'Selective Water Works': Where are the tears?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
National Director of the Remembrance Project Maria Espinoza blasted Obama’s speech, asking where were his tears as a host of American citizens she named were “slaughtered” by illegal immigrants.
- Where are the TEARS for American citizens HE is supposed to be protecting have been and are being murdered by illegals that HE and his Administration PROTECTS?
- WHERE are the TEARS for the victims of the criminals who were sent to jail and their follow-on victims once Obama freed them from jail?
- Where are the TEARS and CONCERN fro the safety of our citizens while Obama is protecting 'Sanctuary Cities' that violate Federal Law by providing safe haven to violent criminals who victimize US citizens?

Maria Espinoza: Obama Didn't Cry For Americans Slaughtered By Illegal Immigrants - Breitbart

Sarah Palin:

America is forced to weep over Obama’s release of violent criminals into our communities – like the 121 illegal aliens who committed murders after they were released from custody by the Obama administration instead of being deported. And that doesn’t take into account the others we don’t know about.

The whole world weeps waiting for American leadership in these troubled times as Islamic savages commit genocide against the Christians of the Middle East and terrorize innocent people in cities across the globe.

Meanwhile, Obama wept as he blamed law-abiding patriots for the nation’s insecurity and sought to strip them of the Constitutional rights for which generations of Americans shed blood.

Exclusive - Sarah Palin: Obama Wept
Since choreographed routines (a la Clinton) are not his shtick, I am beginning to think that Obama is mentally deranged: Rather than commiserating victims and their families, the only tears he has shed are in regard to his issuing an Executive Order on gun dealer licensing. This seems to indicate a detachment between his theoretical world and reality, possibly related to his fawning upbringing. Either he is nuts or we are nuts for electing him. Or both.

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