Sen. Cotton Introduces Bill to Cut Funding to Schools Teaching ‘1619 Project’

“I am depending on historical experts who have been consultants on this scam and what they say about it.”

that statement right there is the joke. Take a half hour and read the piece and check the sources. Make up your own damn mind. I can find some historical experts on the other side of the argument as well. If I said I I hadn’t read it but was depending on their opinions then you’d surely be calling me a puppet. How is it any different for you?!
"My own damned mind" is influenced to a great degree by experts and those more knowledgeable than myself
every day in dozens of ways. And please don't think this means I never do research myself or investigate to
satisfy my own mind. That isn't what I'm saying at all.

But it's good to know YOU are the guy who never listens to anyone else. That says much about you.

And just knowing the NY Times is bankrolling and backing an avowed Marxist already informs me of just
about all I need know. You can't draw water from a poisoned well and come up with clean water.
Oh no I listen to people more informed than myself all the time I often formulate my opinions based on several different factors. But in this case you can easily read the piece and then voice your criticism using your experts as reference. It’s strange to me that you haven’t done that.

also the comparison you are making between the historical references of 1619 and the ideological purpose of the Nationalist manifestos makes me question your sense of logic as those two things don’t have anything to do with eachother.

Good! I have to do enough teaching my kids real history after they come home with their heads filled with leftist propaganda.

Yeah it's really, really hard to keep people loyal to conservative lies when they learn the truth, isn't it?

I always laugh at those who accuse the public education system of "brainwashing" their children, while their send their little darlings to "Christian schools", where they are taught that the Earth is 6000 years old; evolution is a lie; Global warming is a hoax; liberals are communists; and science is not to be believed. All while being segregated from "undesireables" (read gays, non-whites, and liberals).

It would be terrible to have them "brainwashed" by the public school system.
He never said that. He quoted the Founding Fathers. By the way it wasn't the Confederacy that imported slaves to the New World in 1619, it was the British. We should ban the Union Jack from being displayed today.
Well you might as well tell us what you think the truth actually is.
Right-wingers believe all non-whites should go back to their "colored countries". This is especially true for Native Americans. Right-wingers want their children to know the truth, that the United States was founded as a white country, on a white continent that must remain white to be civilized.

And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'

But he's right.

Just think about what would have happened otherwise.

There would never have been a United States. The south would have never eliminated slavery at all.

And we would still have black slaves in America today. Right now, there would still be black slaves, because there would never have been a 13th amendment, because there would never have been a constitution.

So your position is the position that supports slavery, in effect. Because that is how your position would have ended up.

If nobody had stuck that dick in your ass it never would have been removed.

Aside from being idiotic.... you seem to be implying with your neanderthal like communication, that slavery didn't exist before the United States. As if, without us creating slavery, it would not have existed.

Slavery predates the United States, and predates the colonies, by oh.... I don't know... 10 thousand years?

Slavery was normal throughout the world. Slavery was the default aspect of every civilization in human history. There were far more white slaves in the Ivory Coast, than black slaves in the US, combined from all US history.

And contrary to idiotic left-wingers, slavery still exists to this very day, in parts of the world as we speak.

Without the formation of the United States, which would not have happened without allowing slavery, the south would never have eliminated slavery.

We would have slaves in America to this day. Not to mention Hitler or the Soviets would have likely taken over all of Europe and who knows how much of the rest of the world, and they had no problem using slaves.

Your argument is that the only way we could have ended slavery is to continue it's practice?

Good! I have to do enough teaching my kids real history after they come home with their heads filled with leftist propaganda.
Why is 1619 leftist propaganda?
Well dumbfuck, try doing some research. This crap has been called nothing but lies and fabrications by EVERY leading US Historian on either side of the aisle. This shit might be good for wrapping fish or lining the bird cage, that’s it.

Good! I have to do enough teaching my kids real history after they come home with their heads filled with leftist propaganda.

Yeah it's really, really hard to keep people loyal to conservative lies when they learn the truth, isn't it?

I always laugh at those who accuse the public education system of "brainwashing" their children, while their send their little darlings to "Christian schools", where they are taught that the Earth is 6000 years old; evolution is a lie; Global warming is a hoax; liberals are communists; and science is not to be believed. All while being segregated from "undesireables" (read gays, non-whites, and liberals).

It would be terrible to have them "brainwashed" by the public school system.
The uneducated idiot spews more bullshit. Again, do some research idiot. This crap has been fully debunked by REAL historians as lies and bullshit. Period. Continue your ignorance.
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'

But he's right.

Just think about what would have happened otherwise.

There would never have been a United States. The south would have never eliminated slavery at all.

And we would still have black slaves in America today. Right now, there would still be black slaves, because there would never have been a 13th amendment, because there would never have been a constitution.

So your position is the position that supports slavery, in effect. Because that is how your position would have ended up.

If nobody had stuck that dick in your ass it never would have been removed.

Aside from being idiotic.... you seem to be implying with your neanderthal like communication, that slavery didn't exist before the United States. As if, without us creating slavery, it would not have existed.

Slavery predates the United States, and predates the colonies, by oh.... I don't know... 10 thousand years?

Slavery was normal throughout the world. Slavery was the default aspect of every civilization in human history. There were far more white slaves in the Ivory Coast, than black slaves in the US, combined from all US history.

And contrary to idiotic left-wingers, slavery still exists to this very day, in parts of the world as we speak.

Without the formation of the United States, which would not have happened without allowing slavery, the south would never have eliminated slavery.

We would have slaves in America to this day. Not to mention Hitler or the Soviets would have likely taken over all of Europe and who knows how much of the rest of the world, and they had no problem using slaves.

Your argument is that the only way we could have ended slavery is to continue it's practice?

My argument, which is based on just plain fact... is that if the people in 1776 had said that we are only going to join a Union if we ban slavery in the creation of the Union..... there would have been no Union.

We know that is a fact.

If there had been no Union, the slaves states in the South would have never banned slavery.

And obviously there would never have been a 13th amendment, because there would have been no constitution to amend.

What part of that, is difficult for you to understand?
It amazes me how selective the dimwits are when they make stupid shit like this an issue... They forget that the KKK was a DEMOCRAT ORGANIZATION and if you weren't a Klansman you didn't go up in the democrat leadership..
Still the Neanderthal dim witted post that assumes every party for 200 plus years with the same name had the same values.
You and petro have the same ignorance issue... Your ignorant of US history...
Slavery of native Africans was a worldwide well established industry by the time British subjects rebelled and became the United States. Like it or not African natives were considered savages in the 1700's and into the 1800's. A Black African was counted as 1/3 or census purposes and American Indians weren't even counted. It was a terrible system but that's the way the entire world viewed Africans at the time. The Irish were barely a step above freed slaves in the early 1800's and it was legal to kill American Indians for the slightest reason well after slavery was outlawed. By the mid 20th century while every other nationality had assimilated it became advantageous for certain political movements to encourage Black Americans to view themselves as victims and lash out at mostly republican administrations and the concept persists.
The left pretending to care about slavery again? Yeah, the OP is a typical dirty no good hypocritical scumbag who couldn't care less about slavery if he tried.

He would never tell us about slavery that exists in the world today, and we all know why.

The left, illustrated by the OP are utter wastes of time. Should have been flushed or swallowed.

Good! I have to do enough teaching my kids real history after they come home with their heads filled with leftist propaganda.
Why is 1619 leftist propaganda?
Well dumbfuck, try doing some research. This crap has been called nothing but lies and fabrications by EVERY leading US Historian on either side of the aisle. This shit might be good for wrapping fish or lining the bird cage, that’s it.
What’s the top lies that you take issue with? Give me 2 or 3 specific ones.... I’d love to read about them and dig in
the more Cotton talks, the more he sounds like an arrogant blowhard!
You know everything. While living the good life. Tell us who it was who financed the slave trade. Give us the names of people. The names of ship Captains. This seems to be a big deal but these things get muddied at the source. Even the Roots writer was fuzzy. Name the people who promoted, financed and made a business out of the slave trade from Africa to other environs. Never get those names. Tell us those names. Then you can start from there.

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