China Takes the Leadership Mantle from Joe Biden – Calls for Peace Talks in Ukraine as Joe Biden Sends in Blackhawk Helicopters

That’s what you’ll be doing alright….

I often wonder how people like you ever get out of bed in the morning living in constant state of fear like you.

What a terrible way to live, but damn if it does not seem to make you happy
I often wonder how people like you ever get out of bed in the morning living in constant state of fear like you.

What a terrible way to live, but damn if it does not seem to make you happy
Well, we all know you have a distorted perception of those who don't think like you.
Well, we all know you have a distorted perception of those who don't think like you.

Nobody thinks like me.

Unlike you I am not part of a tribe where I have to toe a line or fear being outcast
Nobody thinks like me.
Ain't that the seriously, you are not as unique as you think you are....

Unlike you I am not part of a tribe where I have to toe a line or fear being outcast
Oh you are...You just think you are not being led....You want so much to be liked to leftists here, that you and several others take this arrogant mantra of not subscribing to political affiliations, that you come of as snotty, and self absorbed....Meanwhile, marginalizing your own positions by either not voting for anyone who could actually win, or worse, secretly voting for liberal democrats based on your hatred alone....That makes you a fraud.
.You want so much to be liked to leftists here,

You are normally wrong, but not normally this wrong.

I do not care if I am liked by anyone on this forum

I do not come here for friends, I have those in real life.

.Meanwhile, marginalizing your own positions by either not voting for anyone who could actually win,

When the two main choices are syphilis or gonorrhea, there is no winning vote.
WTF happened to your non-partisan outlook? Here are China's 12-points.
Show us why you think they give Putin everything he wants.
  • Respecting the sovereignty of all countries (Putin gets the fuck out of Ukraine)
  • Abandoning the Cold War mentality (NATO & Russia cool their nuclear triggers & rhetoric)
  • Ceasing hostilities (immediate cease-fire)
  • Resuming peace talks
  • Resolving the humanitarian crisis (not sure how this happens)
  • Protecting civilians and prisoners of war (POWs) (Putin: stop targeting civilians)
  • Keeping nuclear power plants safe
  • Reducing strategic risks (stop talking nuclear war Vlad)
  • Facilitating grain exports
  • Stopping unilateral sanctions (if Russia gets out of Ukraine)
  • Keeping industrial and supply chains stable
  • Promoting post-conflict reconstruction

I don't know about you, but IMHO Xi just kicked Biden's ass.

Xi can put out all of the the most wonderful peace plans there ever were, but Putin won't abide by any of this shit. Putin hasn't even commented on this stuff, much less agreed to any of it, and he's torn up every agreement he ever signed, so it is unlikely any peace can be achieved as long as Putin leads Russia.

You keep posting like the Ukraine have an equal responsibility for starting this war and are to blame that it continues. Or that Putin has shown ANY willingness to discuss peace.

Instead, you take this as an opportunity to take shots at Joe Biden without giving the practicality or the viability of Xi's "Peace Plan", a second thought.

That's Republicans. Taking shots at Biden without thinking.
Xi can put out all of the the most wonderful peace plans there ever were, but Putin won't abide by any of this shit. Putin hasn't even commented on this stuff, much less agreed to any of it, and he's torn up every agreement he ever signed, so it is unlikely any peace can be achieved as long as Putin leads Russia.
You keep posting like the Ukraine have an equal responsibility for starting this war and are to blame that it continues. Or that Putin has shown ANY willingness to discuss peace.
Instead, you take this as an opportunity to take shots at Joe Biden without giving the practicality or the viability of Xi's "Peace Plan", a second thought.
That's Republicans. Taking shots at Biden without thinking.
1. Agree that Putin won't ever give up on Ukraine. He needs to be put down.
2. I don't want to call you a liar, but I NEVER blamed Ukraine for Russia's invasion. IMHO NATO should admit Ukraine ASAP.
3. Biden is a POS. I like his support for Ukraine, but he's a criminal, and I hope he gets impeached and removed.
You are normally wrong, but not normally this wrong.

I do not care if I am liked by anyone on this forum

I do not come here for friends, I have those in real life.
You do? Shocking.

When the two main choices are syphilis or gonorrhea, there is no winning vote.
Good, do us a favor then, and don’t vote…You’re failing at it.
You do? Shocking.

Good, do us a favor then, and don’t vote…You’re failing at it.

Nope, you morons that keep choosing syphilis or gonorrhea and think you are making a good choice are the ones failing.
With the way that he votes, it is as good as not voting. He just stands on the sidelines and bitches anyway--like most fence straddlers.
I know right? These people only have bitching about things to comfort them…See, we’ve all seen them in our lives, people who believe only they have the right way to do things, and no one else can tell them anything. Pure narcissist. They’d rather see the whole thing burn down, than work together toward a better future.
Well, yes. Anyone that votes for the duopoly is dumb or brainwashed.
Duopoly….lol, Tell me Gator, who outside the “duopoly” has made the slightest difference in the past 60 years? Hmmm?

You want to keep tilting at windmills, go right ahead, but don’t expect anyone to listen…Maybe get a ‘sandwich board’ and scream at passers by…same effect.
Duopoly….lol, Tell me Gator, who outside the “duopoly” has made the slightest difference in the past 60 years? Hmmm?

Nobody, there are far too many drones like you that will never not vote for them. They have used this fact to their advantage and even driven the wedge further dividing the country to ensure you continued loyalty.

And you reward them with your unending faithfulness.

You want to keep tilting at windmills, go right ahead, but don’t expect anyone to listen…Maybe get a ‘sandwich board’ and scream at passers by…same effect.

Very true. If ever life imitated art, you are as close to living in the Matrix as one could be.
1. Agree that Putin won't ever give up on Ukraine. He needs to be put down.
2. I don't want to call you a liar, but I NEVER blamed Ukraine for Russia's invasion. IMHO NATO should admit Ukraine ASAP.
3. Biden is a POS. I like his support for Ukraine, but he's a criminal, and I hope he gets impeached and removed.

You sound conflicted.
Nobody, there are far too many drones like you that will never not vote for them. They have used this fact to their advantage and even driven the wedge further dividing the country to ensure you continued loyalty.

And you reward them with your unending faithfulness.

Very true. If ever life imitated art, you are as close to living in the Matrix as one could be.
I'm not the one telling myself that voting for pipe dreams is the way to go....Look, when I vote, it's for the candidate that most closely resembles my conservative values. But, I'm not stupid, I know that in all cases my representatives are but one vote in a sea of differing wants and needs....If they fail to live up to what they campaigned on, then I look for the next one to replace them....I am certainly not arrogant enough to think that only I have the answer, and everyone else is just ignorant....That is the old adage of if you really think that then YOU are the problem...

But, I know I won't change your mind, you like your fence sitting nature...It's comfortable for you, that way you get to tell yourself that its everyone else's fault, when in reality, whether you vote for liberal democrats or not, physically, you do vote for them by taking your vote out of the count....

But, like I say, you'll never come off the fence, so, the conversation is really useless....So, keep on in here attacking those on the right, while holding your tongue toward the left in here, then tell people they don't know your politics....hell man, you think you're fooling people, you're not....
I'm not the one telling myself that voting for pipe dreams is the way to go....Look, when I vote, it's for the candidate that most closely resembles my conservative values.

Me too.

Based on who we choose to vote for, I clearly have far more conservative values than you.

But, I'm not stupid, I know that in all cases my representatives are but one vote in a sea of differing wants and needs....If they fail to live up to what they campaigned on, then I look for the next one to replace them....I am certainly not arrogant enough to think that only I have the answer, and everyone else is just ignorant....That is the old adage of if you really think that then YOU are the problem...

If they do not live up to what they campaigned on you vote for them again as you would never vote for anyone not of your party.

But, I know I won't change your mind, you like your fence sitting nature...It's comfortable for you, that way you get to tell yourself that its everyone else's fault, when in reality, whether you vote for liberal democrats or not, physically, you do vote for them by taking your vote out of the count....

But I do not sit on any fence. Fence sitting means one does not hold strong opinions, one does not take sides in an argument. As you noted above, that is the opposite of me. I have no problem taking a stand on any issue at all.

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