Selective Beliefs, Moral Equivalency, and Baby Killers

Jay Zepher

Aug 21, 2020
Like conspiracy theorists (who are mostly idiotic), people of radical persuasions look for gaps to exploit or unsupported claims to use in order to persuade the weak-minded to their cause, and the US has an ample store of weak-minded and conspiracy minded fools ready to jump unto any cause that will abide their beliefs. They in effect "select" their beliefs rather than accept that the things that are happening in the world are really happening. Perhaps, they DO know that what they see happening in the news is really happening, but realize that it is so shameful and horrifying that people will never look at them and their culture in the same way. Perhaps deep inside themselves they DO have a conscience and are just as bothered by the reports as the people who do believe that what is happening is really happening, but again - the shame - the horror - just too much to accept, so then they lie to themselves and to others and say that the things the reporters say and show us in the news are not really what happened. Or...perhaps they really are just plain stupid and truly don't believe their lying eyes.
In either case, that leads to the next step, the "moral equivalency" made by college students and supporters in the US of the Palestinian cause, equating the horrors of decapitating babies, raping and torturing young girls and little girls, blowing up and shooting defenseless people with surgical military strikes throughout years of Israeli occupation and/or restrictions. Of course, there is no way you can make a moral equivalency between cutting off babies' heads and military strikes. Thus, the need to say that there are no decapitated babies, raped girls, and all the other horrible stuff. It's all just made up by the Israeli military. It's all a fantasy. A conspiracy!
Believe it or not, there are many just plain ole stupid people in America (mostly the youth) - and even more so in the world at large - who will go along with that and not even question how insane and contradictory to their own goals it would be for Israel to do something like that. The Israelis REALLY, REALLY, REALLY didn't want this war! And the last thing they wanted was to have to go into Gaza. They literally have no choice now.
During the Vietnam War it was hard for Americans to accept that their own soldiers had committed atrocities. It was from then we got the term "Baby Killers," which many war protestors and college students shouted at returning American soldiers. Americans dealt with their guilt from that war and changed, seeing the truth of what was done, not denying it (which was actually not as vicious as what was done last week by the terrorists) and Americans improved and became a better people for it, realizing what truly makes a war hero.
Today it's the opposite of the situation from Vietnam, as the returning "baby killers" in Gaza are seen as the heroes on college campuses across the US and other places in the world. You just need to close your mind, forget your conscience, and not believe reality.

The world has become a truly sick and demented place.
Do YOU know the difference between a dead Isralie Baby and a dead Palestinian Baby.......none they are both equally dead.

Netanyahu wants to kill as many Palestinians (including Palestinian Babies) as possible while the HAMAS wants to kill Isralie's (including Babies) as possible.

Both sides have blood on their hands and both sides have committed atrocities to horrible to believe.

Israel is a nation born out of "The Solution to the Jewish Problem" in Europe during WWII.

Netanyahu wants a Solution to Palestinian Problem in Gaza and occupied terroritories.

The Refugee Camps are nothing more Ghetto's created by Israel.

Yes, Israel has a right to defend it self. Yes the Palestinian's have a right to their own homeland.

Neither side will get what they want until both sides are willing to put down their firearms and just plain talk. I do not see that happening anytime soon.
Like conspiracy theorists (who are mostly idiotic), people of radical persuasions look for gaps to exploit or unsupported claims to use in order to persuade the weak-minded to their cause, and the US has an ample store of weak-minded and conspiracy minded fools ready to jump unto any cause that will abide their beliefs. They in effect "select" their beliefs rather than accept that the things that are happening in the world are really happening. Perhaps, they DO know that what they see happening in the news is really happening, but realize that it is so shameful and horrifying that people will never look at them and their culture in the same way. Perhaps deep inside themselves they DO have a conscience and are just as bothered by the reports as the people who do believe that what is happening is really happening, but again - the shame - the horror - just too much to accept, so then they lie to themselves and to others and say that the things the reporters say and show us in the news are not really what happened. Or...perhaps they really are just plain stupid and truly don't believe their lying eyes.
In either case, that leads to the next step, the "moral equivalency" made by college students and supporters in the US of the Palestinian cause, equating the horrors of decapitating babies, raping and torturing young girls and little girls, blowing up and shooting defenseless people with surgical military strikes throughout years of Israeli occupation and/or restrictions. Of course, there is no way you can make a moral equivalency between cutting off babies' heads and military strikes. Thus, the need to say that there are no decapitated babies, raped girls, and all the other horrible stuff. It's all just made up by the Israeli military. It's all a fantasy. A conspiracy!
Believe it or not, there are many just plain ole stupid people in America (mostly the youth) - and even more so in the world at large - who will go along with that and not even question how insane and contradictory to their own goals it would be for Israel to do something like that. The Israelis REALLY, REALLY, REALLY didn't want this war! And the last thing they wanted was to have to go into Gaza. They literally have no choice now.
During the Vietnam War it was hard for Americans to accept that their own soldiers had committed atrocities. It was from then we got the term "Baby Killers," which many war protestors and college students shouted at returning American soldiers. Americans dealt with their guilt from that war and changed, seeing the truth of what was done, not denying it (which was actually not as vicious as what was done last week by the terrorists) and Americans improved and became a better people for it, realizing what truly makes a war hero.
Today it's the opposite of the situation from Vietnam, as the returning "baby killers" in Gaza are seen as the heroes on college campuses across the US and other places in the world. You just need to close your mind, forget your conscience, and not believe reality.

The world has become a truly sick and demented place.
Valid points and also one must criticize the baby killers in Israel the fanatical Jewish criminals. They are no different than Hamas

It is also valid and true that there are Jews and Muslims who have made things up. Now it is certainly true that in war information is the first casualty. Please remember the Kuwaiti baby incubator hoax. The hoax that Iraqi soldiers removed babies from incubators in Kuwait.

Those types of people^ don’t engage in the surgical military strikes, but they engage in massacres. I’ve actually seen on this form people look at this man and say nothing about him.

Yes, the fanatical crimes in Israel and Palestine Go both ways.

Most people in America understand that the majority of Palestinians and Israelis are good wonderful people.

Almost nobody in America supports hamas

See for your self the great majority of Muslims are conservative. Many of them are Trump supporters. And some of them are even married to Israelis.

Final point the American media is irresponsible. Why don’t they talk about the many brutalities going on around the world. Right here in America we have the most brutal killers you could imagine. We have Supermax prisons for them. There are horrendous warfare issues and raping is going on all over the world but we don’t hear about it in America. All of the conflicts in Africa we don’t hear about. Ask yourself what makes the humans in Africa different from those of Israel and Palestine? Why does the media in America devote so much time to Israel and Palestine.
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Netanyahu wants to kill as many Palestinians (including Palestinian Babies) as possible while the HAMAS wants to kill Isralie's (including Babies) as possible.
The difference is, Hamas supporters have to lie to win the public relations "game"
The world has been a truly sick and demented place, as far back as written history, and probably long before that.

Killing for the sake of killing. Since before OOG and ORG came out their gave and beat the crap out of each other.
Do YOU know the difference between a dead Isralie Baby and a dead Palestinian Baby.......none they are both equally dead.

Netanyahu wants to kill as many Palestinians (including Palestinian Babies) as possible while the HAMAS wants to kill Isralie's (including Babies) as possible.

Both sides have blood on their hands and both sides have committed atrocities to horrible to believe.

Israel is a nation born out of "The Solution to the Jewish Problem" in Europe during WWII.

Netanyahu wants a Solution to Palestinian Problem in Gaza and occupied terroritories.

The Refugee Camps are nothing more Ghetto's created by Israel.

Yes, Israel has a right to defend it self. Yes the Palestinian's have a right to their own homeland.

Neither side will get what they want until both sides are willing to put down their firearms and just plain talk. I do not see that happening anytime soon.
You are really sick! No, Netanyahu does not want to kill as many Palestinian babies as the Hamas did. Liar. Show us where Israel has ever started an altercation. Just one will do. Hopefully you know what it means to START an altercation. And, I said "Israel" the government. Not some individual crazy nutcase which do live in Israel. Just like you see your buddy anti-Semetics do here in America. There are even crazy Jews in America as well. But, they are not America. They are not the Government attacking. Of course, the FBI and the AG are slowly turning towards this to attack their political foes. There is no moral equivalence with what Hamas and what Israel has done.

Let's bring in your next dumb clueless statement that Israel has created refugee camps. What refugee camps? Gaza was given to the Palestinians to live in. Israel gave them autonomy as well allowing them to elect their leaders. First, they elected Yasar AraRAT, the PLO. Then, they elect HAMAS, and Iranian militia terrorist group to control them. That was in 2007. No new elections have been held. No other Arab nations will take them in and slice a bit of their land for Palestinians. Israel has accepted them and what do they get in response, carnage. Refugee camp. Idiot.

Why do Palestinians have a right to their own homeland? Please explain. When a war happens, countries and people lose their rights to claim the land lost. It's not there's anymore. Jews did not force war upon the Palestinians to have Israel back. That was the League of Nations. You do know that Palestinians weren't Muslims to begin with. They were Greeks and Romans for the most part. I'm sure the PLO and now Hamas has forced Islam on them.

Israel has talked plenty of times. But, the only solution HAMAS and then PLO wanted was the death of all Jews. Not just to leave. But, to die. It was interesting during the Trump era, the Abraham Accords were being successful in doing exactly what you said. Muslim countries were accepting Israel as a nation and Jews in it. Then, Biden. He gives $80 billion to Iran and now another $6 billion. If there's a nuclear war, it will be Iran that starts it or Israel finishes Iran with it.
Like conspiracy theorists (who are mostly idiotic), people of radical persuasions look for gaps to exploit or unsupported claims to use in order to persuade the weak-minded to their cause, and the US has an ample store of weak-minded and conspiracy minded fools ready to jump unto any cause that will abide their beliefs. They in effect "select" their beliefs rather than accept that the things that are happening in the world are really happening. Perhaps, they DO know that what they see happening in the news is really happening, but realize that it is so shameful and horrifying that people will never look at them and their culture in the same way. Perhaps deep inside themselves they DO have a conscience and are just as bothered by the reports as the people who do believe that what is happening is really happening, but again - the shame - the horror - just too much to accept, so then they lie to themselves and to others and say that the things the reporters say and show us in the news are not really what happened. Or...perhaps they really are just plain stupid and truly don't believe their lying eyes.
In either case, that leads to the next step, the "moral equivalency" made by college students and supporters in the US of the Palestinian cause, equating the horrors of decapitating babies, raping and torturing young girls and little girls, blowing up and shooting defenseless people with surgical military strikes throughout years of Israeli occupation and/or restrictions. Of course, there is no way you can make a moral equivalency between cutting off babies' heads and military strikes. Thus, the need to say that there are no decapitated babies, raped girls, and all the other horrible stuff. It's all just made up by the Israeli military. It's all a fantasy. A conspiracy!
Believe it or not, there are many just plain ole stupid people in America (mostly the youth) - and even more so in the world at large - who will go along with that and not even question how insane and contradictory to their own goals it would be for Israel to do something like that. The Israelis REALLY, REALLY, REALLY didn't want this war! And the last thing they wanted was to have to go into Gaza. They literally have no choice now.
During the Vietnam War it was hard for Americans to accept that their own soldiers had committed atrocities. It was from then we got the term "Baby Killers," which many war protestors and college students shouted at returning American soldiers. Americans dealt with their guilt from that war and changed, seeing the truth of what was done, not denying it (which was actually not as vicious as what was done last week by the terrorists) and Americans improved and became a better people for it, realizing what truly makes a war hero.
Today it's the opposite of the situation from Vietnam, as the returning "baby killers" in Gaza are seen as the heroes on college campuses across the US and other places in the world. You just need to close your mind, forget your conscience, and not believe reality.

The world has become a truly sick and demented place.
Wrong forum & violating numerous thread creation rules; this should have been dumped elsewhere long ago.

But yeah - those defending Israel's decades of genocidal terror are now indistinguishable from Nazis.
Do YOU know the difference between a dead Isralie Baby and a dead Palestinian Baby.......none they are both equally dead.

Netanyahu wants to kill as many Palestinians (including Palestinian Babies) as possible while the HAMAS wants to kill Isralie's (including Babies) as possible.

Both sides have blood on their hands and both sides have committed atrocities to horrible to believe.

Israel is a nation born out of "The Solution to the Jewish Problem" in Europe during WWII.

Netanyahu wants a Solution to Palestinian Problem in Gaza and occupied terroritories.

The Refugee Camps are nothing more Ghetto's created by Israel.

Yes, Israel has a right to defend it self. Yes the Palestinian's have a right to their own homeland.

Neither side will get what they want until both sides are willing to put down their firearms and just plain talk. I do not see that happening anytime soon.
Before dying, the dead Palestinian babies probably saw a bright light and then nothingness.
The dead Israeli babies probably saw strange men invading their home, approach them with raised blades and hopefully quickly, but maybe not quick enough - put the blades to their necks and began cutting as they cried in utter pain. Perhaps they thought the strange men were going to pick them up and hold them, which is what people usually do with babies and rarely - actually never, unless you're insane - cut off their heads.
The point is, it takes a special kind of evil to cut off a baby's head and likewise there's probably a special kind of hell for people like that. On Earth, people like that, like Hannibal Lecter, are locked away in isolation, kept away from the public.
In Germany during WWII, in Korea, in Vietnam, even in Iraq many babies were unintentionally killed by US and allied bombings, but none of them were killed in the way the terrorists killed those Jewish babies.
What's more, the children killed in Gaza are purposely placed in locations where the terrorists know the Israelis are going to bomb.
But I suppose none of that matters if you're dead, right, as long as you're alive it doesn't matter how you behave, so if you're going to kill a baby why not make it suffer and cut off it's head?
Do YOU know the difference between a dead Isralie Baby and a dead Palestinian Baby.......none they are both equally dead.

Netanyahu wants to kill as many Palestinians (including Palestinian Babies) as possible while the HAMAS wants to kill Isralie's (including Babies) as possible.

Both sides have blood on their hands and both sides have committed atrocities to horrible to believe.

Israel is a nation born out of "The Solution to the Jewish Problem" in Europe during WWII.

Netanyahu wants a Solution to Palestinian Problem in Gaza and occupied terroritories.

The Refugee Camps are nothing more Ghetto's created by Israel.

Yes, Israel has a right to defend it self. Yes the Palestinian's have a right to their own homeland.

Neither side will get what they want until both sides are willing to put down their firearms and just plain talk. I do not see that happening anytime soon.
Pali’s could have had peace and a country of their own in 1948

But they chose war instead

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