Sen. Cotton Introduces Bill to Cut Funding to Schools Teaching ‘1619 Project’

It was a Pulitzer winning piece. it must have brought some good perspectives to the table.
Good one. You have a sense of humor.
If one could call willfully false misrepresentations of American history "good" then, yes. Why not teach this to
our children?

Question is, why would you want to ban schools from analyzing it if that’s what the teacher wants to do? Seems odd to pass a bill trying to block open discussion of a historical perspective
Great point, from a Marxist perspective. Would you want a pro white nationalist perspective being taught to classrooms throughout the country and being discussed as if a white supremacist screed had any
historical and cultural legitimacy?

Of course you would not. So why are you pretending this Marxist snow job is fit for discussion?
You and your ilk are frankly not honest enough to include in serious matters.
As usual it's a question of being dumb or willfully dishonest....which is it with you fuckers?
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I needn't need to know what in the heck any 1619 Project is to get torqued over some U.S. Senator sticking his nose into the curriculum of my local public school. As it is these Senators have enough trouble getting around to their federal responsibilities.

We have these same school nannies at the state level around the country as well. I heard that 13 states mandate teaching about the Holocaust; a member of our state legislature introduced the bill last Spring to mandate it here as mentioned during a radio station's local news broadcast.

It isn't that I'm for or against teaching this or that, it's the matter of our public officials straying from their own lanes. No different than Democrats in Congress telling states how to run their elections through mail-in voting. Senator Cotton should step down and run for his local School Board. Yeah, I'm torqued.
I needn't need to know what in the heck any 1619 Project is to get torqued over some U.S. Senator sticking his nose into the curriculum of my local public school. As it is these Senators have enough trouble getting around to their federal responsibilities.

We have these same school nannies at the state level around the country as well. I heard that 13 states mandate teaching about the Holocaust; a member of our state legislature introduced the bill last Spring to mandate it here as mentioned during a radio station's local news broadcast.

It isn't that I'm for or against teaching this or that, it's the matter of our public officials straying from their own lanes. No different than Democrats in Congress telling states how to run their elections through mail-in voting. Senator Cotton should step down and run for his local School Board. Yeah, I'm torqued.
Opposition to pumping racist agitprop into our public schools is a perfectly appropriate use of Tom Cotton's
time and his office. Why don't you go yell at the squirrels in your front yard if you want to get "torqued" at something?
I think the mistake in this thread is focusing on the administration and faculty at these universities ... the liberalism comes from the student body ...

No it doesn't, professors are overwhelmingly leftist.

What a load of ...

Have you actually read it?
Have you? I have read portions of it and critiques of the 1619 screed.

"The New York Times has said that the contributions were deeply researched and arguments verified by a team of fact-checkers in consultation with historians. However, historians Gordon S. Wood, James M. McPherson, Richard Carwardine, James Oakes and Victoria Bynum have criticized the 1619 Project, stating that the project has put forward misleading and historically inaccurate claims. Historian Leslie M. Harris, who served as a fact-checker for the project, contends that the authors ignored her corrections. Despite this criticism, The Times replied, "We don’t believe that the request for corrections to The 1619 Project is warranted."

The work is a historical hatchet job filled with inaccuracies and purposeful errors. Is this what you like?
I have not read it... I jumped on this thread to hopefully learn about it and was planning on reading it later... but I’m not on here trying to ban it from schools. Even if I don’t agree with it I think school is a great place for analysis and debate. It’s a Pulitzer piece written in a time of racial awakening so just that fact makes it very relevant, no denying that. Why not open it up for study and debate?

you as somebody trying to ban it from schools have the responsibility to explain why and I don’t see how you can credibly do that if you haven’t even read the whole thing. You’re letting somebody else feed you parts of it and you are taking other peoples analysis to draw your opinion. That’s weak
I have not read it... I jumped on this thread to hopefully learn about it and was planning on reading it later... but I’m not on here trying to ban it from schools. Even if I don’t agree with it I think school is a great place for analysis and debate. It’s a Pulitzer piece written in a time of racial awakening so just that fact makes it very relevant, no denying that. Why not open it up for study and debate?

you as somebody trying to ban it from schools have the responsibility to explain why and I don’t see how you can credibly do that if you haven’t even read the whole thing. You’re letting somebody else feed you parts of it and you are taking other peoples analysis to draw your opinion. That’s weak
You're sticking up for historical fiction written and backed by Marxist a-holes. I find that "weak".
And you likewise have already admitted you haven't read the project. So where do you find the chutzpah
to criticize me for attacking this fraud disguised as historical fact?

And please stop referring to the Pulitzer prize as if that lends an air of credibility to this anti historical crud.
The Pulitzer like the Nobel is a leftist door prize given to leftist projects by leftist sources.
It is politicized horse shit!

Didn't I already ask you if you would back the same NY Times sponsored work from a white supremacists'
perspective? I don't think I ever got an answer from you, though I already know what the answer is.
You, like this work of historical fiction, are frauds.

Would you want books from holocaust deniers in the class room? Books from anti evolutionists?
If not, why not?
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It was a Pulitzer winning piece. it must have brought some good perspectives to the table.
Good one. You have a sense of humor.
If one could call willfully false misrepresentations of American history "good" then, yes. Why not teach this to
our children?

Question is, why would you want to ban schools from analyzing it if that’s what the teacher wants to do? Seems odd to pass a bill trying to block open discussion of a historical perspective
Great point, from a Marxist perspective. Would you want a pro white nationalist perspective being taught to classrooms throughout the country and being discussed as if a white supremacist screed had any
historical and cultural legitimacy?

Of course you would not. So why are you pretending this Marxist snow job is fit for discussion?
You and your ilk are frankly not honest enough to include in serious matters.
As usual it's a question of being dumb or willfully dishonest....which is it with you fuckers?
Why not debate it in an educational setting? If you think there are false representations then what are they? Oh wait, you haven’t read it.
It was a Pulitzer winning piece. it must have brought some good perspectives to the table.
Good one. You have a sense of humor.
If one could call willfully false misrepresentations of American history "good" then, yes. Why not teach this to
our children?

Question is, why would you want to ban schools from analyzing it if that’s what the teacher wants to do? Seems odd to pass a bill trying to block open discussion of a historical perspective
Great point, from a Marxist perspective. Would you want a pro white nationalist perspective being taught to classrooms throughout the country and being discussed as if a white supremacist screed had any
historical and cultural legitimacy?

Of course you would not. So why are you pretending this Marxist snow job is fit for discussion?
You and your ilk are frankly not honest enough to include in serious matters.
As usual it's a question of being dumb or willfully dishonest....which is it with you fuckers?
Don’t we discuss Hitler and Nazi communism in school? Is that what you’re talking about? And are you really comparing the 1619 to a white nationalist manifesto?
Why should schools teach an editorial from a newspaper that had to issue many corrections?
It was a Pulitzer winning piece, it must have brought some good perspectives to the table. Question is, why would you want to ban schools from analyzing it if that’s what the teacher wants to do? Seems odd to pass a bill trying to block open discussion of a historical perspective
There's no historical perspective. There is a political perspective. Schoolchildren should not be analyzing political positions in any case.
You haven’t read it... how do you know it’s political and not historical?!
I have not read it... I jumped on this thread to hopefully learn about it and was planning on reading it later... but I’m not on here trying to ban it from schools. Even if I don’t agree with it I think school is a great place for analysis and debate. It’s a Pulitzer piece written in a time of racial awakening so just that fact makes it very relevant, no denying that. Why not open it up for study and debate?

you as somebody trying to ban it from schools have the responsibility to explain why and I don’t see how you can credibly do that if you haven’t even read the whole thing. You’re letting somebody else feed you parts of it and you are taking other peoples analysis to draw your opinion. That’s weak
You're sticking up for historical fiction written and backed by Marxist a-holes. I find that "weak".
And you likewise have already admitted you haven't read the project. So where do you find the chutzpah
to criticize me for attacking this fraud disguised as historical fact?

And please stop referring to the Pulitzer prize as if that lends an air of credibility to this anti historical crud.
The Pulitzer like the Nobel is a leftist door prize given to leftist projects by leftist sources.
It is politicized horse shit!

Didn't I already ask you if you would back the same NY Times sponsored work from a white supremacists'
perspective? I don't think I ever got an answer from you, though I already know what the answer is.
You, like this work of historical fiction, are frauds.

Would you want books from holocaust deniers in the class room? Books from anti evolutionists?
If not, why not?
Haha. You are criticizing the work and YOU haven’t read it. I’m not sticking up for the content because I haven’t read it. I’m sticking up for the idea of discussing the work in an educational setting. This discussion is now a joke. You don’t know what you’re talking about
Oh get real, if you live in a more liberal minded part of the country you will get more liberal minded teachers. If you live in a more conservative area of the country you will get more conservative teachers. DUH
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'
Haha. You are criticizing the work and YOU haven’t read it. I’m not sticking up for the content because I haven’t read it. I’m sticking up for the idea of discussing the work in an educational setting. This discussion is now a joke. You don’t know what you’re talking about
Yeah..... :icon_rolleyes: Did you even read my citation?
I am depending on historical experts who have been consultants on this scam and what they say about it.

Have you read Mein Kampf?
Or Elders of the Protocols of Zion? Never mind. You can discuss it in class.
The discussion is indeed a joke.
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'

Slavery was Liberalism's Original Sin. It wasn't the GOP who owned slaves, you know.
It amazes me how selective the dimwits are when they make stupid shit like this an issue... They forget that the KKK was a DEMOCRAT ORGANIZATION and if you weren't a Klansman you didn't go up in the democrat leadership..

Dittohead President US Grant is the President who fought the Triple K. OTOH, Leftist President Wilson saluted them, watching Birth of a Nation in the WH. And later on, it was his protege, FDR, who fielded the Great Jim Crow Army to fight WW2.

Remember this, the Liberal rioters attacked the statue of Grant but left FDR's in Washington, DC alone
You are totally ignorant of history... Fucking Idiot...

The US would have never formed if they had not let DEMOCRAT states keep thier slaves...

The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. Forty years after the ratification of the constitution. :lol:
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'
You're a disingenuous sleaze:

As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built,

Tom Cotton was not a Founding Father.

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