Prosecution or persecution?

With I don't have to. Are you really that thick?
The hole you're digging is getting deeper. Either refute the content of the article or admit to be a worthless cuck.
For example, did Trump write this stuff?

His emails to his faithful include statements like “They can’t keep me off stage,” and “Trump Tower is mine,” along with cryptic threats such as “The bloodbath is 24 hours away,” along with even more outlandish claims that he’s just hours from being thrown in jail.

Yes or no? BTW, he only owns a small portion of Trump Tower so that's another lie.
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Those are essentially the disparate, binary ways to interpret the legal actions taken against the large, orange fraudster. Even more so now that he has been named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the MI and AZ fake elector cases.

Giuliani charged in Arizona case; Trump an unindicted co-conspirator

On one side of the argument there are those experiencing cognitive dissonance resulting from their belief, instilled in them by Don's fervent, batshyte crazy plea, that "I did nothing wrong." An all encompassing claim of innocence wiping away in a single sentence 88 detailed criminal indictments.

On the other side there are those who are experiencing the reality of what the judicial system looks like when it is working, when it responds to clear cut violations of law. The more it works, the more it is besieged by accusations of bias, overreach, and as Don would say, being "very, very unfair."

Boiled down to their essence only one of these views can be true. Either you believe, what frankly sounds like paranoid delusion, the notion of a grand conspiracy involving people like random private citizens acting as grand jurors who recommended indictments, or you do not. Either you believe gag orders imposed to stop attacks on members of the judicial system and their families are justified, or you do not. Either you believe virtually our entire system of justice has corrupted itself by fabricating charges against Individual 1 in the pursuit of a political agenda, or you do not.

The difficulty for Trump supporters in rejecting the Capt. Queeg-esque grand conspiracy theory of persecution is how it affects their entire belief system regarding Dear Leader.

Because once they allow for the possibility, not necessarily that Trump is guilty, but that a system made up of individual, unconnected parts is responding appropriately, then something unwanted happens. They are forced to entertain the idea the Wizard of Trumpworld isn't a wizard at all. He's a very flawed man behind a curtain.
The problem actually is that we now have a two tiered system of justice.

The problem actually is that we now have a two tiered system of justice.
I've seen those baseless, false equivalences before. Got anything else? Because with each passing day we see a justice system showing deference to Trump.
The hole you're digging is getting deeper. Either refute the content of the article or admit to be a worthless cuck.
For example, did Trump write this stuff?

His emails to his faithful include statements like “They can’t keep me off stage,” and “Trump Tower is mine,” along with cryptic threats such as “The bloodbath is 24 hours away,” along with even more outlandish claims that he’s just hours from being thrown in jail.

Yes or no? BTW, he only owns a small portion of Trump Tower so that's another lie.
I've been around too long so come up with another source and we can discuss it. As a matter of principle I don't concern my self with shit or sleaze. Nothing personal.
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I've seen those baseless, false equivalences before. Got anything else? Because with each passing day we see a justice system showing deference to Trump.
The object of all these trials is to keep Trump off the campaign trail and give Joe Biden a chance to catch up. Plus attorney fees and fines will hurt Trump’s bank account.

There are some indications that tactic is not working as well as planned.


Trump turns his legal woes into a campaign fundraising machine​

The prospect of having his assets seized led to the former president’s biggest online fundraising day last quarter.
Pardon me if I have difficulty relating to the fantastical alternative reality provided for you by RWM.

Lil bug doesn’t wish to be accused of ever having (in any way) an open mind.
The object of all these trials is to keep Trump off the campaign trail and give Joe Biden a chance to catch up. Plus attorney fees and fines will hurt Trump’s bank account.

There are some indications that tactic is not working as well as planned.


Trump turns his legal woes into a campaign fundraising machine​

The prospect of having his assets seized led to the former president’s biggest online fundraising day last quarter.
I just want the trials to expose the facts that Trump wants to keep from the people.
I've seen those baseless, false equivalences before. Got anything else? Because with each passing day we see a justice system showing deference to Trump.
Your team is cheating but it is your team so you support it. You believe cheating will help your team win.

The sad fact is you may be right. If so the United States will no longer be a constitutional federal republic but like so many other governments a corrupt oligarchy. (I prefer to call it a Yankee Banana Republic.)


They conclude:
Americans do enjoy many features central to democratic governance, such as regular elections, freedom of speech and association and a widespread (if still contested) franchise. But we believe that if policymaking is dominated by powerful business organisations and a small number of affluent Americans, then America's claims to being a democratic society are seriously threatened.

Eric Zuess, writing in Counterpunch, isn't surprised by the survey's results.

"American democracy is a sham, no matter how much it's pumped by the oligarchs who run the country (and who control the nation's "news" media)," he writes. "The US, in other words, is basically similar to Russia or most other dubious 'electoral' 'democratic' countries. We weren't formerly, but we clearly are now."

This is the "Duh Report", says Death and Taxes magazine's Robyn Pennacchia. Maybe, she writes, Americans should just accept their fate.

"Perhaps we ought to suck it up, admit we have a classist society and do like England where we have a House of Lords and a House of Commoners," she writes, "instead of pretending as though we all have some kind of equal opportunity here."
I just want the trials to expose the facts that Trump wants to keep from the people.
I would love to see Joe Biden on trial to expose his lying about peddling his influence all over the globe so he could become rich. Unfortunately I doubt that will ever happen as high level Democrats are above the rule of law.

I would love to see Joe Biden on trial to expose his lying about peddling his influence all over the globe so he could become rich. Unfortunately I doubt that will ever happen as high level Democrats are above the rule of law.
Joe Biden can't be prosecuted as the sitting president. If you ever actually get any evidence sufficient to bring it to trial, I have no problem with that.

We sure as hell haven't seen nearly enough evidence to even suggest the crime occurred, let alone enough to prove it in court.

Remember, in court you can't just make up whatever the hell you want. You actually have to use evidence. Not social media memes.
I've been around too long so come up with another source and we can discuss it. As a matter of principle I don't concern my self with shit or sleaze. Nothing personal.
I hope you understand what you've done is acknowledge your inability to show why the article in question is not credible. Instead, smearing the entire publication as not worthy of being taken seriously. An opinion you can hold if you choose. But it indicates an unwillingness to challenge your beliefs with info contradicting the ones you hold tight.
Joe Biden can't be prosecuted as the sitting president. If you ever actually get any evidence sufficient to bring it to trial, I have no problem with that.

We sure as hell haven't seen nearly enough evidence to even suggest the crime occurred, let alone enough to prove it in court.

Remember, in court you can't just make up whatever the hell you want. You actually have to use evidence. Not social media memes.
Because of the prosecution prohibition if Repubs think they have a case against Joe impeachment is the way to pursue it. But they won't due to an absence of credible evidence.
Prosecution only appears to be persecution because of the volume of behavior in violation of law.
Fake leftard dichotomy.


Like when you charge Trump without charging Hillary for the exact same crimes.

Leftards deliberately violate the law EVERY SINGLE DAY if it means smearing Trump or protecting their own.

Leftards have NOT A SHRED of justice in them.
Joe Biden can't be prosecuted as the sitting president. If you ever actually get any evidence sufficient to bring it to trial, I have no problem with that.

We sure as hell haven't seen nearly enough evidence to even suggest the crime occurred, let alone enough to prove it in court.

Remember, in court you can't just make up whatever the hell you want. You actually have to use evidence. Not social media memes.
Joe can’t be prosecuted while President but a precedent is being set for prosecution after he leaves office. Note how Trump is being treated. Of course SCOTUS may rule an ex-President has absolute immunity. If they rule an ex-President has only limited immunity, Joe could still be indicted as he personally profited from his malfeasance.

There is more than enough evidence to prosecute Biden. He could be prosecuted for mishandling classified info as well as selling his influence to foreign nations.

Special counsel report concludes Biden willfully retained classified information but will not face charges​


Hur, according to the report, chose not to bring charges in part because he said it would be difficult to prosecute Biden, who could appear sympathetic to a jury.

“Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” the report stated, adding that Biden “is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt.”

Joe Biden can't be prosecuted as the sitting president. If you ever actually get any evidence sufficient to bring it to trial, I have no problem with that.

We sure as hell haven't seen nearly enough evidence to even suggest the crime occurred, let alone enough to prove it in court.

Remember, in court you can't just make up whatever the hell you want. You actually have to use evidence. Not social media memes.
Joe can’t be prosecuted while President but a precedent is being set for prosecution after he leave office. Note how Trump is being treated. Of course SCOTUS may

There is more than enough evidence to prosecute Biden. He could be prosecuted for mishandling classified info as well as selling his influence to foreign nations.

Special counsel report concludes Biden willfully retained classified information but will not face charges​


Hur, according to the report, chose not to bring charges in part because he said it would be difficult to prosecute Biden, who could appear sympathetic to a jury.

“Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” the report stated, adding that Biden “is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt.”

I just want the trials to expose the facts that Trump wants to keep from the people.
So far the facts do not seem to be making Trump supporters decide to vote for Joe Biden.

Now I hear Joe Biden wants to raise taxes. That is the last thing we need now with many people unable to buy groceries. Even if you only increase taxes on the rich they just charge more for the products they make or sell or move to another nation with lower taxes.

So far the facts do not seem to be making Trump supporters decide to vote for Joe Biden.
True. Trump supporters have cocooned themselves in a right wing narrative that is exceedingly difficult to penetrate with facts.

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