Sen Blumenthal says more indictments to come.

Yeah, because if Blumenthal had said more DOJ indictments were coming from Sessions, we would ask....

I don't think they are going to indict the Clinton Foundation this quickly, appears they only just started two parellel investigations.
Now, come on Trumpettes. Mueller is getting close and closer to Benedict. He will testifying UNDER Oath very soon. That should scare you to death, as truth is his friend.
That this is being presented as "news" is a disgrace. He is talking out of his ass. In particular, the part about Comey/obstruction. Speaking as an attorney meself, no honest attorney would make such a claim. The President, who has plenary pardon power CANNOT OBSTRUCT JUSTICE under these circumstances. How can you obstruct justice when you have the power to pardon anyone indicted (or convicted) pursuant to the investigation? It is nonsense.

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