Sen. Chris Murphy nails Trump’s incompetent Middle East policy

Really hard to overstate how badly Trump has bungled things in the Middle East. We’ll start calling Trump “Jimmy” Trump for his fucked up policies.

Moamar Khadafi gave up his WMD's when W Bush was in office. Obama repaid him by helping to overthrow and kill him. That was followed up by Benghazi and open-air slave markets. Would you say that Obama's Libya policy was a success?

Obama supported the Muslim Brotherhood in overthrowing Hosnai Mubarak. They were then overthrown by the Egyptian military when it became clear that the regime was corrupt.

Obama then trained, armed and funded terrorists in Syria to overthrow Assad. That turned Syria into a warzone and resulted with MILLIONS of Syrian refugees fleeing to surrounding nations, Europe and even some to the U.S. You may recall that Hillary wanted to bring hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees to the U.S. at a cost to the American taxpayer of HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

During the Obama regime, ISIS took over large parts of Iraq and Syria. It wasn't until Trump came to power that ISIS was seriously set back, culminating in the death of Al Baghdadi himself.

Obama put together a joke of an agreement with Iran on nuclear weapons that paved the way for them to go nuclear. Obama returned $150+ BILLION that Iran is now using to kill Americans.

By any metric, Obama's middle-east policies for a catastrophic failure.

Trump has no such failures in the middle-east or, for that matter, anywhere else.

What is your response?
At least Trump isn't stupid enough to negotiate with Iran. High level negotiations with crazy leaders while they try to become a nuclear nation us usually a losing proposition.

Trump is willing to sit down with the Iranians. They are unwilling to do so because they want nukes.
Chris Murphy on Twitter

The attack on our embassy in Baghdad is horrifying but predictable. Trump has rendered America impotent in the Middle East. No one fears us, no one listens to us. America has been reduced to huddling in safe rooms, hoping the bad guys will go away. What a disgrace.

see also

The attack on our embassy reminds us of all Trump's Middle East disasters: 1/ Emboldened Iran starts attacking U.S. targets; 2/ Turkey invades Syria; 3/ Saudi Arabia gets away with murder; 4/ Israeli/Palestinian peace slips out of reach. And that's just the start...

Chris Murphy on Twitter

See also

Really hard to overstate how badly Trump has bungled things in the Middle East. One of the only good things going - anti-Iran street protests in Iraq - have now morphed into anti-U.S. protests thanks to Trump's mishandling of Iran policy.

Chris Murphy on Twitter

We’ll start calling Trump “Jimmy” Trump for his fucked up policies.

Trump’s ME policy is yet another Trump failure.
lol...a band-aid for the decapitation...Ya gave it your best shot C.C.
How do Dems not realize that pulling out of Syria and Afghanistan is the best move for the future of America?
Libtards are attacking Trump over Syria and claiming that he is permitting the Russians to dictate in Syria. The fact of the matter is that the Russians have been propping up the Syrians for over a half-century. That's not going to change anytime soon. Us pulling out of certain parts of Syria to make room for the Turks is of not strategic consequence to the U.S. Libtards like to pretend that it poses cataclysmic repercussions and then attack Trump. Our only purpose to be in Syria should be to kill ISIS terrorists. However, if we can pull out and someone else is willing to step up and do it, why wouldn't we?
Chris Murphy on Twitter

The attack on our embassy in Baghdad is horrifying but predictable. Trump has rendered America impotent in the Middle East. No one fears us, no one listens to us. America has been reduced to huddling in safe rooms, hoping the bad guys will go away. What a disgrace.

see also

The attack on our embassy reminds us of all Trump's Middle East disasters: 1/ Emboldened Iran starts attacking U.S. targets; 2/ Turkey invades Syria; 3/ Saudi Arabia gets away with murder; 4/ Israeli/Palestinian peace slips out of reach. And that's just the start...

Chris Murphy on Twitter

See also

Really hard to overstate how badly Trump has bungled things in the Middle East. One of the only good things going - anti-Iran street protests in Iraq - have now morphed into anti-U.S. protests thanks to Trump's mishandling of Iran policy.

Chris Murphy on Twitter

We’ll start calling Trump “Jimmy” Trump for his fucked up policies.
Matthews couldn't nail a corpse...but all 'you' have to do to get snowflakes excited is to say something negative about Trump. That, to them, makes 'you' a genius.

Chris Murphy on Twitter

The attack on our embassy in Baghdad is horrifying but predictable. Trump has rendered America impotent in the Middle East. No one fears us, no one listens to us. America has been reduced to huddling in safe rooms, hoping the bad guys will go away. What a disgrace.

see also

The attack on our embassy reminds us of all Trump's Middle East disasters: 1/ Emboldened Iran starts attacking U.S. targets; 2/ Turkey invades Syria; 3/ Saudi Arabia gets away with murder; 4/ Israeli/Palestinian peace slips out of reach. And that's just the start...

Chris Murphy on Twitter

See also

Really hard to overstate how badly Trump has bungled things in the Middle East. One of the only good things going - anti-Iran street protests in Iraq - have now morphed into anti-U.S. protests thanks to Trump's mishandling of Iran policy.

Chris Murphy on Twitter

We’ll start calling Trump “Jimmy” Trump for his fucked up policies.
Perhaps Trump should be more like Barry....
Pay ransoms for US hostages, pump out our military to Al Qaeda, invade more countries embroiled in civil war, bypass Congress to negotiate his own personal treaties, etc...
war should be the last resort, my friends. we need a president who does the opposite of Trump is doing, folks!

Murphy will be president one day! ONE DAY!
war should be the last resort, my friends. we need a president who does the opposite of Trump is doing, folks!

Murphy will be president one day! ONE DAY!

That seems a really odd statement.
Isn't Trump reducing our military involvement generally? Trump is following the war is a last resort concept to the letter. Then you say we need the opposite of that?
war should be the last resort, my friends. we need a president who does the opposite of Trump is doing, folks!

Murphy will be president one day! ONE DAY!

That seems a really odd statement.
Isn't Trump reducing our military involvement generally? Trump is following the war is a last resort concept to the letter. Then you say we need the opposite of that?
someone hasnt been watching the news over the holidays...
Trump is willing to sit down with the Iranians. They are unwilling to do so because they want nukes.
They are unwilling to do so because he pulled out of the agreement dealing with nukes. Trump wants everything else, effectively to neuter Iran as a regional power. Good luck with negotiating that.
you have you america, and i have mine, my friends.

in my america, we dont kill innocent people!
US has had an extortion based ME policy for 75 years >>>

Trump is no more than a bit player

Any given potus ' goal has been to defuse the entire Islamics Vs zionists powderkeg , while selling both sides arms, and negotiating their oil

Chris Murphy on Twitter

The attack on our embassy in Baghdad is horrifying but predictable. Trump has rendered America impotent in the Middle East. No one fears us, no one listens to us. America has been reduced to huddling in safe rooms, hoping the bad guys will go away. What a disgrace.

see also

The attack on our embassy reminds us of all Trump's Middle East disasters: 1/ Emboldened Iran starts attacking U.S. targets; 2/ Turkey invades Syria; 3/ Saudi Arabia gets away with murder; 4/ Israeli/Palestinian peace slips out of reach. And that's just the start...

Chris Murphy on Twitter

See also

Really hard to overstate how badly Trump has bungled things in the Middle East. One of the only good things going - anti-Iran street protests in Iraq - have now morphed into anti-U.S. protests thanks to Trump's mishandling of Iran policy.

Chris Murphy on Twitter

We’ll start calling Trump “Jimmy” Trump for his fucked up policies.

We'll start calling you, John Never Trumper for your blinders wearing viewpoint, John! Trump's strategy for the Middle East is to not involve us unless absolutely necessary. What's amusing is the Left's belief that Iran was going to be our buddy because Barack Obama signed that farce of an agreement with them that was supposed to stop their nuclear weapon ambitions in return for ending sanctions. That was never going to happen. The mullahs in Iran are our enemies. Trump grasps that fact even if you don't.

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