Sen. Cotton Introduces Bill to Cut Funding to Schools Teaching ‘1619 Project’

Well you might as well tell us what you think the truth actually is.

It's sure not the 1619 project.

So what if someone wanted to teach the Nazi view history. Would you suddenly think maybe teachers shouldn't be allowed to teach whatever they want?
Not that familiar with the 1619 project but I am very familiar with the conservative need to make slavery into a benevolent institution that has since been unfairly demonized.
How about no college funding unless the professors are non-political and about half libs and half cons?
Any manipulation via grades or other pressure to a particular political viewpoint needs to be crushed.
By cons I hope you mean conservative and not convicts because then it could be cons and cons. LOL
That so-called "news"paper is right this time.

The chaos that we are currently enduring can all be traced back to 1619 when people from a faraway continent were forced to come here as unpaid workers.

I often imagine what a happy nation this would be today if 1619 had never happened.
I don't know of anyone that thinks slavery was a good thing. Unfortunately a notoriously dishonest source like the NY Times is using it, slavery, for it's own twisted political purposes and even more unfortunately,
weak minds with bad intentions gobble the lies up like breakfast cereal.
The writer of the 1619 project is a reporter for the New York Times. She is not a historian. She is an activist.
Why does she have to be a historian? If her study was sourced properly and her point view relevant and effective then shouldnt it deserve some credit and attention?
No. She is an activist writing to support her own conceived point. There is no history. There is no sourcing. There is only the activism.
Not that familiar with the 1619 project but I am very familiar with the conservative need to make slavery into a benevolent institution that has since been unfairly demonized.
Really? Quote the conservatives that think slavery has gotten a bad rap, outside of your own imagination,
Well you might as well tell us what you think the truth actually is.

It's sure not the 1619 project.

So what if someone wanted to teach the Nazi view history. Would you suddenly think maybe teachers shouldn't be allowed to teach whatever they want?
Not that familiar with the 1619 project but I am very familiar with the conservative need to make slavery into a benevolent institution that has since been unfairly demonized.

They really need to invent a Trump Derangement Syndrome vaccine
The 1619 Project is pure politicized garbage. Putting this in our schools and filling young heads with this
nonsense amounts to child abuse. It is literally teaching hate for America, which is what the NY Times
has always specialized in.
Smart move by Cotton. Our education cartel is destroying a generation. Charter schools, private schools, home schooling, anything but todays public education.
Very few compared to leftist universities. To the point you'd suddenly get if we changed sides, we're talking about taxpayer money. Start your own university and fund it yourself and teach whatever you want.

If you want taxpayer money, it should be non-partisan, not the leftist indoctrination camps we have now

I think the mistake in this thread is focusing on the administration and faculty at these universities ... the liberalism comes from the student body ...

In my ancient of years, one Truth has always rang ... "if you're 20, and a Republican, you have no heart; if you're 40, and a Democrat, you have no brains" ...

Many of these 18-year-olds who start at college are out and free of their parents dominion for the first time ... rules and propriety are the last things these kids want ... it's ape shit party time ... put 10,000 of these kids together and even rank-and-file Democrats seem like Square's-ville ...

There's nothing about conservativeness that requires an education ... even the stupid can do things the way they've always been done ... so conservatives don't generally go to college, even if they were allowed ... why explore the world if you don't want any change? ...

Disclaimer: I took mostly science and math classes ... for the "leftist indoctrination" requirements, I generally targeted the teacher choosing the ones who I knew would be more critical of my poor Englishing skills ... and of course the feminist classes were full of loose girls ... if "non-partisan" means no sex, then you lose ...
Why is 1619 leftist propaganda?

Because the USA was founded in 1776...not 1619.
So? That doesn’t explain how the program is leftist propaganda

They teach the USA was founded in 1619 off the backs if the poe poe black man so evil whitey needs to shower the brave and nobel black man with free money! And while they're at it evil whitey should get on their knees and apologize for their whiteness.

Is that leftist propaganda or not?
No they don’t. They explore a perspective of American history from the arrival of the first slave ship in 1619 and go from there following the plight of black slaves. The rest of your childish rant has nothing to do with the writing.

They aren’t trying to say the constitution was signed in 1619 so what exactly is your objection?
No mention of slaveless pioneers or anything? Well that's not an accurate depiction of history then.
The point wasn’t to give a full depiction of history. It was filling gaps that have been left out of how history has been told and taught. It is a perspective and experience and history that many feel has been left out of our public consciousness. Why do you have a problem with looking at that?
I’m asking for the OPs opinion. I’ll ask for yours as well. I’m not interested in reading a random google article for somebody else’s opinion. I’m here to discuss so let’s discuss. What are YOUR thoughts? WHY specifically is 1619 leftist propaganda?
It's the work of a wing nut activist. There is nothing to make me believe her work is unbiased or fair minded.
In fact just the example of how she has lied about Lincoln makes me certain she has an agenda and her
polemics prove it.
Have you actually read it?
The writer of the 1619 project is a reporter for the New York Times. She is not a historian. She is an activist.
Why does she have to be a historian? If her study was sourced properly and her point view relevant and effective then shouldnt it deserve some credit and attention?
No. She is an activist writing to support her own conceived point. There is no history. There is no sourcing. There is only the activism.
Have you read the whole thing?
The writer of the 1619 project is a reporter for the New York Times. She is not a historian. She is an activist.
Why does she have to be a historian? If her study was sourced properly and her point view relevant and effective then shouldnt it deserve some credit and attention?
No. She is an activist writing to support her own conceived point. There is no history. There is no sourcing. There is only the activism.
Have you read the whole thing?
The very premise is wrong. That's as far as anyone needs to go.
Why should schools teach an editorial from a newspaper that had to issue many corrections?
It was a Pulitzer winning piece, it must have brought some good perspectives to the table. Question is, why would you want to ban schools from analyzing it if that’s what the teacher wants to do? Seems odd to pass a bill trying to block open discussion of a historical perspective
The writer of the 1619 project is a reporter for the New York Times. She is not a historian. She is an activist.
Why does she have to be a historian? If her study was sourced properly and her point view relevant and effective then shouldnt it deserve some credit and attention?
No. She is an activist writing to support her own conceived point. There is no history. There is no sourcing. There is only the activism.
Have you read the whole thing?
The very premise is wrong. That's as far as anyone needs to go.
So is that you saying NO you haven’t read it?

so then your understanding of the premise has been told to you by other people, right? You’re not expecting anybody to take your ignorant opinion seriously then are ya?
Have you actually read it?
Have you? I have read portions of it and critiques of the 1619 screed.

"The New York Times has said that the contributions were deeply researched and arguments verified by a team of fact-checkers in consultation with historians. However, historians Gordon S. Wood, James M. McPherson, Richard Carwardine, James Oakes and Victoria Bynum have criticized the 1619 Project, stating that the project has put forward misleading and historically inaccurate claims. Historian Leslie M. Harris, who served as a fact-checker for the project, contends that the authors ignored her corrections. Despite this criticism, The Times replied, "We don’t believe that the request for corrections to The 1619 Project is warranted."

The work is a historical hatchet job filled with inaccuracies and purposeful errors. Is this what you like?
Why should schools teach an editorial from a newspaper that had to issue many corrections?
It was a Pulitzer winning piece, it must have brought some good perspectives to the table. Question is, why would you want to ban schools from analyzing it if that’s what the teacher wants to do? Seems odd to pass a bill trying to block open discussion of a historical perspective
There's no historical perspective. There is a political perspective. Schoolchildren should not be analyzing political positions in any case.

Good! I have to do enough teaching my kids real history after they come home with their heads filled with leftist propaganda.
That is a good idea.
The Left Wing Hatemongers are teaching minority kids to hate white kids and teaching white kids to be ashamed of themselves.
The Dems work very hard to divide Americans by race because racial division is a goldmine for them.
It is the same thing as teaching children to hate the Japanese or the Germans because WWll.
The Left lives on hate.

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