Sen. Duckworth: I won’t be lectured on military needs by a ‘five-deferment draft dodger’

trump's support is not high at all among Americans capable of thinking for themselves.
Really?! But then again, we were talking about Trump's support among veterans and the military.
This veteran thinks he sucks.
Overwhelming majority think he doesn't, and rightly so. So fuck this veteran hack.
You have the statistics to back that up?
Are you actually delusional and ignorant or pretending to be?

Survey: Career-Oriented Troops Favor Trump Over Clinton

How swing-state military veterans played a key role in Donald Trump winning the White House
Career oriented troops = desk jockeys.
Now you're being just ignorant. Trump's most formative years occrued when his father sent and unruly child to a military academy in NY akin to West Point, where he learned discipline, respect for the military, and love for country.

Yes, he got a medal for neatness.

As opposed to Senator Duckworth, who got a a Purple Heart, Meritorious Service medal, and the Air Medal.
Really?! But then again, we were talking about Trump's support among veterans and the military.
This veteran thinks he sucks.
Overwhelming majority think he doesn't, and rightly so. So fuck this veteran hack.
You have the statistics to back that up?
Are you actually delusional and ignorant or pretending to be?

Survey: Career-Oriented Troops Favor Trump Over Clinton

How swing-state military veterans played a key role in Donald Trump winning the White House
Career oriented troops = desk jockeys.
This is the kind of response I usually get from RWrs about military service,
This veteran thinks he sucks.
Overwhelming majority think he doesn't, and rightly so. So fuck this veteran hack.
You have the statistics to back that up?
Are you actually delusional and ignorant or pretending to be?

Survey: Career-Oriented Troops Favor Trump Over Clinton

How swing-state military veterans played a key role in Donald Trump winning the White House
Career oriented troops = desk jockeys.
This is the kind of response I usually get from RWrs about military service,
The career soldiers aren`t humping 70 lb. packs on the front line for 20 years. I have a cousin and a close friend who had a combined 45 years of service and I think they enjoyed their time more than I enjoyed my 35 years in a steel mill.
The leftist loser won't hear because the Cyka is ilke any other leftist idiot they can't stand to hear the truth or something that just might help this Country. The left mental cases prefer to have everyone suffer as they do. They are never happy, nothing makes them happy.
President Trump is the Commander-in-Chief of US Armed Forces by the will of the American people.
The will of the Electoral College. Otherwise the will of the American people would have had Hillary there.
This is why I want the electoral college system to be terminated. Faithless Electors List: Who Flipped Their Electoral Votes from Trump or Clinton?Faithless Electors List: Who Flipped Their Electoral Votes from Trump or Clinton? The term "faithless elector" is used to describe an electoral college elector/representative that doesn't vote according to the majority of voters in their district. The 2016 election had many electors not voting in a manner to represent the majority of voters in their districts. This is why I want the electoral college system to be abolished. Hillary ended up with over two million more votes from the American people than Trump, but Trump won because too many electors voted for Trump against the majority of voters in their districts. This actually happened both ways to Clinton and Trump but Clinton got the worst situation. If the Electors in the Electoral College are not going to truly represent the voters in their district, then the Electoral College needs to be abolished. We have the computer technology to use the direct real vote from voters only and simply go with the majority of voters. 2016 is the case in point for abolishing the Electoral College system.
Really?! But then again, we were talking about Trump's support among veterans and the military.
This veteran thinks he sucks.
Overwhelming majority think he doesn't, and rightly so. So fuck this veteran hack.
You have the statistics to back that up?
Are you actually delusional and ignorant or pretending to be?

Survey: Career-Oriented Troops Favor Trump Over Clinton

How swing-state military veterans played a key role in Donald Trump winning the White House
If you support trump then it is YOU who is ignorant and delusional. He's a prick and the entire world knows it.
Of course I support Trump, he's doing what's best for America and Americans, and trying hard to clean up the shit created by Obama and the Democrats.
you support trump then it is YOU who is ignorant and delusional. He's a prick and the entire world knows it.
I love the debate style of the left. All emotion and no facts.
It happens all the time...two minutes into the debate and they break down into a total whining hissyfit anybody who isn't mentally ill like them of being stupid, racist, homophobic, blah blah blah.
Now you're being just ignorant. Trump's most formative years occrued when his father sent and unruly child to a military academy in NY akin to West Point, where he learned discipline, respect for the military, and love for country.

Yes, he got a medal for neatness.

As opposed to Senator Duckworth, who got a a Purple Heart, Meritorious Service medal, and the Air Medal.
So there's ONE serviceman who turned into a politician hack as opposed to vast overwhelming majority of military personal who support Trump?

Good luck with that. :rofl:
And Obama's and the democrats' premature removal of our presence in Iraq made Duckworth's limbs-loss a total waste.

I know it’s nearly impossible for republicans to be honest, but please give it a try — just this once in your life. Okay....?

The removal of troops from Iraq had long before been agreed to, by a REPUBLICAN president, George W Bush. You remember Bush, that ignorant lying asshole who ignited the entire middle east in needless wars. The shit-for-brains republican who twisted intelligence reports and lied through his teeth in order to attack Iraq. The republican imbecile who listened to, and believed, other republican war-mongering maggots such as: Paul Wolfowitz, Stephen Hadley, and other republican chicken hawks. Surely you recall their wise words: “We will be greeted as liberators”. “The war will be over in days, not weeks”. “They’ll throw flowers at our feet”.

Then there’s the fact that the Iraqi president did NOT want U.S. troops in his country any longer, nor did the Iraqi people. On top of that they absolutely refused to give American troops immunity from prosecution for any ‘mistakes’ by American soldiers that resulted in Iraqi casualties, etc.

So you can whine about Obama til the cows come home. But you know, and all thinking people know, that the entire mess was started and mangled by George W Bush. The blood of thousands of young American soldiers, millions of dead civilians from the middle east, trillions of wasted American taxpayer dollars, wars throughout the middle east that seem never to end, thousands of U.S. soldiers maimed, debt that will haunt Americans for decades — ALL of this was caused by a typical republican liar and total incompetent: George W Bush.

And you want to blame Obama...? What a fucking laugh.


The agreement to leave Iraq this year dates from late 2008, when Mr. Bush, before leaving office, made a farewell visit to Baghdad that was disrupted when an Iraqi journalist hurled his shoes at him and denounced him as a “dog.”

...“Iraq is a highly nationalistic country, and we were not able to dislodge the view that they should not have foreign troops on their soil,” said Christopher R. Hill, a former American ambassador to Iraq who is now dean of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver.

You may have heard of Google, it can help you find much more material for your personal edification.
you support trump then it is YOU who is ignorant and delusional. He's a prick and the entire world knows it.
I love the debate style of the left. All emotion and no facts.
Google is your friend. There are hundreds of instances of trump lying. All you have to do is open your eyes, and your mind. trump is shown in video and heard on audio tapes. He tells, in his own words, what a maggot he is. We have to believe his words.
So there's ONE serviceman who turned into a politician hack as opposed to vast overwhelming majority of military personal who support Trump?

I wouldn't know about the 'vast majority". I doubt they'll like him so much when he gets a bunch of them killed in an unnecessary war.

Trump is a buffoon.
So there's ONE serviceman who turned into a politician hack as opposed to vast overwhelming majority of military personal who support Trump?

I wouldn't know about the 'vast majority". I doubt they'll like him so much when he gets a bunch of them killed in an unnecessary war.

Trump is a buffoon.
Let's just stick with "you wouldn't know", since you prove that with each of your posts.
Let's just stick with "you wouldn't know", since you prove that with each of your posts.

again, most people I know think Trump is a buffoon. As long as the economy hasn't tanked yet, they think he's a harmless buffoon.

That'll change when (not if) the economy tanks.
More and more Americans are getting sick of the incompetence and lack of leadership shown by trump. Thankfully more of them are beginning to speak out about it. Even cowardly GOP congressmen are beginning to grow a spine, starting to take a stance in favor of America, and pointing out some of trump’s massive deficiencies.

Senator Duckworth is a veteran who obviously has no fear of the boy in the Oval Office, and in this article she tells it like it is.

“I spent my entire adult life looking out for the well-being, the training, the equipping of the troops for whom I was responsible,” she continued. “Sadly, this is something that the current occupant of the Oval Office does not seem to care to do — and I will not be lectured about what our military needs by a five-deferment draft dodger.”

“And I have a message for cadet bone spurs: If you cared about our military, you’d stop baiting Kim Jong Un into a war that could put 85,000 American troops, and millions of innocent civilians, in danger.”
Duckworth, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, lost both of her legs when a rocket-propelled grenade shot down the helicopter she was piloting over Iraq in 2004.

For trump supporters who don’t want to remember who Senator Tammy DUckworth is, here’s a short reminder:

Duckworth, is a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, who lost both of her legs when a rocket-propelled grenade shot down the helicopter she was piloting over Iraq in 2004.
Perhaps if she were a better pilot?
Perhaps if she were a better pilot?

Perhaps if her commander in cheif hadn't lied about weapons that didn't exist and send her into a war zone, her piloting skills wouldn't be an issue.

Actually, she was awarded the air medal for successfully landing her craft after it had been hit, despite having both legs blown off.
Perhaps if she were a better pilot?

Perhaps if her commander in cheif hadn't lied about weapons that didn't exist and send her into a war zone, her piloting skills wouldn't be an issue.

Actually, she was awarded the air medal for successfully landing her craft after it had been hit, despite having both legs blown off.
Never mind that it was going down by itself huh?

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