Sen. Byrd VS. Steinbrenner

B. Kidd

Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2010
The media seems to be giving more initial attention to Steinbrenner's death compared to Sen. Byrds.

I'm not quite sure what this means......if anything...except that 'pop culture' still holds a front seat over 'political culture' in our country.
Did you know he once belonged to the KKK?

True story.
Bryd, a self-made man, whether, anyone likes him or not, did more good for more people with his life then Steinbrenner did.
Yet, the media, pays more attention to Steinbrenner.
All Steinbrenner did was inherit his daddy's wealth and shipbuilding business, have the money to buy the Yankees in the early 70's for 10 mill, and establish a persona thanks to a sitcom.
Yet, the media, chooses to treat him like he was some kind of god.
Bryd, a self-made man, whether, anyone likes him or not, did more good for more people with his life then Steinbrenner did.
Yet, the media, pays more attention to Steinbrenner.
All Steinbrenner did was inherit his daddy's wealth and shipbuilding business, have the money to buy the Yankees in the early 70's for 10 mill, and establish a persona thanks to a sitcom.
Yet, the media, chooses to treat him like he was some kind of god.

I disagree. Byrd oversaw a period of increased dependency and decline in West Virginia. Before he was elected to the Senate WV ranked 38th out of 50 in terms of education and economic opportunity compared to the other states. After Byrd - they rank DEAD LAST. He did one thing well - get federal pork, lots of federal pork for his state. Federal Pork that made the citizens of WV dependent upon the federal government. Hence the decline. Of course he did have a few hundred roads (including a four lane highway that goes nowhwere!) and buildings named after himself......what a guy! :rofl:

Steinbrenner brought (or some say BOUGHT!) the fans of the New York Yankess plenty of World Series trophies and lots of memories. By the way - there are millions more Yankee fans than citizens of West Virginia. :lol:
Bryd, a self-made man, whether, anyone likes him or not, did more good for more people with his life then Steinbrenner did.
Yet, the media, pays more attention to Steinbrenner.
All Steinbrenner did was inherit his daddy's wealth and shipbuilding business, have the money to buy the Yankees in the early 70's for 10 mill, and establish a persona thanks to a sitcom.
Yet, the media, chooses to treat him like he was some kind of god.

I disagree. Byrd oversaw a period of increased dependency and decline in West Virginia. Before he was elected to the Senate WV ranked 38th out of 50 in terms of education and economic opportunity compared to the other states. After Byrd - they rank DEAD LAST. He did one thing well - get federal pork, lots of federal pork for his state. Federal Pork that made the citizens of WV dependent upon the federal government. Hence the decline. Of course he did have a few hundred roads (including a four lane highway that goes nowhwere!) and buildings named after himself......what a guy! :rofl:

Steinbrenner brought (or some say BOUGHT!) the fans of the New York Yankess plenty of World Series trophies and lots of memories. By the way - there are millions more Yankee fans than citizens of West Virginia. :lol:

You made just a few points here........BUT STEINBRENNER was not self-made!!!
He did hire Costanza, even though he did pay Constanza's secretary much more than George.
And if you know the Costanza's, they've left the longest slime trail on this planet more than any other family.
Since when has the Senate helped anyone?

Steinbrenner, though i dislike his team, has done much more to help American's than any Senator. He's kept the game entertaining.

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