Seized tapes record Donald talking with Cohen about Karen McDougal payoff.

Tapes, Tapes, Everywhere. Apparently Michael Cohen has recorded tapes with Trump as well as multiple other players.

Cohen's recorded tapes and Putin video tapes may be the downfall of the scuzz-in-chief.

Live by the tape, die by the tape.

That is called karma.
btw, what nicknames did you have for slick willie? scuzz-in-chief? I mean, he did get a blow job in the oval office.
Lol, "but...but...but... Clinton"!
yep, we were talking nicknames. i was making sure everyone knew the benchmark. thanks for asking.
Typical lefty response. Rethink who's side you are really on. CREEP

You are the one that is trying to justify the politician's actions.

I am not justifying anyone. If Donald Trump had an affair before holding any kind of government office, It is no concern to me. period

So you are projecting you have this high moral code and saying Democrats are sick freaks, but you don't care if the person you vote for as President cheats on his wives? Which is immoral.

Yep, you make a lot of sense.
Dude, they're politicians, they all have skeletons in the closet.....all of them.

Lewdog claims that we would defend Donald Trump even if he had sex with a pig on live TV. This is where I parted ways with Lewdog

The snowflakes say things like that because that's what they did with Clinton.
Perfectly understandable to lose track of the women that Trump has had extra-marital relationships with and paid off to keep quiet.
Especially since it's nothing more than Jerry Springer type entertainment for the low class.

Seriously, why should anyone care?

Why should you care if the person who represents the country and says they are such a great person with a strong faith in God, cheats all the time on his wife and lies about it?

If he lies about that, when it isn't illegal to cheat on your wife, do you think he is going to tell you the truth about shit that is actually important to the country?
All men who play around lie. It is their personal life and none of your business.
To suggest that people with multiple partners can't be good at their job is both ignorant and unfounded

Wrong. When they represent me as a citizen, it is my business.
No, it isn't lol.


Yes it is. The President of the United States and their behavior represent the citizens of the United States, and they reap the rewards of tax payer's dollars. Therefor what they do is our business.
If that's some kind of secret after three years, I just ain't doing my job.

Again --- read my posts. It's all there. Of course I loathe sleazeballs.

Not really, you have shown no such loathing for the Clintons or Obama.

Not of that type, again you are correct sir. It's fair to say with the possible exception of the New York Wankees and the Dullass Cowgirls, I have no such loathing for anybody. And all for exactly the same reasons.

Do I have to post post 154 yet again? Can't you just read it the first time?

Bleh, that's just the shit that the CFR corporate media tell you.

If you believe that the corporate media tell you what reality is, then you are a sucker. All the major networks and national paper LIE TO YOU ABOUT EVERYTHING.

Once AGAIN you are correct on that last sentence. This is, what, three times in a row now? Don't make a habit of it.

However it's got zero to do with my position, and I'll show you why. Continue.

I really don't care what your perception of Trump or Clinton is, it is only what the corporate and political elites want you to believe of them, they are the image makers.

Obviously you do, since you just brought them up, including inserting people into the topic who weren't there. I don't need "images", K? I worked in media for decades, I take lessons on how it works from no one -- I give them.

None of that is necessary here though. I've got Rump's tweets. Rump's speeches. Rump's own words and whining and posturing and petulant eye-rolling and gyrating and talking about "I alone can fix it" and "greatest (whatever) President God ever created" and "rapists" and "very fine people" and "blood coming out of her wherever" and "I think you'd have riots" and "although the second Amendment people, maybe there is" and "beat the crap out of 'im" and "ban Muslims" and "bleeding badly from a facelift" and walking out on stage looking like Alfred Fucking Hitchcock and "I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue" and "knock the hell" and "thousands dancing on rooftops" and gyrating to mock a reporter's congenital disability when that reporter wouldn't lie for him about events that never happened, and "more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan" and "got more done than anybody since Truman" and "fire the sumbitches" and "when I say 'would' I mean 'wouldn't'" --- I mean COME ON dood. This is all complete insult to human intelligence.

These are all straight from the orange mouth. UNfiltered. THAT is my source. You don't need to analyze "shit" to know that it's shit, so I don't need a "filter", corporate or otherwise.

And this goes right back, for a ready comparative example, to your allusion to "there goes the racist narrative". Which I didn't comment on but now I will.

Is Donald Rump a racist? I have no idea. Nobody does. Actually nobody knows anything about his politics, which change with the wind. Because you can't trust a god damned thing he says.

Is he a race baiter? Absolutely, without any question, but that's not the same thing as "racist". That's simple psycho-manipulation and as such, far worse. If you've got a guy in a pointed white hat railing against (fill in ethnic slur here) ---- at least you know where he stands, even if where he stands is abhorrent. With a psycho manipulator you know NOTHING. If you're gullible enough, you don't even know he's playing you like a three-dollar banjo to do his dirty work that he can then disavow ---- again, like everything else above, entirely for the personal gain of Numero Uno.

So --- there that is, isn't it.

If you have ever bothered to read Bernays or Chomsky you would know that it is all manufactured. So whatever.

I know all about Bernays. Scary guy for what he was able to do. Again --- psycho-manipulation. But while it would be desirable for more to be aware of the methods he came up with to apply to present dynamics, Edward Bernays is not the topic here either.

It is far easier for them to convince you of a lie then it is for me to convince you that you have been lied to about everything.

One need look no further than so-called "social media" in 2016 for a ready example of this. Two of my favourites were the one on how Hillary Clinton didn't show up at a rally here in NC and was replaced by a hologram, and how three million Amish were mobilizing to vote for Rump. BOTH were posted as threads on this board by gullibles who believed them. Simply because they wanted them to be true. Just like last week's fake story about "George Lopez peed on Rump's sidewalk star" -- they wanted it to be true so it became "true".

The government schools and corporate media are far worse than these pre-selected candidates they give us no choice about. If the public mind is manipulated, then of course they can give us shit candidates and nothing ever changes.

And folks will just believe and buy what they are selling.

How To Fight The Establishment Propaganda Machine And Win

again --- NONE of this applies here. It's not my game, except to expose it, as I've been doing on this board especially in the Media forum, since Day One. Including just today. We have no area of disagreement on this point. And you can read my own rants on the "government schooling" thing in a thread that I'll link momentarily (Edit -- here, try this)

But again, you're shifting what the topic is, to what it isn't. You want to shift to "what they're selling" to take the spotlight off "what HE's selling". *NONE* of this is on the point of personal character, derived directly from that character and how he chooses --- voluntarily --- to present himself. And for that choice I have nothing but contempt, because that's all that is possible.

Yep, I will agree with you, he is definitely no politician. We are in agreement there.

And his boasts, exaggerations and out right lies about little things are preposterous.

However, if you wish to believe the spin on things where he meant one thing, but the intellectual and mediaa elites made it out to have him meaning something else, that is on you.

He isn't a horrible monster, just a businessman, and a showman.

. . . and a very, very, VERY bad politician.

He is definitely manipulating the voting public, but it is far less subtle than either Obama, Bush, or either Clinton, and that is refreshing.

Now when corruption happens, we hear about it, I like that.

I also like how the press is all over him like flies on shit. I know if we had any other president? They just wouldn't do that. So that is nice. How could we ask for anything more?

You're still obsessed with bringing "the press" or "the media" into a point where it has no relevance to anything. I'm not interested in what some talking head analyzes about it, K? I have more than enough DIRECT EVIDENCE to analyze it my own self.

And you're also still obsessed with following the bouncing ball all the way off the page to the land of "Clintons" and "Obamas" and whatever. They too are irrelevant here.

And NO, it is in no way, absolutely not, "refreshing" to have to watch a con artist represent the country. It's fucking embarrassing.
You are the one that is trying to justify the politician's actions.

I am not justifying anyone. If Donald Trump had an affair before holding any kind of government office, It is no concern to me. period

So you are projecting you have this high moral code and saying Democrats are sick freaks, but you don't care if the person you vote for as President cheats on his wives? Which is immoral.

Yep, you make a lot of sense.
Dude, they're politicians, they all have skeletons in the closet.....all of them.

Lewdog claims that we would defend Donald Trump even if he had sex with a pig on live TV. This is where I parted ways with Lewdog

The snowflakes say things like that because that's what they did with Clinton.

HELLO? You continuing to make comments like this without showing proof? Are you taking the bet or not?
Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this.
So, campaign finance violations will be the first criminal allegation against Trump?
You need to comprehend a little better.......
"Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this."
Seems the minion has a wish list. just sayin'

There is no list of crimes, moron. There were no campaign finance violations.
I am not justifying anyone. If Donald Trump had an affair before holding any kind of government office, It is no concern to me. period

So you are projecting you have this high moral code and saying Democrats are sick freaks, but you don't care if the person you vote for as President cheats on his wives? Which is immoral.

Yep, you make a lot of sense.
Dude, they're politicians, they all have skeletons in the closet.....all of them.

Lewdog claims that we would defend Donald Trump even if he had sex with a pig on live TV. This is where I parted ways with Lewdog

The snowflakes say things like that because that's what they did with Clinton.

HELLO? You continuing to make comments like this without showing proof? Are you taking the bet or not?

When did proof ever matter to a snowflake?
My question as well.

Perfectly understandable to lose track of the women that Trump has had extra-marital relationships with and paid off to keep quiet.
Especially since it's nothing more than Jerry Springer type entertainment for the low class.

Seriously, why should anyone care?

Why should you care if the person who represents the country and says they are such a great person with a strong faith in God, cheats all the time on his wife and lies about it?

If he lies about that, when it isn't illegal to cheat on your wife, do you think he is going to tell you the truth about shit that is actually important to the country?
You have no proof of either accusation, douchebag.

You assholes didn't give a damn when Slick Willie cheated on his wife. Why all the crocodile tears over it now?

Where'd you go? Are you going to make the bet or not? You made the statement about how I felt... where's proof of your accusation?

Going and looking before accepting the bet is a chicken shit move you fools do all the time on here. Do any of you have a spine?

If I say something, I own up on it. If Trump supporters on this forum make a statement, they NEVER will put their ass on the line to prove it.

I think it is pretty clear why they support Trump... they lie and forgive each other for lying and being immoral scum bags just like Trump is.

The only Trump supporters I have even sliver of respect for are the ones that are honest enough to say they know he is a piece of shit, but they are making money from his actions. I don't like their motive, but I can at least respect their honesty.
Yada, yada, yada . . . . . blah, blah, blah.
There is one huge difference....we knew who Trump was when we voted for him...we do not care what he has done...he is righting the ship and nothing else matters...Make America Great Again.....that's what is important....your boy fucked up and screwed us...8 years of normal's....endless wars...lies....ruined health care....we don't care if Trump screws an intern on national TV...he would still be re elected.....get it????
Wow. It's true what they say about Trump supporters.

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Who is karen mcdougal

My question as well.

Perfectly understandable to lose track of the women that Trump has had extra-marital relationships with and paid off to keep quiet.
Especially since it's nothing more than Jerry Springer type entertainment for the low class.

Seriously, why should anyone care?

Why should you care if the person who represents the country and says they are such a great person with a strong faith in God, cheats all the time on his wife and lies about it?

If he lies about that, when it isn't illegal to cheat on your wife, do you think he is going to tell you the truth about shit that is actually important to the country?
All men who play around lie. It is their personal life and none of your business.
To suggest that people with multiple partners can't be good at their job is both ignorant and unfounded
There's no evidence to support the claims of any of these women.
Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this.
So, campaign finance violations will be the first criminal allegation against Trump?
You need to comprehend a little better.......
"Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this."
Seems the minion has a wish list. just sayin'

There is no list of crimes, moron. There were no campaign finance violations.

Judge Fingerboi hath ruled! :deal:
So you are projecting you have this high moral code and saying Democrats are sick freaks, but you don't care if the person you vote for as President cheats on his wives? Which is immoral.

Yep, you make a lot of sense.
Dude, they're politicians, they all have skeletons in the closet.....all of them.

Lewdog claims that we would defend Donald Trump even if he had sex with a pig on live TV. This is where I parted ways with Lewdog

The snowflakes say things like that because that's what they did with Clinton.

HELLO? You continuing to make comments like this without showing proof? Are you taking the bet or not?

When did proof ever matter to a snowflake?

So you have no proof? Goes along with the fact you don't have a spine either.

Funny you just admitted to lying, but you are probably too stupid to realize it.

Liars like to hang out and associate with liars. Makes a lot of sense why you like Trump.

Trump lies to his wife. Trump lies to the media. Trump lies to the American people... hell I think it is easier to count how many times he tells the truth, rather than when he lies.
Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this.
So, campaign finance violations will be the first criminal allegation against Trump?
You need to comprehend a little better.......
"Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this."
Seems the minion has a wish list. just sayin'

There is no list of crimes, moron. There were no campaign finance violations.

Judge Fingerboi hath ruled! :deal:
Show us the list, douchebag.
My question as well.

Perfectly understandable to lose track of the women that Trump has had extra-marital relationships with and paid off to keep quiet.
Especially since it's nothing more than Jerry Springer type entertainment for the low class.

Seriously, why should anyone care?

Why should you care if the person who represents the country and says they are such a great person with a strong faith in God, cheats all the time on his wife and lies about it?

If he lies about that, when it isn't illegal to cheat on your wife, do you think he is going to tell you the truth about shit that is actually important to the country?
All men who play around lie. It is their personal life and none of your business.
To suggest that people with multiple partners can't be good at their job is both ignorant and unfounded
There's no evidence to support the claims of any of these women.

There's not? He's fucking on tape talking about paying them off.

It's funny you believe Trump when he lies, and don't believe him when he tells the truth. That's some odd shit.
Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this.
So, campaign finance violations will be the first criminal allegation against Trump?
You need to comprehend a little better.......
"Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this."
Seems the minion has a wish list. just sayin'

There is no list of crimes, moron. There were no campaign finance violations.

Judge Fingerboi hath ruled! :deal:
Show us the list, douchebag.

You just refused to show proof, and then 2 seconds later asked someone else to show proof!

I can't make this up if I tried. :abgg2q.jpg:
Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this.
So, campaign finance violations will be the first criminal allegation against Trump?
You need to comprehend a little better.......
"Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this."
Seems the minion has a wish list. just sayin'

There is no list of crimes, moron. There were no campaign finance violations.

Judge Fingerboi hath ruled! :deal:
Show us the list, douchebag.

Show us how you proved a negative with no access to any evidence at all, jellyface.

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