SEIU Officially Enlisted As ‘Navigators’ To Assist With Obamacare


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009


The heavy-fisted SEIU is “contracted with federal authorities as navigators” and have joined the fledgling Enroll America program, which is trying to lead the healthcare law enrollment efforts, in signing Americans up for the Affordable Healthcare Act.

We recently documented that Enroll American program is having difficulties getting anyone to attend their scheduled events. After Florida Governor Rick Scott and his cabinet expressed their concerns over the personal information that these ‘navigators’ would be collecting from those people signing up for Obamacare, SEIU and other groups in support of Obamacare decided to flex their muscles in opposition to Scott’s concerns about the vital information being gathered.

“The governor of a state with more than 4 million uninsured should not be discouraging people from getting care” Monica Russo, SEIU (Palm Beach Post)

Scott told reporters after his recent cabinet meeting that it was unclear what all this personal information was going to be used for. It is surprising that they can’t have an insurance background, that’s surprising.

Scott added, my concern is the we don’t have control over how the data is going to be used, as you know privacy has been a big issue for me. I’m concerned about privacy, we don’t know how this information is going to be used .

I think we are all a little bit surprised about how much data is being tracked by the federal government-Gov. Rick Scott The SEIU, whose mission is to create “a more just and humane society,” has been making the hard sell to its members to support Obamacare on the union’s official website. In 2007, SEIU established its “Healthcare arm,” which according to the group, is the largest healthcare union in the country with 1.1 million members. ”The healthcare law means that working families can move forward toward more affordable, secure healthcare and better health, not backward to the status quo of skyrocketing premiums, insurance denials and unchecked profits for insurance companies.” – SEIU President Mary Kay Henry

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who receives tens of thousands of dollars from the SEIU and its members, also took issue (of course)with Governor Scott, accusing him and other Republicans of ‘obstructing’ the healthcare law’s implementation. “He has been hell-bent on obstructing the smooth implementation of ObamaCare,” said Wasserman Schultz, a Weston congresswoman, in an interview. “He’s done everything he can to block it and impede its implementation.”-Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Source)

Just a few year back, it was learned through a lawsuit filed against the SEIU that a ‘intimidation manual‘ existed,and being pressed upon its members. “Union members sometimes must act in the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King and Mohatma [sic] Gandhi and disobey laws which are used to enforce injustice against working people-SEIU manual Considering the SEIU’s past history of voter intimidation, and their “intimidation manual,’ it is highly likely that SEIU members will be forced to use “just” and ”humane,” not to mention, ‘persuasive’ techniques to further their Obamacare enrollment efforts. -

Read more at: SEIU Officially Enlisted As 'Navigators' To Assist With Obamacare - The Shark Tank - The Shark Tank | The Shark Tank​
Does O Care really have much to do with health care? I am really beginning to wonder about that. As Secretary of HHS, Sebelius, keeps adding to and changing the “Affordable Care Act” to suit the liberal agenda as they dream things up!! She and Valerie Jarrett seem to be pulling all the strings. My guess is that, somewhere in the shadows, lurks the Clinton machine drivers as well.
O care is all about the expansion of government, increasing dependency on the government, jobs for O’s unemployable supporters and control of the populous.
This article was on the site this morning. This is a prime example of the continued expansion of O care; 10s of thousands of activists training for “navigators” (any conservatives?), non-profit groups (like ACORN) dispersing funds (no elected officials involved) and voter registration may be a requirement for benefit recipients (will they voter or will someone vote for them?)

ObamaCare provides millions of dollars in grants to hire community activists and others as “navigators” to assist individuals enroll in health insurance provided by state or federal exchanges and, according to recent reports, register people to vote. In a new rule proposed Wednesday, HHS lays out numerous guidelines for these “navigators”, including paying them up to $48/hour for their work. The rule, guidelines and voter registration effort are a potential vehicle to resurrect ACORN or an ACORN-like entity.
One organization expected to take a lead role in distributing the funds and overseeing hiring is Enroll America, a new non-profit headed by Anne Filipic, a former Obama White House official under Valerie Jarrett. Filipic was also a senior staff member at OFA director and a former Obama campaign director. The organization was founded, in part, by Families USA, a far-left advocacy organization that lobbied aggressively for ObamaCare, a source at HHS told Breitbart News. Filipic has said she expects Enroll America to spend $100 million on the enrollment effort. A large percentage of this is likely to come from federal funds.
Ron Pollack, head of Families USA, has said their effort will be run like a “political campaign.” Which has made many observers uneasy about the inclusion of voter registrations in the health care applications. LA Rep. Charles Boustany recently sent a letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, asking why voter registration information was included. Boustany worried: The position of the question could lead some to think voter registration is somehow tied to subsidy eligibility.
Requirements for “navigators” is that they have no existing insurance licenses or certifications, conflicting with several recently enacted state laws. They also must be attuned to racial, ethnic and cultural sensitivities, understand “undeserved communities” and provide translation services for virtually every language. AARP, NAACP and SEIU are prominent members of Enroll America’s advisory board.
One health expert with close ties to HHS told Breitbart News, “The navigator program, as evidenced by the leadership of Enroll America and yesterday’s rule from CMS, will be a jobs program for unemployable Obama For America campaign volunteers and ACORN remnants.” If a state has its own exchange, the feds will give them grants to hire “navigators,” if a state doesn’t, the feds will provide direct employment. The effort is expected to hire 10s of thousands of activists in the coming months.
October 1st is the first day individuals can enroll for a program through the exchanges. The government, as a result, will have to hire and train tens of thousands of workers on the complex subject of health insurance over the next few months. Think of it as an enormous census program with less training for a more complex subject.
By Mike Flynn Read more at;
HHS Resurrects 'ACORN' Through ObamaCare
If you don’t think you are over taxed and under represented; you are kidding yourself!​
Basically, Obama has resurrected ACORN with Obamacare.

I thought the unions hated Obamacare now.

Has that talking point expired already?
Now the government is going to force me to interact with people I don't like. I do everything I can to stay away from people like this.

And yes, even if they are family.
I thought the unions hated Obamacare now.

Has that talking point expired already?

There is more than one union.

SEIU helped write Obamacare. Now ACORN and SEIU members are helping run the sites. And they are also currently excluded from having to adhere to it's mandates. The rest of the unions have to suffer like the rest of us. At least for now.

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