. Those who don't, well, they got paid what they're worth. Tell me, in today's world of quotas, how much one burger flipper can be superior to the other? 10, 20, 50, 100%?

Businesses count on high turn around in these jobs eh ? I don't think that works to well in most business models, but it may be if a business model has been set up to exploit and abuse in certain ways. Employee's might become abused in such a set up or business model that is set up in a bad way or in which has been set up to do this very thing to them. They better research the job or business first or it could be that they are desperate, and some businesses love this also. So they will get paid what their worth is , and this if they decide to stick around for a while ? Who determines this worth if they decide to stick around a while ? In a structuralized pay system one is paid as he or she progresses in the position, and if there is no structuralized pay system for the positions, then it sounds like exploitation to me, where as we have adults taking advantage of people having to stick around sometime, and so if they do, then they are subjected to abuse by those whom may see this as an opportunity to screw the wounded duck over, and this instead of helping to fix his or her wing in so that he or she may soon fly again.

If the US Military were to operate as McD's does in this respect, then unit cohesiveness would never exist in the military. How they've won the burger war up to this point amazes me, so it could be that there is a form of intimidation that possibly could be used by them when working people. That would be interesting to know, I mean if they prey upon the youthfulness of their employee's, and taking advantage of their ignorance at such a young age, then that should be known also in the debate. Nothing wrong with having a structured pay scale system for any job title and company that exist out there, and usually where you won't find this to be the case, is where you most likely will find abusive situations that exist in one form or another. I guess the employee's who hope this strike or uprising works, have been experiencing these problems or there would be no problem.

Ame®icano;8276950 said:
You're saying there is nothing wrong with structured pay scale. So lets take military pay grades. If you're private, this is what you get. You wanna stay private for 10 years, fine... this is what you gonna get. If you don't like your pay, get promoted to private 2, or first class or higher and this is what you gonna get. If you like what you're doing as private, this is what you gonna get.

You can't stay a private for ten years can you ? You can however advance in the position in pay check and in rank. I mean you just said one can get promoted to private 2nd class right, so how do you use this in your example again ? Now lets just use the military as an example of joining and becoming a member of the Air-force for one example, now can't you advance in pay and in rank within your same positions as is found within the Air-force or within any branch of the military ? So why can't a person advance in pay and in rank so to speak from say (3rd class hamburger flipper to 1st class hamburger flipper in 5 years), just as it should be structured within a position at a McDonalds or anywhere else in America ? Makes no sense does it that they can't ? I guess McD's can't hire military members under such an exploitative system in which they have going in all of this, even though they may be a huge help to the country if they did structure themselves in a way that they could hire the returning vets who would badly need jobs also in America. Yep count out McD's in the helping America welcome the returning vets home with a job, because they are to busy exploiting the youth for greed in order to worry about a thing like that.

McD's is actually to stupid to realize that if they are still not required to have a structuralized pay scale system for each position in the company, then they will still come out ahead by paying the flat rate of 15.00 dollars an hour for each labor position no matter how long the employee stays there in that position, so I ask is their greed blinding them to that little fact that would still benefit them in the matter ? Sheesh!

Ame®icano;8276950 said:
Now back to private sector, if you like flipping burgers... this is what you gonna get paid for it. If you don't like it, try doing something else, cashier, shift manager, whatever or go elsewhere. Every position got its pay grade. If you wanna make $15 or $50 an hour, you gotta be worth as much. Bitching may actually get you a raise although it doesn't necessary qualify you for one.

I'm just wanting them to have a pay scale system in each position from start to finish that can be found in an individual position, then there would be no problems. Having it where a company is trying to just pay minimum wages to their workers, and this no matter how long they stay there, and no matter what their positions are (IMHO) is just wrong of them. Not sure if this is what was or is going on, but undoubtedly that is what was or is going on or there wouldn't be a problem right ?
Fine. Yet I see no cost benefit analysis on this man vs machine question.

When monopoly becomes the norm, the greater good hinges on corporate decision.

I can see how it might benefit McDonalds, but show me how it is better for society that these jobs disappear.

McD has a price ceiling ... the price at which sales and profits suffer. Therefore they must operate efficiently which means constantly adapting. Sometimes jobs are lost. McD's mission is not to provide jobs for society but rather profits for it's shareholders or in the case of franchises, the owners.
Then "job-creators" is quite a misnomer.
They love to use this "JOB CREATORS, speak politically now don't they ? Now what are they I wonder, either they are the creators or they are the greedy takers ? Somebody needs to finally get clarity on this, because when they are attacked for being greedy, then they become the JOB CREATORS, but when they aren't being looked at much, then they become the extreme takers. How can we keep our eye on them, and this so they will stay better balanced somehow ?
Wasn't the British East India Company merely perusing profit at the time
Time of the Boston TeaParty?

There comes a time of recognition that the goals of a corporation, and the goals of the society it lives in, are not one and the same.

Perhaps society should raid the Apple warehouse and start throwing I Phones in the harbor to protest taxes ... I am sure that would put a dent in the $6 billion in Federal Revenues Apple pays the US Treasury.


If Apple paid those taxes to England, and their monopoly here crushed US businesses, that would make sense.
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more money. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..

LOL! You really ARE completely clueless, aren't you?

Automation has been an issue with unions for DECADES.

Businesses have long sought to replace workers with machines. One of the most noticeable examples of that trend in recent years has been replacing cashiers with automatic scanners in grocery stores. You've seen those, haven't you?

The companies save money when you do the work yourself, but you don't get a discount on your groceries because you self-scan, do you? Hell, you're actually working without getting paid.

So, go ahead and scan your own groceries. Bag them up too while you're at it. You've just helped the company with their bottom line, and you haven't been paid for your work, and some other poor slob has probably lost his job.
I do and i get throu the process quicker the machine is as polite as most cashiers ... my time is the more important issue of the two
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more money. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..

Technicians will have to build and service those touchscreens. Republicans are simply too ignorant to be technicians. The problem for Republicans is that they will have no one to complain to when they punch in their order and get the wrong stuff.

I just wont eat there.....simple.
And if you're trying to say it's more expensive to replace waiters with touch pads you're crazy.
your right on touch pads dont get vacation pay ,health benefits dont join unions and
are easily replaced when not needed
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No, it's not. They create jobs by doing what SAYIT said, pursuing profit.

Government creates no jobs ever because it creates no value. The people government hires are paid through money taken out of the economy and for every government job created, more than one private sector job is destroyed.
Wasn't the British East India Company merely perusing profit at the time
Time of the Boston TeaParty?

There comes a time of recognition that the goals of a corporation, and the goals of the society it lives in, are not one and the same.

HUH? The Boston Tea Party had nothing to do with producers or traders.
The Tea Party was a protest of government.
Taxation without representation.

Not a fact. The Tea Party participants were small merchants who were victims of the East India Company's monopoly and tax advantage.

It was the equivalent of an OWS demonstration, or an employee strike.

We didn't revolt over taxaction without representation. We revolted over unfair business practices.
My daughter is a cashier, and let me tell you, she catches it from some of the most rude and terrible acting citizens that there is in that job. How machines will deal with this in the future, umm sure will be interesting to see. Life is fluid always, but machines only operate in one way, so customer service will be no more in these places is the hopes of the corporations who use them, and like someone said above also, that people will find themselves working for these companies bottom lines, and they will be doing it without even getting a kiss for it. WOW!

You know what has always been built into the over all price structure of business ? Customer Service, because it is a part of business also, but slowly customer service is disappearing, because corporations see it as a last frontier in savings when looking for added profits to be found or made in a market place that has just about seen and done it all. This is the main reason for what we see in all of this today, but they will tell you it's not that at all.
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If you have the right assets you don't have to worry about minimum wage:

A waiter is part of the reason people go out to eat.
really i dont ever order a waiter much prefer a hamburger
After what that gay waiter done to that couple, I can't say I much blame them for this, but I always think it is a mistake to blame a whole group (waiters in general), otherwise if changes are to be based upon a minority of incidents that may take place in a whole industry.

Me and my family, well we love having a waiter or waitress serve us, and if they do a wonderful job, we will tip them well. Machines to take this over ? FAILURE Is all I see in that situation. Have people lost their minds anymore when it comes to knowing how to operate a great business or is it that the PC error or era is ushering in all these changes found now, and all in defense of ?

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