Are conservatives actually shocked at a guilty verdict?

Stain will foolishly Peacock and Rooster strut until the APPPEAL. The aftermath could pave the road to Gitmo.//^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1796292422022127878|twgr^579987b7c3948718160acbf0fecf45eb7c1ca5b0|twcon^s1_&ref_url=
The New York trial was 100% rigged. This perversion of justice will not stand. Trump will win on appeal and again in November.
Keep in mind this fact. 41 states do not have a law like this NY LAW. NY has invented a new local law.
Then it was really stupid of him to break the law in NY, then.
The law they found Trump guilty had vanished but due to a new law, they in this case put the old law that vanished back to be used. Makes no sense at all.
The law they found Trump guilty had vanished but due to a new law, they in this case put the old law that vanished back to be used. Makes no sense at all.
Actually, it makes perfect sense to me.

Trump isn't allowed to run out the clock on crimes because he was president, because of Covid, or because he filed endless motions.
Actually, it makes perfect sense to me.

Trump isn't allowed to run out the clock on crimes because he was president, because of Covid, or because he filed endless motions.
You do not understand the laws I am talking about to you. I notice when a woman is murdered on Jan 6, oh how approving you are of her murder. When a man fights cops and is not shot, but held down, suddenly you hate murder. Getting to Trump you made a claim that you did not even try to prove. Why?
Actually, it makes perfect sense to me.

Trump isn't allowed to run out the clock on crimes because he was president, because of Covid, or because he filed endless motions.
Biden is trying to run out the clock. But this travesty has it seems woken the sleeping giant.
That's actually quite stunning if you are shocked by this. With all due respect. I mean really. Do any of you truly believe that Trump would be allowed to be President with a mandate on flipping over the money changers in this corrupt world?

To have the access to see the utter demonic activity that has been happening? From the decades of the organized child sex trafficking in Washington and around the world to the absolute plans of mass genocide?

You all really think he was going to be allowed to get near that again? Let their laughing monkeys have their good times.

There will be eternity to think about their treachery and unrepentant mockery.

Prepare yourselves for the tribulations. It's going to be rough. Beg Christ for mercy. Get close. The Lord has given our world country over to the devil and dancing minions.

Open your eyes.

Blame my last shred of hope the system was still fair.

That's gone now.
You do not understand the laws I am talking about to you. I notice when a woman is murdered on Jan 6, oh how approving you are of her murder. When a man fights cops and is not shot, but held down, suddenly you hate murder. Getting to Trump you made a claim that you did not even try to prove. Why?
I feel very bad that Trump exploited Ashli Babbit's mental illness and put her in danger, but that wasn't the cop's fault.

As opposed to Cop who listened to George Floyd beg for his life for nine minutes and kept choking him anyway.

The law is pretty clear. You don't file false business records in NY State.

He did.

Sucks to be him.
Blame my last shred of hope the system was still fair.

That's gone now.
Oh, please, Trump had far better representation than 99% of guys who get ground up by our court system get. The problem was, he was smarter than the lawyers, and didn't do half a dozen things that might have helped his case, like fessing up to banging Stormy, or just concentrating his defense on the aspect of whether the payoff was really a legal defense.
Oh, please, Trump had far better representation than 99% of guys who get ground up by our court system get. The problem was, he was smarter than the lawyers, and didn't do half a dozen things that might have helped his case, like fessing up to banging Stormy, or just concentrating his defense on the aspect of whether the payoff was really a legal defense.

It's amazing the shit you make up to justify this.

The Judge didn't allow multiple lines of defense in his rulings, and in his jury directions.
I feel very bad that Trump exploited Ashli Babbit's mental illness and put her in danger, but that wasn't the cop's fault.

As opposed to Cop who listened to George Floyd beg for his life for nine minutes and kept choking him anyway.

The law is pretty clear. You don't file false business records in NY State.

He did.

Sucks to be him.
Your post is loaded with speculation and what amounts to a pack of non proven claims.

Floyd was claiming he can't breath even prior to being in the cop car. This has become like a black criminals national anthem. They all use this trick. The cops are not doctors. Floyd would be living had he did what was asked of him by the cops.
Ashli was a dead woman the moment that LT pulled out his pistol in a crowd. He had one thing to do with his gun. Murder a woman who was tiny. Isn't if funny how in 41 states you can change your business records? And what was false anyway? Why had NY state lapsed the law? How can they use lapsed laws. This is a case the Supreme court will gladly accept.
Your post is loaded with speculation and what amounts to a pack of non proven claims.

Floyd was claiming he can't breath even prior to being in the cop car. This has become like a black criminals national anthem. They all use this trick. The cops are not doctors. Floyd would be living had he did what was asked of him by the cops.

Yeah, how dare those black suspects expect to be treated like white people.

Hey, doesn't your cult call dark skin a curse from God and didn't let black people join until 1978?

Ashli was a dead woman the moment that LT pulled out his pistol in a crowd. He had one thing to do with his gun. Murder a woman who was tiny. Isn't if funny how in 41 states you can change your business records? And what was false anyway? Why had NY state lapsed the law? How can they use lapsed laws. This is a case the Supreme court will gladly accept.
You leave out the part where Ashli Batshit was at the front of an angry crowd bashing down the door trying to get to Congress.
Yeah, how dare those black suspects expect to be treated like white people.

Hey, doesn't your cult call dark skin a curse from God and didn't let black people join until 1978?

You leave out the part where Ashli Batshit was at the front of an angry crowd bashing down the door trying to get to Congress.
Ashli should not pay for the alleged temperment of the crowd. It would mean as an example that if you were at a protest, and you were disappointed but not angry, others acts could be charged against you though you are innocent.

White people are treated shitty by cops when they act shitty. Same thing for blacks. We have a huge amount of black cops. I do not know what cult you ascribe to me. But I would never be in a church that is a cult. Ashli Babbitt was behind a man busting glass and it pissed her off and she smacked him and knocked his glasses off.

Again, she seems to have had magic powers to leap up as high as she was when shot. Was she part grasshopper? I believe others shoved her up into the window that was busted by a man she hit.
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Hey, doesn't your cult call dark skin a curse from God and didn't let black people join until 1978?
The LDS church you mock, always that I am aware of accepted blacks as members. What you bring up is not membership, but holding the priesthood. I have noticed when going to Church that blacks are attending the church and hold the priesthood. Bear in mind that America once burned witches too and we don't judge us all by those people.

But since you bring up race, are you aware of black churches that cater to blacks only?

Pew Research finds this.

FEBRUARY 16, 2021


2. Religious affiliation and congregations​

Most Black Americans identify as Protestant. And unlike Black Americans in other faith traditions, the majority of Black Protestant churchgoers attend religious services at a house of worship where both the leadership and most other congregants are Black.
Ashli should not pay for the alleged temperment of the crowd. It would mean as an example that if you were at a protest, and you were disappointed but not angry, others acts could be charged against you though you are innocent.

No, she should pay for threatening congress, which is what she was doing. That officer's job was to protect Congress. That's what he was doing.

White people are treated shitty by cops when they act shitty. Same thing for blacks. We have a huge amount of black cops. I do not know what cult you ascribe to me. But I would never be in a church that is a cult. Ashli Babbitt was behind a man busting glass and it pissed her off and she smacked him and knocked his glasses off.

Mormonism is a cult. Deal with it.

Black people have been killed by police for non-life threatening reasons... It's not because they "acted shitty". A cop should ONLY use lethal force when his or her life is threatened, or the life of a third party is threatened. NOt for passing a fake 20, or stealing a bag of cigars, or sitting in his own frontroom eating ice cream

Again, she seems to have had magic powers to leap up as high as she was when shot. Was she part grasshopper? I believe others shoved her up into the window that was busted by a man she hit.

Or she was a batshit crazy idiot who was in a crowd of idiots.

The LDS church you mock, always that I am aware of accepted blacks as members. What you bring up is not membership, but holding the priesthood. I have noticed when going to Church that blacks are attending the church and hold the priesthood. Bear in mind that America once burned witches too and we don't judge us all by those people.

Well, first, America never "burned" witches. We hanged witches, and that's a pretty darned good reason to reject all religion. But, um, yeah, guy, not letting black folks have the priesthood until 1978 was pretty exclusionary.
No, she should pay for threatening congress, which is what she was doing. That officer's job was to protect Congress. That's what he was doing.

Mormonism is a cult. Deal with it.

Black people have been killed by police for non-life threatening reasons... It's not because they "acted shitty". A cop should ONLY use lethal force when his or her life is threatened, or the life of a third party is threatened. NOt for passing a fake 20, or stealing a bag of cigars, or sitting in his own frontroom eating ice cream

Or she was a batshit crazy idiot who was in a crowd of idiots.

Well, first, America never "burned" witches. We hanged witches, and that's a pretty darned good reason to reject all religion. But, um, yeah, guy, not letting black folks have the priesthood until 1978 was pretty exclusionary.
Your thinking is so far off track I know for sure, nobody can reach you. Not when you act as you act.

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