Seems Hillary Proposes NO FLY Zone in Syria

Anyone who wants to force open conflict the the world's other Superpower; does not have the American people's interest in mind. Those who support such a person put all Americans in danger...

The problem is, no-fly zones do nothing but prolong the conflict.

In any conflict, you either defeat the opponent, or be defeated.

In World War 1, and World War 2, we understood this concept. There was no 'let's just put a no-fly zone over western Europe. We had to defeat them.

Moreover, we have bought into a belief system that somehow you can win a war, without harming the people supporting the war.

We never thought in these terms in the past. Carpet bombing, fire bombing were standard practice, because we understood that if you didn't stop the people supplying the men, the guns, and the food, the fight would continue.

We bombed many factories in Japan, and they would rebuild. We run fire bomb missions, to not only wipe out the factories, but the people who rebuilt those factories.

When you look at places where you find a no victory or defeat, but an end to hostilities, they are often the most dangerous places on Earth.

North and South Korea for example.

In places where victory was achieved or defeat, they are generally safe. We defeated Japan. We are now friendly with Japan. We defeated Germany. Now we are allies.

People who have read history grasp that there is no good outcome unless you win or lose. The only way to end a conflict, is to fight it out and achieve an outcome.

This idea that we are going to just put up a no-fly zone, is basically just kicking a dangerous can down the road. Then you'll complain when some other president is forced to do something about it.
Anyone who wants to force open conflict the the world's other Superpower; does not have the American people's interest in mind. Those who support such a person put all Americans in danger...

The problem is, no-fly zones do nothing but prolong the conflict.

In any conflict, you either defeat the opponent, or be defeated.

In World War 1, and World War 2, we understood this concept. There was no 'let's just put a no-fly zone over western Europe. We had to defeat them.

Moreover, we have bought into a belief system that somehow you can win a war, without harming the people supporting the war.

We never thought in these terms in the past. Carpet bombing, fire bombing were standard practice, because we understood that if you didn't stop the people supplying the men, the guns, and the food, the fight would continue.

We bombed many factories in Japan, and they would rebuild. We run fire bomb missions, to not only wipe out the factories, but the people who rebuilt those factories.

When you look at places where you find a no victory or defeat, but an end to hostilities, they are often the most dangerous places on Earth.

North and South Korea for example.

In places where victory was achieved or defeat, they are generally safe. We defeated Japan. We are now friendly with Japan. We defeated Germany. Now we are allies.

People who have read history grasp that there is no good outcome unless you win or lose. The only way to end a conflict, is to fight it out and achieve an outcome.

This idea that we are going to just put up a no-fly zone, is basically just kicking a dangerous can down the road. Then you'll complain when some other president is forced to do something about it.
Hillary declaring Syria a no fly zone would be like Russia declaring Alaska a no fly zone.
Hillary is looking for a way to start a war with Russia, she wants to have her name on something big and she knows there is nothing good that she could do.
After Bashir Assad won the Syrian democratic election in 2014 in a landslide victory (Over 80% of the vote), the US jackass party leader, de-facto US president Obama demanded that the democratically elected Syrian president step down, obviously to try to put AQ/ISIS radical Muslims in control of Syria.

It's the same thing that the US jackass party figurehead, de-facto president Obama, did when the Muslim Brotherhood/AQ terrorists overthrew the democratically elected government in Egypt.

Are we seeing a pattern here?

Then there is the unconstitutional war against the democratically elected government in Libya.
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After Bashir Assad won the Syrian democratic election in 2014 in a landslide victory (Over 80% of the vote)

God bless your incredibly naive, ignorant soul.

All totalitarians win "elections" in landslide victories. You seriously didn't know?

Before getting hung by Iraqi court for crimes against his people, Saddam won 100% of the vote in his last election, improving on his prior 99.96% win.
After Bashir Assad won the Syrian democratic election in 2014 in a landslide victory (Over 80% of the vote)

God bless your incredibly naive, ignorant soul.

All totalitarians win "elections" in landslide victories. You seriously didn't know?

Before getting hung by Iraqi court for crimes against his people, Saddam won 100% of the vote in his last election, improving on his prior 99.96% win.
I'll keep that in mind this coming election.
After Bashir Assad won the Syrian democratic election in 2014 in a landslide victory (Over 80% of the vote)

God bless your incredibly naive, ignorant soul.

All totalitarians win "elections" in landslide victories. You seriously didn't know?
You're post is nothing but logical fallacies. The ad hominem fallacy and the broad brush fallacy.

I stated facts and you responded with logical fallacies.


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