China Takes the Leadership Mantle from Joe Biden – Calls for Peace Talks in Ukraine as Joe Biden Sends in Blackhawk Helicopters

Well Yellen was going on yesterday about sending a additional 10 billion to the Ukes.....Someone better come up with a peace plan to give us tax-slaves a break.

U.S. aid to Ukraine = $113 Billion

United Kingdom aid to Ukraine = $4 Billion

Sham wow!!!
To support democracy and freedom abroad.
Like we are doing in Syria and Afghanistan? You are naive at best. Wasn't the annexation of Crimea in 2014 reason to promote freedom and democracy abroad? We are not the world's policeman and I will reiterate that we have NO mutual treaties with Ukraine. It is a money laundering operation.
Like we are doing in Syria and Afghanistan? You are naive at best. Wasn't the annexation of Crimea in 2014 reason to promote freedom and democracy abroad? We are not the world's policeman and I will reiterate that we have NO mutual treaties with Ukraine. It is a money laundering operation.
Nope. It was to retake the Crimea and the military bases there and void payments for their use.
U.S. aid to Ukraine = $113 Billion

United Kingdom aid to Ukraine = $4 Billion

Sham wow!!!

I would think most people with at least some common sense have figured out by now that Democrats are funding a huge slush fund for themselves overseas and using the Ukraine as the secret bank. Zelensky is of course going to mega wealthy after all this.
It's incredible and at the same time appalling the abuse and corruption in Washington DC at this point. It's UNsustainable.
I would think most people with at least some common sense have figured out by now that Democrats are funding a huge slush fund for themselves overseas and using the Ukraine as the secret bank. Zelensky is of course going to mega wealthy after all this.
It's incredible and at the same time appalling the abuse and corruption in Washington DC at this point. It's UNsustainable.


There is no reliable audit.
Did we audit the money and arms sent to Britain in the early years of WWII?

To China?

Did we audit the money spent in Iraq

Crimea will never belong to Ukraine again!!
Not before multi-millions of irradiated bodies visit the Pearly Gates!
You need to add up all of the EU to equal the size of the US.
The US has no obligation to send Ukraine a dime and should not be. Let the EU take care of their own problems. We have no mutual defense treaties with Ukraine. I wonder if any of Biden's accounts have increased by $10B.
The US has no obligation to send Ukraine a dime and should not be. Let the EU take care of their own problems. We have no mutual defense treaties with Ukraine. I wonder if any of Biden's accounts have increased by $10B.
Yes we do have a "treaty" of sorts with Ukraine. Its called the Budapest Memorandum.

Basically the US, France, and Britain GUARANTEED the Ukraine's borders if they gave up their nukes.
They gave up their nukes.

The humiliation of the warmonger Usurper continues.

China took the leadership mantle from Joe Biden and the United States on Thursday.

China called for peace talks between Russia and Ukraine.

The Chi-Coms are not ready for World War III like Joe Biden and US politicians.

Things must not be going well for Russia if comrade MAGA is pushing ceasefire calls.
Be my guest and come back with a reliable amount.

The United States has overtaken European countries in terms of total aid to Ukraine, pledging 73.1 billion euros to Kiev, according to the results of a study published on Tuesday by the Institute for Kiel World Economics (ifW).
For the European Union, the comparable value is 54.9 billion euros It is noted that the share of financial and military assistance obligations has increased compared to humanitarian aid.
Yes we do have a "treaty" of sorts with Ukraine. Its called the Budapest Memorandum.

Basically the US, France, and Britain GUARANTEED the Ukraine's borders if they gave up their nukes.
They gave up their nukes.

Looks to me like the memo was between Russia and Ukraine. If we had any kind of obligation to Ukraine, why was it not honored in 2014 when Obama told Putin to go ahead and annex Crimea and did nothing about it--not so much as a protest? This is nothing but theft of US taxpayers $$$.
Yes we do have a "treaty" of sorts with Ukraine. Its called the Budapest Memorandum.

Basically the US, France, and Britain GUARANTEED the Ukraine's borders if they gave up their nukes.
They gave up their nukes.

Treaty 'of sorts'....:laughing0301:.

The goddamned nukes belonged to Russia!

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