Seized tapes record Donald talking with Cohen about Karen McDougal payoff.

There is no list of crimes, moron. There were no campaign finance violations.

Judge Fingerboi hath ruled! :deal:
Show us the list, douchebag.

Show us how you proved a negative with no access to any evidence at all, jellyface.

The utter lack of any such list is how you demonstrate that there is no such list.

You're saying absence of evidence is evidence of absence huh?

Good luck with the law career.

Damn, you're right --- I just looked around on my desk for the Periodic Table of Elements and there's none here. That proves existence is illusory.
Does Bigfoot exist?
Judge Fingerboi hath ruled! :deal:
Show us the list, douchebag.

Show us how you proved a negative with no access to any evidence at all, jellyface.

The utter lack of any such list is how you demonstrate that there is no such list.

You're saying absence of evidence is evidence of absence huh?

Good luck with the law career.

Damn, you're right --- I just looked around on my desk for the Periodic Table of Elements and there's none here. That proves existence is illusory.
Does Bigfoot exist?
There was no list of Obama crimes, either, but that didn't stop you pseudocons copying and pasting such lists every week or so for eight years.
It's going to be fun times when the recordings of Cohen and Trump are made public.

Fun times.
Especially since it's nothing more than Jerry Springer type entertainment for the low class.

Seriously, why should anyone care?

Why should you care if the person who represents the country and says they are such a great person with a strong faith in God, cheats all the time on his wife and lies about it?

If he lies about that, when it isn't illegal to cheat on your wife, do you think he is going to tell you the truth about shit that is actually important to the country?
All men who play around lie. It is their personal life and none of your business.
To suggest that people with multiple partners can't be good at their job is both ignorant and unfounded
There's no evidence to support the claims of any of these women.

There's not? He's fucking on tape talking about paying them off.

It's funny you believe Trump when he lies, and don't believe him when he tells the truth. That's some odd shit.

It's funny how you demand irrefutable from anyone who questions your accusations even though you have nothing to support them with other than someone's claim.

My accusations?

YOU MADE A STATEMENT ABOUT ME. I said you were lying and said you need to show prove you are right.

Have you recently taken a hard blow to the head?
Go DUDE! Get the Great Douche!


Who is karen mcdougal
One of the less famous prostitutes Trump paid off.

There are free prostitutes??
Must be damn ugy
I think shes pretty!
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View attachment 206091

You bet.... what a man!!
Getting in on something like that when he was in his 60's???

She would not have touched his sorry ass with a ten foot pole if he didn't have money.
Neither would Melania.
Who is karen mcdougal
This is what happens when you only get your fake news from Fox.
IKR? What kind of dumbfuck doesnt know every person in the country? Every sleazy action someone takes? Everything about everyone?
Hell, my dumbass just found out yesterday bush had a sister that died as a toddler!! What a loser i am!
:lol: Idiot
McDougal was all over the news. Except in the fake news you watch, of course. You should ask yourself why they keep you so ignorant.

She is the woman Trump's friend spiked for him. That was all over the news, too.
What news do i watch, you retarded hack? Please, for gawd sakes, tell me what news i watch. Im dying to find out considering i dont watch any news
Trump has made you just like all the other brain dead dumbfucks in this country. I used to have respect for you. Its so fucking sad..
Observe how the people who claim to have Family Values™ now assassinate the character of the Adulterer-in-Chief's mistresses (plural).

Man, how do they not notice the stench of hypocrisy on themselves? It REEKS!!!
For the DOPers..


The Great Douche lied on AF1.

FFS. The Great Douche lie 98% of the time.
Well, he best keep any and all tapes to himself! Attorney client privilege! Or are you libtards ready to throw that away too! Think carefully! Remember how all of your shit moves have come back on ya!
Trump has made you just like all the other brain dead dumbfucks in this country.
Says the guy who does not know who McDougal is! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

I guess you were too dumb and lazy to use Google, too. :lol:
Well, he best keep any and all tapes to himself! Attorney client privilege! Or are you libtards ready to throw that away too! Think carefully! Remember how all of your shit moves have come back on ya!
How many people have already explained to you that attorney-client privilege doesn't apply when they commit crimes together.
Well, he best keep any and all tapes to himself! Attorney client privilege! Or are you libtards ready to throw that away too! Think carefully! Remember how all of your shit moves have come back on ya!
How many people have already explained to you that attorney-client privilege doesn't apply when they commit crimes together.
What was the crime?
FYI: " Hope Hicks said shortly before the 2016 election that McDougal's allegations of an affair with Trump were "totally untrue.""
Well, he best keep any and all tapes to himself! Attorney client privilege! Or are you libtards ready to throw that away too! Think carefully! Remember how all of your shit moves have come back on ya!
How many people have already explained to you that attorney-client privilege doesn't apply when they commit crimes together.
What was the crime?
Apparently the Court of NY is looking into that, thus search warrents and seizing those tapes.

Don't worry, trumpanzees...if no crime was committed by trump's lawyer those tapes will be considered inadmissible.
Well, he best keep any and all tapes to himself! Attorney client privilege! Or are you libtards ready to throw that away too! Think carefully! Remember how all of your shit moves have come back on ya!
How many people have already explained to you that attorney-client privilege doesn't apply when they commit crimes together.

This may not be usable in a trial. As it's not a crime to bang a playboy model as the wife is pregnant.
But nice it's out in the news. The DOPers can be proud of the Douche lies on AF1 are true.
And the payoff to her is legal. But the Douche seems to of not paid her. TBD.?
Does not rise to the level, blah blah.

We've done this already.
Nothing ever will with trumpanzees...they are shackled to the fake president come hell or high water or treason.
The Obaboons brought us The Don.

But maybe you're too old to remember when Bill Clinton did his dirt with an intern in the Oval Office.

Didn't rise to the level, blah blah.
This is something that, pre-Bill Clinton, would have caused me to end my support of a politician.
Today, post-Clinton, I just shrug my shoulders and move on.
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