Sen. Cotton Introduces Bill to Cut Funding to Schools Teaching ‘1619 Project’

And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'

Damn, and which party helped create and support the KKK....dumbass.


That was easy. What'd I win?

Here's your prize.
View attachment 367667

So you actually think a YouTube upload constitutes a "source". That's pathetic.

I could upload a YouTube video claiming I'm the queen of Burma. Wouldn't make it a fucking fact, now would it.

Here they are, all the names in alpha order, just for your wangly ass, the founders of the Ku Klux Klan, at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, Christmas 1865:

  1. (Maj) James R. Crowe
  2. Calvin Jones
  3. (Capt) John Booker Kennedy
  4. (Capt) John Lester
  5. (Maj) Frank O. McCord
  6. Richard R. Reed
*ZERO* of them were Democrats. In fact Democrats didn't even exist in that time and place.

Now quit wasting my time. Go look up any of the 8634314 times I've already posted all of this over the last EIGHT FUCKING YEARS. Now don't EVER waddle onto this board trying to pass off a YouTube wanker with its comments turned off as a "source".

But speaking of which let's examine what little it does say, your video from "ERROR MEDIA".... roll it.

>> Because blacks had founded the Republican Party and were taking control of Congress at the Federal and State level. <<


Blacks didn't found the Republican Party and they weren't, black or otherwise, taking control of Congress at the Federal OR state level, as NONE OF THAT HAD EVEN STARTED YET. Tennessee in 1865 was not even part of the United States, you colossally lost dumbass. The founding of the Klan PREDATED Reconstruction.
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And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'
Snowflake, do you think whites / Republicans invented slavery, as some dumbass Democrat declared on the House floor?

Why do you think plantation-owning Democrats engaged in slavery?

Why do you think they tore the nation apart by waging a war over it? For 'shits and grins', or was it because they needed the slave labor for their way of life to continue?
- Why didn't they just use 'migrant workers'?

Slavery aside, Democrats use Saul Alensky's book, Rules for Radicals', in which keeping people DIVIDED and fighting each other is taught as a foundational ideology, as a playbook and have for decades.

In 2016 BLM & Antifa took money from Russians and Soros to spread racial division and an election year.

It is no coincidence that both groups and the Democrats have broken out their copies of Alensky's Rules for Radicals and this time have committed themselves 100% to the nation-destroying level of division and violence due to their lust for power and total control.

Yup. Conservative southerners were the slave masters. Democrats used to be the conservatives.
Or do you think today's Democrats invented slavery?
Nice try, commie.

Democrats could not keep their slaves so they created the KKK... Shove your revisionist history attempts.
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'

You fucking retard, in the context of the interview, all he did was tell the truth. But hey, you fucking commie propagandist have no concern for the truth, do you?

It amazes me how selective the dimwits are when they make stupid shit like this an issue... They forget that the KKK was a DEMOCRAT ORGANIZATION and if you weren't a Klansman you didn't go up in the democrat leadership..

Dittohead President US Grant is the President who fought the Triple K. OTOH, Leftist President Wilson saluted them, watching Birth of a Nation in the WH. And later on, it was his protege, FDR, who fielded the Great Jim Crow Army to fight WW2.

Remember this, the Liberal rioters attacked the statue of Grant but left FDR's in Washington, DC alone

Wilson also resegregated federal offices, in some cases putting black workers in cages. And the regressive commiecrats think of him as a hero.

You are totally ignorant of history... Fucking Idiot...

The US would have never formed if they had not let DEMOCRAT states keep thier slaves...

The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. Forty years after the ratification of the constitution. :lol:

And now for the rest of the story. The commiecrat party was formed by slaveholders. LMAO

And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'
Snowflake, do you think whites / Republicans invented slavery, as some dumbass Democrat declared on the House floor?

Why do you think plantation-owning Democrats engaged in slavery?

Why do you think they tore the nation apart by waging a war over it? For 'shits and grins', or was it because they needed the slave labor for their way of life to continue?
- Why didn't they just use 'migrant workers'?

Slavery aside, Democrats use Saul Alensky's book, Rules for Radicals', in which keeping people DIVIDED and fighting each other is taught as a foundational ideology, as a playbook and have for decades.

In 2016 BLM & Antifa took money from Russians and Soros to spread racial division and an election year.

It is no coincidence that both groups and the Democrats have broken out their copies of Alensky's Rules for Radicals and this time have committed themselves 100% to the nation-destroying level of division and violence due to their lust for power and total control.

Yup. Conservative southerners were the slave masters. Democrats used to be the conservatives.
Or do you think today's Democrats invented slavery?
Nice try, commie.

Democrats could not keep their slaves so they created the KKK... Shove your revisionist history attempts.

"Democrats" did not create the KKK. I've already laid that out, including who did, including where and when.

Further, that Klan had nothing to do with slavery. It's doubtful any of them had slaves, and it's certain that none were Democrats, since that was impossible.

But you go right ahead and try to prove me wrong, Bubbles. I'll sit and watch.
You are totally ignorant of history... Fucking Idiot...

The US would have never formed if they had not let DEMOCRAT states keep thier slaves...

The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. Forty years after the ratification of the constitution. :lol:

And now for the rest of the story. The commiecrat party was formed by slaveholders. LMAO


Not sure what "the commiecrat party" might be but the Democratic Party was founded by Martin van Buren, who was certainly not a slaveholder.
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'
You're a disingenuous sleaze:

As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built,

Tom Cotton was not a Founding Father.
He agreed with the Founding Fathers.
He believes "as they said".
Do you think he quoted the Founding Fathers because he disagreed?

He quoted facts, why is it you commies have such a hard time with facts?

And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'

Damn, and which party helped create and support the KKK....dumbass.


That was easy. What'd I win?

Here's your prize.
View attachment 367667

So you actually think a YouTube upload constitutes a "source". That's pathetic.

I could upload a YouTube video claiming I'm the queen of Burma. Wouldn't make it a fucking fact, now would it.

Here they are, all the names in alpha order, just for your wangly ass, the founders of the Ku Klux Klan, at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, Christmas 1865:

  1. (Maj) James R. Crowe
  2. Calvin Jones
  3. (Capt) John Booker Kennedy
  4. (Capt) John Lester
  5. (Maj) Frank O. McCord
  6. Richard R. Reed
*ZERO* of them were Democrats. In fact Democrats didn't even exist in that time and place.

Now quit wasting my time. Go look up any of the 8634314 times I've already posted all of this over the last EIGHT FUCKING YEARS. Now don't EVER waddle onto this board trying to pass off a YouTube wanker with its comments turned off as a "source".

But speaking of which let's examine what little it does say, your video from "ERROR MEDIA".... roll it.

>> Because blacks had founded the Republican Party and were taking control of Congress at the Federal and State level. <<


Blacks didn't found the Republican Party and they weren't, black or otherwise, taking control of Congress at the Federal OR state level, as NONE OF THAT HAD EVEN STARTED YET. Tennessee in 1865 was not even part of the United States, you colossally lost dumbass. The founding of the Klan PREDATED Reconstruction.

Well, I certainly don't consider your constant rants and whining a source.
Oh no I listen to people more informed than myself all the time I often formulate my opinions based on several different factors. But in this case you can easily read the piece and then voice your criticism using your experts as reference. It’s strange to me that you haven’t done that.
The overwhelming feedback I have gotten is this faux historical treatise is nothing more than rabid left wing nonsense.
The fact that the NY Times sponsored it and got a Portland Oregonian writer to compose this ideologically driven biased mess says it all to me.

So does this, once again showing how facts take a back seat to biased ideology. When the truth isn't as
damning as Nikole Hannah-Jones wishes it were she doesn't mind adding some more racism and evil
to her mix:
"However, her paper has been criticized by historians like Gordon S. Wood or Leslie M. Harris for asserting without evidence that "one of the primary reasons the colonists decided to declare their independence from Britain was because they wanted to protect the institution of slavery." The article has been corrected in March 2020 and now reads "for some of the colonists "

also the comparison you are making between the historical references of 1619 and the ideological purpose of the Nationalist manifestos makes me question your sense of logic as those two things don’t have anything to do with each other.
:rolleyes: Really? Not big on critical thinking and comparative reasoning, are you.
You don't think I'm saying one is the same as the other, are you? Tell me you aren't!

I'm saying you don't mind putting invidious NY Times sponsored racist content in the classroom.
Would you be just as eager to see white supremacist agitprop disguised as historical text entering
our children's minds for purposes of discussion?
I would guess not. I would hope not though you are unquestioningly in favor of racially based
lies and propaganda in the class room.
That many slave owners were also great men formulated the concept of a democratic republic and human rights in ways that inspired much of the world for centuries?
You can’t be a great man and own slaves. The Southern gentlemen That “ formulated democratic republic and human rights” as you put it, did so for themselves. That did not include slaves or even women nor the Native American. They were great if you were a white male plantation owner. It’s the same with the declaration of independents. It applied to the white guys sitting around the table, not to women, American Indians or slaves...

You can't be a man at all if you try to judge generations long past by today's standards. BTW, the American indians, ie transplanted Asians, also held and bought and sold slaves, long before whites ever came to what's now known as North America.

That many slave owners were also great men formulated the concept of a democratic republic and human rights in ways that inspired much of the world for centuries?
You can’t be a great man and own slaves. The Southern gentlemen That “ formulated democratic republic and human rights” as you put it, did so for themselves. That did not include slaves or even women nor the Native American. They were great if you were a white male plantation owner. It’s the same with the declaration of independents. It applied to the white guys sitting around the table, not to women, American Indians or slaves...

Never heard of it. I have heard of the Declaration of Independence.
You can’t be a great man and own slaves.

Sure you can. Our Founding Fathers were outstanding men who created this nation. I am sorry you hate them and seek to single them out for 1 'sin' while ignoring so many others.

Are there any 'great Democrats' who were racists, opposed Civil Rights, backed Jim Crowe, backed segregation, or wore quite a few prominent Democrats in Congress?

What about other 'wrongs'?

Bill Clinton is a pedophile, Obama armed/aided terrorists and illegally spied on EVERYONE, Biden is a pu$$y-grabbing, confessed extorting racist...

Let the 1st Democrat/snowflake who is without 'sin' cast the 1st attack / accusation...


Oh, the only way to real manhood and avoid not being a snowflake, is to belong to the kkk.
Are you a member?
Oh no I listen to people more informed than myself all the time I often formulate my opinions based on several different factors. But in this case you can easily read the piece and then voice your criticism using your experts as reference. It’s strange to me that you haven’t done that.
The overwhelming feedback I have gotten is this faux historical treatise is nothing more than rabid left wing nonsense.
The fact that the NY Times sponsored it and got a Portland Oregonian writer to compose this ideologically driven biased mess says it all to me.

So does this, once again showing how facts take a back seat to biased ideology. When the truth isn't as
damning as Nikole Hannah-Jones wishes it were she doesn't mind adding some more racism and evil
to her mix:
"However, her paper has been criticized by historians like Gordon S. Wood or Leslie M. Harris for asserting without evidence that "one of the primary reasons the colonists decided to declare their independence from Britain was because they wanted to protect the institution of slavery." The article has been corrected in March 2020 and now reads "for some of the colonists "

also the comparison you are making between the historical references of 1619 and the ideological purpose of the Nationalist manifestos makes me question your sense of logic as those two things don’t have anything to do with each other.
:rolleyes: Really? Not big on critical thinking and comparative reasoning, are you.
You don't think I'm saying one is the same as the other, are you? Tell me you aren't!

I'm saying you don't mind putting invidious NY Times sponsored racist content in the classroom.
Would you be just as eager to see white supremacist agitprop disguised as historical text entering
our children's minds for purposes of discussion?
I would guess not. I would hope not though you are unquestioningly in favor of racially based
lies and propaganda in the class room.
I’m still waiting to to see the lies you are so offended by. The example you just cited showed a claim that colonists wanted to break from Britain to preserve slavery and they made a correction to say “some” colonists. Following the break from Britain we did indeed preserve slavery and even write it i to our constitution .

You first point about an activist authoring the piece is a little silly to me. Who else would undertake such a project? A white nationalist??
That many slave owners were also great men formulated the concept of a democratic republic and human rights in ways that inspired much of the world for centuries?
You can’t be a great man and own slaves. The Southern gentlemen That “ formulated democratic republic and human rights” as you put it, did so for themselves. That did not include slaves or even women nor the Native American. They were great if you were a white male plantation owner. It’s the same with the declaration of independents. It applied to the white guys sitting around the table, not to women, American Indians or slaves...
The Cherokee along with many Native American tribes owned slaves and fought for the confederacy. Did you know that? Now let's see you get on their case about that.

I won't hold my breath you pathetic double talking hypocritical racist loser.

Have any of you virtue signaling hypocrites said a fucking word about the slavery going on now? Oh, just want to talk about the way of life in the 18th and 19th centuries? Ok, how about how Africans being complicit in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade? Don't want to include them? No? Thought not big mouth.

How about the Barbary Coast slave trade where 2 million Europeans were enslaved between the 15th and 19 centuries by the Ottomans (blacks?)No? Don't want to address that hypocrite?

How about labor practices by Nike that paid your favorite robin negro $50 million dollars commie kapernick?

You leftists stand for absolutely nothing except using blacks as political pawns you pathetic no good piece of shit racist.
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'
Snowflake, do you think whites / Republicans invented slavery, as some dumbass Democrat declared on the House floor?

Why do you think plantation-owning Democrats engaged in slavery?

Why do you think they tore the nation apart by waging a war over it? For 'shits and grins', or was it because they needed the slave labor for their way of life to continue?
- Why didn't they just use 'migrant workers'?

Slavery aside, Democrats use Saul Alensky's book, Rules for Radicals', in which keeping people DIVIDED and fighting each other is taught as a foundational ideology, as a playbook and have for decades.

In 2016 BLM & Antifa took money from Russians and Soros to spread racial division and an election year.

It is no coincidence that both groups and the Democrats have broken out their copies of Alensky's Rules for Radicals and this time have committed themselves 100% to the nation-destroying level of division and violence due to their lust for power and total control.

Yup. Conservative southerners were the slave masters. Democrats used to be the conservatives.
Or do you think today's Democrats invented slavery?

Yep, they did. It's called the welfare system, the modern day equivalent of the old democrat slave plantation. The good thing is more and more blacks are wising up to your deception. You commiecrats don't give a damn about them except every two years when you pander for their votes. That is proven daily in the mayhem and death of blacks, in virtually every commiecrat controlled city.

That many slave owners were also great men formulated the concept of a democratic republic and human rights in ways that inspired much of the world for centuries?
You can’t be a great man and own slaves. The Southern gentlemen That “ formulated democratic republic and human rights” as you put it, did so for themselves. That did not include slaves or even women nor the Native American. They were great if you were a white male plantation owner. It’s the same with the declaration of independents. It applied to the white guys sitting around the table, not to women, American Indians or slaves...

You can't be a man at all if you try to judge generations long past by today's standards. BTW, the American indians, ie transplanted Asians, also held and bought and sold slaves, long before whites ever came to what's now known as North America.

Indeed. The practice of slavery has been recorded on every continent save Antarctica at some point in history, certainly including within Europe.

What differs in this case is specifically transAtlantic slavery, the practice of capturing humans from one continent and shipping them off in chains to entirely another, a journey which to them might as well be one of us being abducted by interstellar aliens. "Traditional" slavery was part of the spoils of war --- my tribe conquers yours, that means I get your land, your crops, and your people. When your tribe conquers mine, the reverse happens.

But that's simply a social status between neighboring tribes, who are already familiar with each others' land, language and customs. TransAtlantic slavery was much deeper in that in order to justify that human trafficking the victims had to be sold as something less than human, so the merchants who had started that trade, merchants from Spain, France, England, Portugal mainly --- invented the idea of racism. "Savages".

And that ALL started more than 250 years before there were any political parties, or countries as we define them, on either of these continents at all.

Comparing that to the sort of slavery between neighboring Native Americans or between neighboring Europeans, is ultimately dishonest. And speaking of ignorance I love the way the poster above speaks of "the American Indians" ---- as if they're some kind of monolith just because they all have a common race. Broad-brush much?
Last edited:
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'
Snowflake, do you think whites / Republicans invented slavery, as some dumbass Democrat declared on the House floor?

Why do you think plantation-owning Democrats engaged in slavery?

Why do you think they tore the nation apart by waging a war over it? For 'shits and grins', or was it because they needed the slave labor for their way of life to continue?
- Why didn't they just use 'migrant workers'?

Slavery aside, Democrats use Saul Alensky's book, Rules for Radicals', in which keeping people DIVIDED and fighting each other is taught as a foundational ideology, as a playbook and have for decades.

In 2016 BLM & Antifa took money from Russians and Soros to spread racial division and an election year.

It is no coincidence that both groups and the Democrats have broken out their copies of Alensky's Rules for Radicals and this time have committed themselves 100% to the nation-destroying level of division and violence due to their lust for power and total control.

Yup. Conservative southerners were the slave masters. Democrats used to be the conservatives.
Or do you think today's Democrats invented slavery?

Yep, they did. It's called the welfare system, the modern day equivalent of the old democrat slave plantation. The good thing is more and more blacks are wising up to your deception. You commiecrats don't give a damn about them except every two years when you pander for their votes. That is proven daily in the mayhem and death of blacks, in virtually every commiecrat controlled city.

Once again, I'm afraid there is/was no such thing as "the old democrat slave plantation".

Oh and incidentally, at the risk of repitition, most municipalities don't even involve political parties in their elections so even if "commiecrat" were a party they wouldn't figure in running the joint.
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'
Snowflake, do you think whites / Republicans invented slavery, as some dumbass Democrat declared on the House floor?

Why do you think plantation-owning Democrats engaged in slavery?

Why do you think they tore the nation apart by waging a war over it? For 'shits and grins', or was it because they needed the slave labor for their way of life to continue?
- Why didn't they just use 'migrant workers'?

Slavery aside, Democrats use Saul Alensky's book, Rules for Radicals', in which keeping people DIVIDED and fighting each other is taught as a foundational ideology, as a playbook and have for decades.

In 2016 BLM & Antifa took money from Russians and Soros to spread racial division and an election year.

It is no coincidence that both groups and the Democrats have broken out their copies of Alensky's Rules for Radicals and this time have committed themselves 100% to the nation-destroying level of division and violence due to their lust for power and total control.

Yup. Conservative southerners were the slave masters. Democrats used to be the conservatives.
Or do you think today's Democrats invented slavery?

Yep, they did. It's called the welfare system, the modern day equivalent of the old democrat slave plantation. The good thing is more and more blacks are wising up to your deception. You commiecrats don't give a damn about them except every two years when you pander for their votes. That is proven daily in the mayhem and death of blacks, in virtually every commiecrat controlled city.

Once again, I'm afraid there is/was no such thing as "the old democrat slave plantation".

Oh and incidentally, at the risk of repitition, most municipalities don't even involve political parties in their elections so even if "commiecrat" were a party they wouldn't figure in running the joint.

Yet, we know ahead of time who the "commiecrat's" are...go figure.

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