Prosecution or persecution?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Those are essentially the disparate, binary ways to interpret the legal actions taken against the large, orange fraudster. Even more so now that he has been named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the MI and AZ fake elector cases.

Giuliani charged in Arizona case; Trump an unindicted co-conspirator

On one side of the argument there are those experiencing cognitive dissonance resulting from their belief, instilled in them by Don's fervent, batshyte crazy plea, that "I did nothing wrong." An all encompassing claim of innocence wiping away in a single sentence 88 detailed criminal indictments.

On the other side there are those who are experiencing the reality of what the judicial system looks like when it is working, when it responds to clear cut violations of law. The more it works, the more it is besieged by accusations of bias, overreach, and as Don would say, being "very, very unfair."

Boiled down to their essence only one of these views can be true. Either you believe, what frankly sounds like paranoid delusion, the notion of a grand conspiracy involving people like random private citizens acting as grand jurors who recommended indictments, or you do not. Either you believe gag orders imposed to stop attacks on members of the judicial system and their families are justified, or you do not. Either you believe virtually our entire system of justice has corrupted itself by fabricating charges against Individual 1 in the pursuit of a political agenda, or you do not.

The difficulty for Trump supporters in rejecting the Capt. Queeg-esque grand conspiracy theory of persecution is how it affects their entire belief system regarding Dear Leader.

Because once they allow for the possibility, not necessarily that Trump is guilty, but that a system made up of individual, unconnected parts is responding appropriately, then something unwanted happens. They are forced to entertain the idea the Wizard of Trumpworld isn't a wizard at all. He's a very flawed man behind a curtain.
Those are essentially the disparate, binary ways to interpret the legal actions taken against the large, orange fraudster. Even more so now that he has been named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the MI and AZ fake elector cases.

Giuliani charged in Arizona case; Trump an unindicted co-conspirator

On one side of the argument there are those experiencing cognitive dissonance resulting from their belief, instilled in them by Don's fervent, batshyte crazy plea, that "I did nothing wrong." An all encompassing claim of innocence wiping away in a single sentence 88 detailed criminal indictments.

On the other side there are those who are experiencing the reality of what the judicial system looks like when it is working, when it responds to clear cut violations of law. The more it works, the more it is besieged by accusations of bias, overreach, and as Don would say, being "very, very unfair."

Boiled down to their essence only one of these views can be true. Either you believe, what frankly sounds like paranoid delusion, the notion of a grand conspiracy involving people like random private citizens acting as grand jurors who recommended indictments, or you do not. Either you believe gag orders imposed to stop attacks on members of the judicial system and their families are justified, or you do not. Either you believe virtually our entire system of justice has corrupted itself by fabricating charges against Individual 1 in the pursuit of a political agenda, or you do not.

The difficulty for Trump supporters in rejecting the Capt. Queeg-esque grand conspiracy theory of persecution is how it affects their entire belief system regarding Dear Leader.

Because once they allow for the possibility, not necessarily that Trump is guilty, but that a system made up of individual, unconnected parts is responding appropriately, then something unwanted happens. They are forced to entertain the idea the Wizard of Trumpworld isn't a wizard at all. He's a very flawed man behind a curtain.

The difficulty for Trump supporters in rejecting the Capt. Queeg-esque grand conspiracy theory of persecution is how it affects their entire belief system regarding Dear Leader.
That's my experience too. This is the whole process in action just a few hours ago.

It starts with a Trump supporter trying to pose what I can only guess is something he considers a "gotcha" question.
Show me where ANYONE else has ever been charged with a crime for A) making false statements on a loan that was paid back in full with interest and on time...or B) charged with a crime for paying someone to sign an NDA?
In response, besides my usual passive aggressive snarkyness (not endearing, or helpful, but I can't really help myself.) I respond by linking the applicable law, and a link to a press release when John Edwards was indicted.
(2)to obtain any of the moneys, funds, credits, assets, securities, or other property owned by, or under the custody or control of, a financial institution, by means of false or fraudulent pretenses,

Here John Edwards, the vice-presidential candidate for the Democratic party, was charged by none other than Jack Smith. For using third party donors, to hide an affair and child from the general public. Does that sound familiar?
The response is both predictable and right what you are talking about. The guy who posed the question, although he obviously read it, considering he replied to someone else 30 min later, refused to engage.

When confronted by actual information that invalidates the notion that Trump is being singled out, instead of examining if the premise is correct the poster runs.
When you have Biden and Hunter and Mayorkas and Pelosi, etc. openly violating laws with zero repercussion it becomes obvious that the entire system is corrupt and will destroy any outsiders who dare enter.

As a result, I have no real interest in even trying to assess the legitimacy of the charges as we all know nothing would have ever come about had Trump not run for Orifice.
thats because at times the democrats make it look like persecution...
Just because Trump has been impeached a dozen times and convicted a thousand times and everyone around him in no way means he is being persecuted.

No, he is just the most evil man on the face of the earth as no one can claim the same.
Just because Trump has been impeached a dozen times and convicted a thousand times and everyone around him in no way means he is being persecuted.

No, he is just the most evil man on the face of the earth as no one can claim the same.
went right over your head.....
When you have Biden and Hunter and Mayorkas and Pelosi, etc. openly violating laws with zero repercussion it becomes obvious that the entire system is corrupt and will destroy any outsiders who dare enter.

As a result, I have no real interest in even trying to assess the legitimacy of the charges as we all know nothing would have ever come about had Trump not run for Orifice.
Hunter is being prosecuted, so not sure what you mean by "zero repercussions". Might just be your narrative taking over reality.
That's my experience too. This is the whole process in action just a few hours ago.

It starts with a Trump supporter trying to pose what I can only guess is something he considers a "gotcha" question.

In response, besides my usual passive aggressive snarkyness (not endearing, or helpful, but I can't really help myself.) I respond by linking the applicable law, and a link to a press release when John Edwards was indicted.

The response is both predictable and right what you are talking about. The guy who posed the question, although he obviously read it, considering he replied to someone else 30 min later, refused to engage.

When confronted by actual information that invalidates the notion that Trump is being singled out, instead of examining if the premise is correct the poster runs.
Whataboutisms are the ineffectual yet reliable response mechanism for Trumpleton's in the absence of an ability to defend themselves...........and by extension Dear Leader.
Just because Trump has been impeached a dozen times and convicted a thousand times and everyone around him in no way means he is being persecuted.

No, he is just the most evil man on the face of the earth as no one can claim the same.
i can assure you votto.....trump is not the most evil man on the planet.....geezus talk about exaggerating something....
Hunter is being prosecuted, so not sure what you mean by "zero repercussions". Might just be your narrative taking over reality.
Only after his sweat heart deal was revoked after public outcry.

Mark my words, nothing much will come of it but they will have to slap his hand in some way to try and show some level of fairness.
When you have Biden and Hunter and Mayorkas and Pelosi, etc. openly violating laws
Pardon me if I have difficulty relating to the fantastical alternative reality provided for you by RWM.
Only after his sweat heart deal was revoked after public outcry.

Mark my words, nothing much will come of it.
His sweetheart deal also included prosecution.

He is now being treated worse than normal Americans because of the "public outcry" which is telling that your side is the ones weaponizing justice.
His sweetheart deal also included prosecution.

He is now being treated worse than normal Americans because of the "public outcry" which is telling that your side is the ones weaponizing justice.
Hunter committed an open felony no one disputes or can dispute.

That is a problem so they have to pretend to care.

Any other American would be in jail now, but I can assure you he will be treated far better.
Pardon me if I have difficulty relating to the fantastical alternative reality provided for you by RWM.
I am not here to even argue that Trump is not corrupt. Anyone that has that level of wealth and power, odds are they are corrupt and have skeletons in the closet.

What I am saying, however, is that had he not run for public office and continued to line the pockets of politicians in New York with money, like Schumer, they would have left him alone like they do everyone else

Also, the whole Russian collusion was openly fabricated, as they could not even impeach him over it, despite an investigation over 3 years that democrats swore had all kinds of evidence. It shows me they just want him dead is all.

Hunter committed an open felony no one disputes or can dispute.

That is a problem so they have to pretend to care.

Any other American would be in jail now, but I can assure you he will be treated far better.
Most people committing these crimes are dealt without criminal prosecution.
Most people committing these crimes are dealt without criminal prosecution.
You won't see a ruling on Hunter till after the election because they don't want to deal with the outcry of lack of fairness.

But then it will be too late because it is all about the election.

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