Sen. Chris Murphy nails Trump’s incompetent Middle East policy

At least Trump isn't stupid enough to negotiate with Iran. High level negotiations with crazy leaders while they try to become a nuclear nation us usually a losing proposition.
That sounds exactly like what he has been doing with the despot in North Korea.
In other words, he is saying Trump’s foreign-policy has been pretty much the same as every other president for the last 40 years? Shocking
Actually, Trump has no Middle East policy. It is amateur hour in the Trump White House. What is his policy? Threats that mean nothing? Ceding The Middle East to Russia? Kow towing to the Saudis? Confusion reigns in US policy. The only good thing I can say is that he is not W....but that ain’t much.
trump has no policy for anything. He is an idiot who acts strictly on impulse.
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Chris Murphy on Twitter

The attack on our embassy in Baghdad is horrifying but predictable. Trump has rendered America impotent in the Middle East. No one fears us, no one listens to us. America has been reduced to huddling in safe rooms, hoping the bad guys will go away. What a disgrace.

see also

The attack on our embassy reminds us of all Trump's Middle East disasters: 1/ Emboldened Iran starts attacking U.S. targets; 2/ Turkey invades Syria; 3/ Saudi Arabia gets away with murder; 4/ Israeli/Palestinian peace slips out of reach. And that's just the start...

Chris Murphy on Twitter

See also

Really hard to overstate how badly Trump has bungled things in the Middle East. One of the only good things going - anti-Iran street protests in Iraq - have now morphed into anti-U.S. protests thanks to Trump's mishandling of Iran policy.

Chris Murphy on Twitter

We’ll start calling Trump “Jimmy” Trump for his fucked up policies.
Don't you wish the Beast were president to handle attacks on diplomatic missions?
Trump and Jared Kushner are working on a new middle east peace plan. That's something none of your Dem leaders could accomplish.
Obama destabilized the Middle East in order to relocate Jihadists to Europe and America
One can only hope that Trump and Kushner can overcome the problems caused by the Kenyan without a birth certificate.
Still a birther, huh? LOL. Even your messiah grudgingly admitted that was bullshit.
Trump and Jared Kushner are working on a new middle east peace plan. That's something none of your Dem leaders could accomplish.
Obama destabilized the Middle East in order to relocate Jihadists to Europe and America
One can only hope that Trump and Kushner can overcome the problems caused by the Kenyan without a birth certificate.
Obama did tell his publisher that he was "Born in Kenya"...doesn't that make him the first Birther?
Chris Murphy on Twitter

The attack on our embassy in Baghdad is horrifying but predictable. Trump has rendered America impotent in the Middle East. No one fears us, no one listens to us. America has been reduced to huddling in safe rooms, hoping the bad guys will go away. What a disgrace.

see also

The attack on our embassy reminds us of all Trump's Middle East disasters: 1/ Emboldened Iran starts attacking U.S. targets; 2/ Turkey invades Syria; 3/ Saudi Arabia gets away with murder; 4/ Israeli/Palestinian peace slips out of reach. And that's just the start...

Chris Murphy on Twitter

See also

Really hard to overstate how badly Trump has bungled things in the Middle East. One of the only good things going - anti-Iran street protests in Iraq - have now morphed into anti-U.S. protests thanks to Trump's mishandling of Iran policy.

Chris Murphy on Twitter

We’ll start calling Trump “Jimmy” Trump for his fucked up policies.

Nope, the disasters in the ME are all O and W.
Makes NATO pay MILLIONS that America has been paying to protect them since NATO inception
You guys will believe/regurgitate any rubbish, won't you?
CNM= Communist News Media wants you to think Trump DIDN'T MAKE OUR ALLIES PAY UP FOR NATO...The lies of the left are unbelievable!

NATO countries boost defense spending ahead of summit showdown with Trump - The ...
Nov 29, 2019 · BRUSSELS — NATO nations are increasing spending on ... Trump wants South Korea and Japan to pay more. ... a year, which will be made up for by the other NATO allies, apart from
In other words, he is saying Trump’s foreign-policy has been pretty much the same as every other president for the last 40 years? Shocking

Actually, Trump has no Middle East policy. It is amateur hour in the Trump White House. What is his policy? Threats that mean nothing?

Hmmm.... let's see.

Carter = U.S. embassy in Tehran seized and hostages held for over 400 days
Bush 41 = Iraq War
Reagan = 200 marines killed when our barracks were bombed in Beirut
Clinton = U.S.S. Cole attacked while refueling. Over 200 killed in East African U.S. Embassy attacks in Kenya and Tanzania
Bush 43 = 911
Obama = Benghazi embassy attack resulting in the murder of a U.S. ambassador and others

Ceding The Middle East to Russia?

So? Who gives a fuck? What does Syria have to do with defense of the U.S.? Are you suggesting we go to war with Russia, Chicken Hawk?

Kow towing to the Saudis? Confusion reigns in US policy.

As opposed to kowtowing to Iran by agreeing to their nuclear enrichment deal and giving them back billions of dollars that will be used for terrorist financing? Who was it that originally armed Saddam and the Taliban, by the way?

The only good thing I can say is that he is not W....but that ain’t much.

As I said, there doesn't seem to be any difference in Trump's policy than the past presidents and that's what's disappointing. He said he wanted us out of these foreign wars, but he's paid us only lip service.
In other words, he is saying Trump’s foreign-policy has been pretty much the same as every other president for the last 40 years? Shocking
Actually, Trump has no Middle East policy. It is amateur hour in the Trump White House. What is his policy? Threats that mean nothing? Ceding The Middle East to Russia? Kow towing to the Saudis? Confusion reigns in US policy. The only good thing I can say is that he is not W....but that ain’t much.
IOW, the policy hasn't changed much.....Yet that makes Trump incompetent compared to whom?
Actually, Trump has no Middle East policy. It is amateur hour in the Trump White House. What is his policy? Threats that mean nothing? Ceding The Middle East to Russia? Kow towing to the Saudis? Confusion reigns in US policy. The only good thing I can say is that he is not W....but that ain’t much.
Trump and Jared Kushner are working on a new middle east peace plan. That's something none of your Dem leaders could accomplish.
Trump and his son-in-law real estate investor? You gotta be shittin me! They couldn't even develop a Trump Moscow Hotel plan with Trump's only remaining loyal funders in a place where Putin loves him. Them develop a middle east peace plan that works? You've been smokin toooooooo much dope. Put down the pipe, man.
Chris Murphy on Twitter

The attack on our embassy in Baghdad is horrifying but predictable. Trump has rendered America impotent in the Middle East. No one fears us, no one listens to us. America has been reduced to huddling in safe rooms, hoping the bad guys will go away. What a disgrace.

see also

The attack on our embassy reminds us of all Trump's Middle East disasters: 1/ Emboldened Iran starts attacking U.S. targets; 2/ Turkey invades Syria; 3/ Saudi Arabia gets away with murder; 4/ Israeli/Palestinian peace slips out of reach. And that's just the start...

Chris Murphy on Twitter

See also

Really hard to overstate how badly Trump has bungled things in the Middle East. One of the only good things going - anti-Iran street protests in Iraq - have now morphed into anti-U.S. protests thanks to Trump's mishandling of Iran policy.

Chris Murphy on Twitter

We’ll start calling Trump “Jimmy” Trump for his fucked up policies.

Yes, it was very predictable! Just like the outcome in Iraq was very predictable.
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Actually, Trump has no Middle East policy.

Talking to you is like talking to Baghdad Bob. Whatever Trump is for, you're automatically against. What-ever Trump is against, you're automatically for. Trump could create world peace, cure cancer and make everyone filthy rich and you'd still be attacking him. You're a shill, like Baghdad Bob.

Yes, because President Trump is Baghdad Bob.

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