Sen. Cotton calls for targeted 'Decoupling' from China

No, that is not a fact, you dimwit.
Is enrollment at UC Berkley or MIT elastic?

do they just add classrooms and professors to accommodate the communist students?

of course not

every mainland chinese student admitted means one less American student at that school
I walked across the campus of a major elite university a while back and did not hear one word of english spoken.

Beginning with just 26,000 international students in the 1949-50 school year, the number of foreign students neared 1.1 million in 2019-20.

universities began to enroll more full-paying foreign and out-of-state students for financial reasons as well as to achieve diversity.

Over the past decade, for example, Purdue University has reduced its in-state student population by 4,300 while adding 5,300 out-of-state and foreign students, who pay triple the tuition. “They moved away from working to educate people in their region to competing for the most elite and wealthy students—in a way that was unprecedentedT
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The costs of going to college has increased dramatically and so many foeign sudents is a major cause of that.
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do they just add classrooms and professors to accommodate the communist students?


Are you really this stupid? Do you really think that every person in China is a member of the communist party?
...... even though libs like you never understood it

What do you mean "libs like you"? Kid, I've probably been a conservative Republican - a real one, not some cartoon that you imagine - since before you were out of diapers.
Are you really this stupid? Do you really think that every person in China is a member of the communist party?
You are avoiding the issue

more mainland chinese students at US colleges means fewer American students get to attend

every mainland chinese [sic] student admitted means one less American student at that school

Stupid. Have you ever stopped to think about what universities do with all that full tuition that international students pay? No, they don't divide it up evenly among all the professors. They build new facilities, expand their offerings and their enrollment, and new institutions sprout up like corn. Why wouldn't they, you idiot?
No, they don't divide it up evenly among all the professors.
Or at least not all the money goes to the greedy professors (aka educators) directly

sometimes they have to share the fancy new building with others on campus

but the greater the wealth of the university the more there is for the staff
No, they don't divide it up evenly among all the professors.
Or at least not all the money goes to the greedy professors (aka educators) directly

sometimes they have to share the fancy new building with others on campus

but the greater the wealth of the university the more there is for the staff

What do you think those fancy new buildings are for, dumbass?
I know this doesn't read well... After all ye were told that TPP was evil. US pulling back left China in charge... US looses it's leverage, US might be the biggest market but it is far from the only one... Generally speaking US is alway going to import goods from China.
What goes on in the media is copycat journalism.

only one talking head needs to research a subject for all the other lazy talking heads to follow him

So no actual proof.... Just spout any hyperbole stuff...

China is setting up the biggest trading block with members of TPP, that is a fact....

You are discounting Fox News...

I explained how it effects the US economy...

Have you anything better than I don't like it, it must be lies...
I walked across the campus of a major elite university a while back and did not hear one word of english spoken.

Beginning with just 26,000 international students in the 1949-50 school year, the number of foreign students neared 1.1 million in 2019-20.

universities began to enroll more full-paying foreign and out-of-state students for financial reasons as well as to achieve diversity.

Over the past decade, for example, Purdue University has reduced its in-state student population by 4,300 while adding 5,300 out-of-state and foreign students, who pay triple the tuition. “They moved away from working to educate people in their region to competing for the most elite and wealthy students—in a way that was unprecedentedT

This what happens when you walk across major elite university in France...

But joking aside... US complain that the cost of education is too high and then complain that foreign students are paying above the odds to avail of it....

Every country has loads of foreign students, they is loads of US students studying in Europe... There was so many in a small University in Galway, Ireland they rented a Pub for a year... The laugh was they wouldn't be allowed in one in the states and they could own one in Ireland... I think they called it "Freedom" (ironic joke).... The general swap college for Galway was Stanford by the way...
Senator Cotton continues to grow in stature and as a probable Republican Nominee for the Presidency next time around if Trump decides to support him.

I'm starting to like this guy

He loves asians so much. Claims he’s Irish but look at his avitar. No way
Guilt-ridden white libs who also have a thing for asians may adopt their identity as the next best thing to being one themselves
He thinks FDR is the devil for putting asian Americans in concentration camps. If he's not asian himself he's related to an asian. You can tell it's personal for him. Strange bird.

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