Sen. Cotton Introduces Bill to Cut Funding to Schools Teaching ‘1619 Project’

It amazes me how selective the dimwits are when they make stupid shit like this an issue... They forget that the KKK was a DEMOCRAT ORGANIZATION and if you weren't a Klansman you didn't go up in the democrat leadership..
Still the Neanderthal dim witted post that assumes every party for 200 plus years with the same name had the same values.
Smart move by Cotton. Our education cartel is destroying a generation. Charter schools, private schools, home schooling, anything but todays public education.
Today's schools are inculcation centers. My son got his view of American history in the California school system
from Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky.
It's no surprise he wanted to vote for Bernie Sanders in 2016.

Young kids are naturally idealistic and dumb but they will go through their whole lives with this millstone
around their necks indoctrinated into them by our public schools.
The pre-Civil War, U.S Constitution--notes the different person-hood of slavery, likely on a myriad of understandings of how to address the legal status. More likely that would create an historical exercise and journey through English Common Law, on which the document--and Amendments, rely. The "Law of Pocahontas." however that is said, anymore: Has no known legal basis in the USA, for example. Allegedly her people were the ones here first, before any others.

"1619" is likely arbitrary and capricious on its face. "Arbitrary and Capricious" is generally despised among liberals.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20, however--is arithmetic, clearly intentional--looking like Pharaoh's house, subjugating all the others!)
You are totally ignorant of history... Fucking Idiot...

The US would have never formed if they had not let DEMOCRAT states keep thier slaves...

The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. Forty years after the ratification of the constitution. :lol:
You are correct but thier tenets were already ingrained, alive, and well in thier anti-federalist doctrines..
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'
You're a disingenuous sleaze:

As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built,

Tom Cotton was not a Founding Father.

Libs are re-writing history, we are supposed to forget what the Founding Fathers said or did. Instead, we are supposed to believe that they established America to be a land where homos could marry their bum buddies
You are totally ignorant of history... Fucking Idiot...

The US would have never formed if they had not let DEMOCRAT (anti-federalists) states keep their slaves...
Uh-oh. The racist got mad.
You dont know me... Or what the color of my skin is.... But you throw out the racist card when your ignorance is exposed... Fuck off Facist
Haha. You are criticizing the work and YOU haven’t read it. I’m not sticking up for the content because I haven’t read it. I’m sticking up for the idea of discussing the work in an educational setting. This discussion is now a joke. You don’t know what you’re talking about
Yeah..... :icon_rolleyes: Did you even read my citation?
I am depending on historical experts who have been consultants on this scam and what they say about it.

Have you read Mein Kampf?
Or Elders of the Protocols of Zion? Never mind. You can discuss it in class.
The discussion is indeed a joke.
“I am depending on historical experts who have been consultants on this scam and what they say about it.”

that statement right there is the joke. Take a half hour and read the piece and check the sources. Make up your own damn mind. I can find some historical experts on the other side of the argument as well. If I said I I hadn’t read it but was depending on their opinions then you’d surely be calling me a puppet. How is it any different for you?!
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'
You're a disingenuous sleaze:

As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built,

Tom Cotton was not a Founding Father.
He agreed with the Founding Fathers.
He believes "as they said".
Do you think he quoted the Founding Fathers because he disagreed?
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'
You're a disingenuous sleaze:

As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built,

Tom Cotton was not a Founding Father.

Libs are re-writing history, we are supposed to forget what the Founding Fathers said or did. Instead, we are supposed to believe that they established America to be a land where homos could marry their bum buddies
Nobody is asking you to forget slavery. Dumbass.
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'

But he's right.

Just think about what would have happened otherwise.

There would never have been a United States. The south would have never eliminated slavery at all.

And we would still have black slaves in America today. Right now, there would still be black slaves, because there would never have been a 13th amendment, because there would never have been a constitution.

So your position is the position that supports slavery, in effect. Because that is how your position would have ended up.
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'

But he's right.

Just think about what would have happened otherwise.

There would never have been a United States. The south would have never eliminated slavery at all.

And we would still have black slaves in America today. Right now, there would still be black slaves, because there would never have been a 13th amendment, because there would never have been a constitution.

So your position is the position that supports slavery, in effect. Because that is how your position would have ended up.
theses idiots never think things through....
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'

But he's right.

Just think about what would have happened otherwise.

There would never have been a United States. The south would have never eliminated slavery at all.

And we would still have black slaves in America today. Right now, there would still be black slaves, because there would never have been a 13th amendment, because there would never have been a constitution.

So your position is the position that supports slavery, in effect. Because that is how your position would have ended up.
theses idiots never think things through....

More like they simply can't think things through.

If they did, they wouldn't be left-wingers anymore. Thomas Sowell started out as a Marxist. The problem was, he thought things through, and that always destroys left-wing ideology.

You can't think things through and stay a left-winger.
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'
Agree with him on what? That slavery was evil? That once the slaves were here, the whole southern economy and much of the northern economy became dependent on it? That many slave owners were also great men formulated the concept of a democratic republic and human rights in ways that inspired much of the world for centuries? Cotton is not expressing approval of slavery, he is just trying to get people to think about it instead of just responding emotionally to it.
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'
You're a disingenuous sleaze:

As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built,

Tom Cotton was not a Founding Father.

Libs are re-writing history, we are supposed to forget what the Founding Fathers said or did. Instead, we are supposed to believe that they established America to be a land where homos could marry their bum buddies
Nobody is asking you to forget slavery. Dumbass.


People are asking us to forget that the Founding Fathers hated slavery and looked to end it.
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'
You're a disingenuous sleaze:

As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built,

Tom Cotton was not a Founding Father.
He agreed with the Founding Fathers.
He believes "as they said".
Do you think he quoted the Founding Fathers because he disagreed?
He did not say slavery was a necessary evil, and you're a sleazebag.
“I am depending on historical experts who have been consultants on this scam and what they say about it.”

that statement right there is the joke. Take a half hour and read the piece and check the sources. Make up your own damn mind. I can find some historical experts on the other side of the argument as well. If I said I I hadn’t read it but was depending on their opinions then you’d surely be calling me a puppet. How is it any different for you?!
"My own damned mind" is influenced to a great degree by experts and those more knowledgeable than myself
every day in dozens of ways. And please don't think this means I never do research myself or investigate to
satisfy my own mind. That isn't what I'm saying at all.

But it's good to know YOU are the guy who never listens to anyone else. That says much about you.

And just knowing the NY Times is bankrolling and backing an avowed Marxist already informs me of just
about all I need know. You can't draw water from a poisoned well and come up with clean water.
Last edited:
You are totally ignorant of history... Fucking Idiot...

The US would have never formed if they had not let DEMOCRAT states keep thier slaves...

The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. Forty years after the ratification of the constitution. :lol:
The ancestry of the Democratic Party were the anti-Federalists. Do your homework instead of jacking off to porn!
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'

But he's right.

Just think about what would have happened otherwise.

There would never have been a United States. The south would have never eliminated slavery at all.

And we would still have black slaves in America today. Right now, there would still be black slaves, because there would never have been a 13th amendment, because there would never have been a constitution.

So your position is the position that supports slavery, in effect. Because that is how your position would have ended up.

If nobody had stuck that dick in your ass it never would have been removed.

Aside from being idiotic.... you seem to be implying with your neanderthal like communication, that slavery didn't exist before the United States. As if, without us creating slavery, it would not have existed.

Slavery predates the United States, and predates the colonies, by oh.... I don't know... 10 thousand years?

Slavery was normal throughout the world. Slavery was the default aspect of every civilization in human history. There were far more white slaves in the Ivory Coast, than black slaves in the US, combined from all US history.

And contrary to idiotic left-wingers, slavery still exists to this very day, in parts of the world as we speak.

Without the formation of the United States, which would not have happened without allowing slavery, the south would never have eliminated slavery.

We would have slaves in America to this day. Not to mention Hitler or the Soviets would have likely taken over all of Europe and who knows how much of the rest of the world, and they had no problem using slaves.

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